
Friday, August 3, 2012

Maximilian Adventure: San Isabel and Puebla (Historicon 20012, part 4)

Eric B. ran two games on Thursday set in Mexico in the era of the Maximilian Adventure in Mexico.  The first game was the Battle of Puebla in 1862, and the 2nd was San Isabel set in 1866. His own gorgeous 15mm figures were used, and Eric scratch built the Fortresses, hills, etc needed for the game.  Once again, I lack experience photographing 15mm games, and these shots don't really do the games justice; still, here they are! Eric is the author of several sets of wargames rules, including Din of Battle, 2nd edition (available from Piquet, Inc.).

The Mexican forces are to the left, in the fortresses, village, and on the flank; the Europeans ( a very varied lot) are to the right.

Close up of the town...

and the fortress.

The European attackers.

The mission and the defenders.

The Mexicans seized the Initiative early on... and advanced on their would-be assailants!

An exchange of volleys in the village area.

French attackers close on the Mission as well.

Mexican reinforcements (?)

Ground level view; Mexicans threaten the European left flank!

European Artillery bombarding the Mexican positions; note the century Cacti, etc enhancing the terrain.

And, from Gabriel's blog, another overview picture:

I think the Mexicans emerged victorious; this would after all, become the date of Mexican Independence - Cinco de Mayo!   I have no idea if any Tequila was consumed in the course of the game... but I would hope so! I was too busy with my own game to get any pictures of the 2nd battle, which I believe was quasi-fictional. Eric did a great job, but did look exhausted. Having put of two games in the same day myself on a number of occaissions, I know the feeling. Great work, though! Having done all the work already (see Eric's own blog) now, Hopefully Eric will run this one again at future conventions!



  1. Interesting stuff. A period not often seen. Keep it up!

  2. Eric's games were impressive, showed the value of a well thought out scenario and preparation. I particularly liked his cacti, set up with such precision on the battlefield.

  3. Thanks for sharing these Peter. The Europeans were actually just French. :-) It was a very close run battle dispite the French rolling terrible most of the game. Terrain looked cooler in person I think. The Guadalope ridge is very large. The fort with the round towers is Fort Loreto, and the other one is Fort Guadalupe.

    1. There is no question the pics really don't do justice to the terrain (cacti, etc), which were *very* effective, and the ridge, which is a bit hard to make out as to extent and height in the pics. The Belgians and what not didn't contribute to this effort, eh?

  4. "I think the Mexicans emerged victorious; this would after all, become the date of Mexican Independence - Cinco de Mayo! "

    Not independence; that had happened 30-40 years before Puebla :) Cinco de Mayo just celebrates the victory over the French.

    1. I stand corrected. "Cinco de Mayo" is perhaps more an American celebration of things Mexican than a truly Mexican clebfration now days!

  5. I would like to run a Puebla game next May. What manufacturer does the Mexican militia miniatures in sombreros and other essentially civilian attire?

    1. The game was run by Eric Burgess, and all of figures are his. You can contact Eric through his blog. Here's a link to his Maximillian posts, which does include sopme discussion of the figures used:
