
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Assyrian Light Infantry

While I am busy reading through and digesting my copy of Brent Oman's new Pulse of Battle rules (1500 BC - 500 AD) , here's some Assyrian Light Infantry to set the mood!

These fellows are pretty much basic Assyrian light archers, wearing no armor (save their characteristic Assyrian style helmets) and traditional Assyrian costume.

"On my command... Arrows!"

The un-fringed waist belt is an interesting component of the dress of this unit. 

While not extensively used, Javelin armed light infantry could e found among the ranks of the Assyrian army. 

These skirmishers wear sheepskin cloaks. 

Javelinmen such as these would likely be recruited from the surrounding hill tribes and/or Uartu, probably serving as allies/auxilliaries. 

The Assyrians did use significant numbers of slingers; these are the Light/skirmishing version. 

Slingers were supposedly  felt to be especially effective for sieges.

"Goliath, meet David...  "

Another unit of Assyrian Light Infantry archers, wearing a simpler costume, and no helmets. 

Their blue tunics mark them as belonging to my Division Nabu.

The black lining really brings out the colorful fringes on the Assyrian garb, I think.

This unit of light archers wears a very simple costume, without helmet or boots/sandals.

Their costume is characteristic of the Kingdom of Elam, which was often either at war with or allied to Assyria or Babylonia.  It was centered around the cities of Susa, and later Ashan (see map later).  The Babylonians called them Akkadians. Their territory ultimately became part of Persia, and/or Parthia.

The Kingdom of Elam was ancient, located in what is now part of Iran. Its language was evidently rather unique linguistically, and its writings have not yet been deciphered. Elamite was among the languages recorded as being heard in the biblical account of Pentecost. 

Map of the Kingdom of  Elam (from the Center for Ancient Iranian Studies - CAIS)

A short You-Tube video about Elam (the Hebrew name for the Kingdom)


  1. Nice to see the Minifigs onhte march!

    1. These "Egypt and Assyria" Minifigs were perhaps their best ever, IMHO.

  2. Looking very nice! Love the archers and the slingers...and great presentation too!

  3. Busting to try out POB myself but just no opportunity as yet.

    Nice figures again

    1. Yeah, we've got to get you back to the gaming table, Garry!

  4. More terrific photos from your collection! Your Old School style of painting really makes these pop. I like the color coded trim on the archers. Fantastic looking army!

    1. Well, considering that we learned the black-lining style (using an india ink pen) from Charlie and Dave Sweets figures, it really is "Old School". It works very well on the Minifigs.

      My house ancient armies have 2 stand units (could easily use for CC-Ancients, too, I suppose), thus the different "facing" color fringes for every 2 stand group.

  5. Will you do a review of POB the way you've done for FOB?
