
Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Crisis on the Danube, 1809" with Snappy Nappy (Part 1)

    I enjoy our hobby of wargaming with miniature soldiers acros a fairly broad range of periods and genres, but I am sure that it will surprise no one that the Napoleonic era has always been my favorite. Among the many campaigns and battles of the French Revolution and Empire era, the 1809 campaign against Austria has always had a special appeal. The late David Chandler, in his marvelous book, The Campaigns of Napoleon, first used the heading "Crisis on the Danube" for his chapter on the events of opening phase of the campaign in Germany inApril 1809. James Arnold (with Dr Chandler's permission), used the same title for his excellent book on the same events, and of course John Gill's recent trilogy on the entire 1809 campaign (a "must have" for a wargamer interested in the events of 1809), Thunder on the Danube is a nod in Dr Chandler's direction. Of course, the title of this blog and my 1809 scenario book is part take off and part tribute to all three authors and their works.
    Starting almost 20 years ago, Russ Lockwood published a series of artticles in the Midwestern Wargamer's Association Newsletter (MWAN), describing the evolution of a set of simple Napoleonic rules and their application to a "Campaign in a Day". A commercial version was published in 2009, and I aquired a copy from Russ himself at Historicon 2009, in the midst of our own series of wargames commemorating the  200th anniversay of those events. Since reading these simple yet elegant rules, I've been itching to plan a "Campaign in a Day" of my own. Barry and I did a fairly big play test game with the rules in late 2009, which certainly lived up to it promise of quick play emphasizing the grand tactical and/or operational level, and yet giving rerasonable results with a decidely Napoleonic flavor. Other projects intervened, but now our wider gaming group, the Hartford Area Historical Gaming Society (HAHGS) has decided to go forth with a large scale Campaign in a Day based upon the 1813 campaign, in April of 2013. As a warm up, we plan to run a smaller Campaign in a Day) with Snappy Nappy based upon the same Crisis on the Danube of April 1809. With the cooperation of the organizers this will take place at ELLIS CON XXIV to be held on Saturday, November 17 , 2012 at Ellis Technical School in Danielson, CT.

Snappy Nappy

Snappy Nappy is available from On MIlitary Matters (link includes a nice selection of player comments). It is also available frm Caliver Books and Partisan Press, among others. There is a detailed description of the game in a review here on The Miniatures Page , although this appears to be for an earlier version (the one pictured was released in 2009). After rummaging through the nbasement, I at last found and re-read my own copy as part of the process of planning for the event.

Here's the Introduction to the Rules to give you an idea what they are all about:

Snappy Nappy represents a bold new way to wargame Napoleonic battles and campaigns with miniatures. The simple rules can be easily understood by the rawest Marie Louisa newbie, but are subtle enough for the most experienced grognard. Snappy Nappy moves quickly, allowing an ebb and flow to the battle usually unseen with current rules. How does Snappy Nappy play? A newbie exclaimed: "One thing I'll say. At the end of each turn, you see progress. I can't tell you how many games I've played where nothing happens." Too true. Forget overly complicated rules that make your eyes glaze over. Forget shoulder-to-shoulder battalions moving only a foot or two on a tabletop. Snappy Nappy revels in the big battles with big movement. One of the first customers noted: "First impressions are that the rules are well written and in an easy to understand format, I didn't need a lot of flipping back and forth to understand them. Simple as advertised, but I think the subtle may be there as well...What intrigues me most is the scope of the games, these are not grand tactical, I would describe them as operational." And if you ever wanted to share your enthusiasm for the Napoleonic era with the younger generation, Snappy Nappy is it. Simple to start, quick to learn, and with an emphasis on maneuver -- battles unfold with noticeable speed. Snappy Nappy teaches the differences among the three arms (infantry, cavalry, and artillery) while offering command perspectives on flanks, mass, and reserves. Napoleon said: "Read and meditate on and meditate on the campaigns of the Great Captains...This is the only way to learn the art of war." We'd add a corollary about using miniatures to "see" the art of war unfold. But don't be stuck with old rules -- Snappy Nappy brings miniatures meditation into the 21st century with a bold look, a memorable name, and a bolder set of rules. 1.0 Introduction "Read and meditate on history. It is the only real philosophy...Read and meditate on the campaigns of the Great Captains. This is the only way to learn the art of war." --Napoleon Napoleon continues to fascinate students of military history, not only because of his accomplishments, but also his failures. The same ambition that drove an unknown Corsican youth to crown himself Emperor of Europe also forced his ultimate decline and fall. Name the battle most associated with Napoleon and you'll find it to be Waterloo--hardly a ringing endorsement of his genius, and yet, it is his genius that remains with us and makes Napoleon one of those Great Captains of war. But reading about Napoleon only goes so far. At some point, we need to take the two-dimensional lessons of ink on paper--or perhaps electrons on screen--and make them three-dimensional opportunities for meditation. We want to experience the art of Napoleonic command, perhaps as Napoleon, one of his marshals, or even as one of his opponents, and match wits across a battlefield to see if we are as good as our historical commander de jure...or perhaps even better. Snappy Nappy is a set of historical miniatures rules for Napoleonic battles and campaigns. It is designed to combine the flavor of the period, the art of generalship, and simple -- yet subtle -- rules to create an enjoyable and playable recreation of operational Napoleonic warfare. I hesitate to call it "introductory," but if you read military history, you will be able to grasp the essence of the rules in the first 15 minutes (as over a dozen years of playtesting experience has shown us)...because we want you to be a commander, not a calculator. Created initially in 1994, Snappy Nappy arose from Napoleon's suggestion of reading about the campaigns of history--specifically Napoleon's campaigns--which talked about maneuvers across distances, feints and probes, finding and pinning the enemy, calling in more forces to pressure the flanks, then forcing a decision point and pursuing with élan. Most Napoleonic miniatures rules concentrated on the tactical level. The grand sweeps so often mentioned in books were limited to shoulder to shoulder formations of battalions inching across the terrain. And that's just fine if you're in the mood for such company- and battalion-level situations. But Napoleon and his marshals didn't fiddle with a company of skirmishers. They moved armies and corps (and sometimes divisions and the occasional brigade) from town to town, seizing--and sometimes missing--opportunities. That's what the memoirs and histories tell us. That's what the arrows on the maps show us. And that's what Snappy Nappy allows you to do on a tabletop. Snappy Nappy lets you run huge battles in a short amount of time. Indeed, campaigns can be run in an afternoon. It provides a command and control structure that allows you to vary the commander-in-chief's orders without rampant disregard for his intention. It offers a simple combat system that concentrates on morale loss rather than "figure removal" for speedier play--as well as simulating those events that cause utter panic to dissolve units into oblivion as well as the occasional superhuman fortitude. It rewards coordinated use of the three combat arms as well as punishes irresponsible deployment and attacks. It is also scalable. A 1-on-1 game works just fine, but for real excitement and fog of war, use multiple tables and 15-20 players. Games of 18 players across seven tables, and 22 players across four tables, have been run successfully in an afternoon. A host of smaller games with "only" 8 to 10 players across four tables and numerous 4- and 6-player games on one table have been done successfully by all skill levels. So if you want to spend more time being a commander instead of a spreadsheet, Snappy Nappy is for you. If you are brand new to miniatures wargaming, you'll appreciate the ease at understanding the interaction of the "4Ms": movement, musketry, melee, and morale. If you're already a tabletop veteran, you'll enjoy the subtle elegance of its mechanics as you think more about historical accounts than flipping through charts and rules. Snappy Nappy. The name says it all: it's a snap to learn and will make your simulation of Napoleonic warfare fast, furious, and fun.

    In the files section of the HAHGS site there is a nice PDF of the MWAN account of the 1813 "Campaign in a Day" as played by Russ' group, which is great for getting an overview of how the whole thing works.
   I had previously set up the forces in Snappy Nappy terms for the Danube theater in 1809:

The Crisis on the Danube, 1809

 Scales:  1 stand = 2000 Infantry, 750 Cavalry, or 24 Guns
1” tabletop = 150 yards tactically, about 300 yards strategically

L' Armee d'Allemagne, L' Empereur Napoleon I: Genius
Starting Location:  

II Corps, General de Division Nicolas Oudinot: Reliable
Starting Location:   

1st Division, Tharreau
1st Brigade – Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Claparede
1st Brigade – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd  Brigade – Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Light Cavalry Brigade, Colbert – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

3rd Heavy Cavalry Division, d'Espagne
1st Brigade – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

8# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
8# Horse Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

III Corps, Marechal Louis Davout: Genius
Starting Location: 

1st Division, Morand
1st Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Friant
1st Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

3rd Division, Gudin
1st Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

4th Division, St. Hilaire
1st Brigade – Elite (10 Legere, 57 Ligne)      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Light Cavalry Division, Montbrun
1st Brigade Pajol - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade Pire - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade Jaquinot - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Heavy Cavalry Division, St. Sulpice
1st Brigade – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

8# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Artillery - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
8# Horse Artillery - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

IV Corps, Marechal Andre Massena: Dashing
Starting Location:

1st Division, Legrand
1st Brigade – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Baden) – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade (Baden) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, St. Cyr
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade  (Hessians) - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

3rd Division, Molitor
1st Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

4th Division, Boudet
1st Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Light Cavalry Division Maraluz
1st Brigade – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – (Hesse/Baden) Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

8# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
8# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Horse Artillery - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

VII Corps (Bavarian), Marechal Francois Lefebvre: Reliable
Starting Location:

1st Division, Prince Royal
1st Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Wrede
1st Brigade – Veteran (Jagers)      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

3rd Division, Deroi
1st Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Corps Cavalry
Bavarian Dragoons – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Bavarian Chevau-Legers - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

12# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6#  Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Wurttemburg Corps, General de Division Vandamme: Dashing
Starting Location:

Division Neubronn:
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade (Jagers) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Cavalry Division
Wurttemburg Chevaulegers - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Artillery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Ad-hoc Corps. Marechal Jean Lannes: Charismatic
Starting Location:

Reserve Division Dupas
Infantry Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Rhinebund Division Rouyer
1st Brigade (Nassau/Anhalt) – Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Waldeck/Saxon Pr) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Reserve Division Demont
1st Brigade - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

1st Heavy Cavalry Division, Nansouty
1st Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Der K. K. Hauptarmee, Feldmarschal Erzherzog Carl: Charismatic
Starting Location:

1 Armeekorps, GdK Heinrich Graf Bellegarde: Weak
Starting Location: 

1st Division, Vogelsang:
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Ulm
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Fresnel
1st Brigade (Jagers) – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Freiwilliger) – Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade (Uhlans) – Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2 Armeekorps, FZM Karl Kolowrath-Krakowsky: Poltroon
Starting Location: 

1st Division, Brady
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Treunefels
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Klenau
1st Brigade (Jagers) - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Erz. Karl Legion) - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade (Uhlans) - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

3 Armeekorps, FML Friedrich Hohenzollern-Hechingen: Dashing
Starting Location:

1st Division, Lusignan
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, St Julien
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Vukassovich
1st Brigade (Grenz) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Erz. Karl Legion) - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade (Hussars) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

4 Armeekorps, FML Franz Rosenberg: Reliable
Starting Location: 

1st Division, Dedovich
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Bartenstein
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Somariva
1st Brigade (Grenz) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade – (Grenz) – Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade (Hussars) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

5 Armeekorps, FML Erzherzog Ludwig: Weak
Starting Location:

1st Division, Lindenau
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Reuss - Plauen
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Vienna Volunteers) - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Klenau
1st Brigade (Grenz) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Grenz) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
Light Cavalry Brigade (Hussars) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6 Armeekorps, FML Johann Hiller: Reliable
Starting Location: 

1st Division, Kottulinski
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade -Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade (IR Deutschmeister) – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Jellacic
1st Brigade (Hungarian) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Hungarian) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade (Hungarian) - Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Advanced Guard Division, Vincent
1st Brigade (Vienna Volunteers) - Conscript      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Grenz) – Seasoned      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
1st Lt Cavalry Brigade (Ch-Legers) - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Light Cavalry Brigade (Hussars) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Horse Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
12# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Reservekorps, GdK Johannes Liechtenstein: Weak
Starting Location:

1st Division, Rohan
1st Brigade (Grenadiers) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Grenadiers) – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade (Grenadiers) – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

2nd Division, Kienmayer
1st Brigade (Grenadiers) - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade (Grenadiers) – Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Cuirassier Division, Schneller
1st Brigade  - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
3rd Brigade - Elite      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

Dragoon Division, Rottermund
1st Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
2nd Brigade - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

6# Horse Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT
6# Foot Battery - Veteran      Bold  Firm  Nervous  Disrupted  Panic  ROUT

 Map of the Danube Theater, April 1809
(From "Thunder on the Danube", volume 1: Abensberg, by John Gill; one of the literally dozens of maps that add greatly to the value of the books)

    I have the basic concept for the operational map and component tables done; the area covered will be roughly that between the Isar and the Danube. There is plenty of work still to be done figuring out the terrain for the individual tables, but we have all the troops (and far more) that we need for the project; nothing needs to be painted special for it! I am really looking forward to this project, and the bigger 1813 one in April!



  1. Do you have Russ' map from when he did the 1809 campaign? I have a copy of it from MWAN if that is useful to you.

    Looking forward to following your progress.


    1. Ed,

      I have that copy of MWAN somewhere, but as I recall, the map as it appears there was somewhat indistinct; if you have it readily available it would be useful. As it is I was planing on working from my rough sketchn using the major river lines as table edges, and filling in some of the details form the board game "Seven Days in April" (which has glorious maps!)

  2. I have all of the Snappy Nappy articles and maps from MagWeb. Coming at you.

    Do you want the articles, too? It's a 3.5Mb Word doc...

    1. Hi Ed,

      Sure thing; why not?

      Thanks so much so taking the time to do all this!


  3. Hi there everyone, it's my first visit at thjis web site, and
    post is in fact fruitful for me, keep up posting these posts.

  4. For all the building on this one, it just dawned on me: do you still have the briefing and scenario rules for this? I get a vague sense of how it's supposed to work, but deployments and victory conditions are evading me. Thanks!

    1. I deliberately left the starting locations OUT of this rendition, because it would be "too much information" for the opposition. You may notice that we are currently planning a much updated version in about 2 months. The forces will be somewhat different, and the starting positions won't be published until the AAR. I have several twists in mind there anyway.

  5. I tried posting from my phone and am not certain it "took" so forgive me if this is a repeat: What you say makes good sense and is appreciated. Did you divulge victory conditions?

    1. When we ran it the first time, it was sort of a dry run for the events that followed. We didn't have enough players to run the whole thing, so we used 3 Corps a side, I think, and that gave a good test of the combat with SN, and the process of moving from table to table. When we run it this year, yes definitely the victory conditions will be known, the players will know their deployments and have a scouting report about the enemy's likely dispositions. I have in mind to give the opposing sides one of several possible options for altering some parameters of the campaign for their side.

  6. Well, two years on, we're going to be giving this a virtual "go" this coming Saturday evening. I've combined all the ten tables onto a single one measure 24' x 14' (to refresh, I play using Tabletop Simulator). Should be able to get six players, each commanding a corps or two.

    Any final thoughts welcome.

    Wish us luck!

    And thanks,


    1. Good luck!

      Are you going to keep the turns synchronized across the entire table? This could lead to some players having little to do for an extended time. If each player has 2 Corps, may be less of a problem.

    2. No choice, given TTS communications. They'll know going in and they're all pretty adept at the rules. Besides, SN being what it is, some tables will move pretty quickly.

    3. I look forward to it! Will you do a write-up on your blog?

  7. Round one in the books! Four-and-a-half hours in and it's going far better than it has any right to! Great fun.

  8. Part 2:

    Had a little bit of command shuffling which slowed matters a bit, but the battles at Au and Abensberg are well under way!
