
Sunday, August 31, 2014

La Bricole Returns

Sometime last year I finally joined the informal Napoleonic Wargaming forum, "La Bricole". Not long afterwards they had a sudden and involuntary migration to a new host, resulting in loss of many of the members (but not the files). I finally reconnected with the forum myself a month or so ago, and it is starting to pick up steam again.

The name of the forum is a tongue in cheek reference to an obscure bit of Napoleonic trivia (a "bricole" is a hand rope used by black powder artillerymen to maneuver their guns). From that you might think the group is composed of a bunch of nit pickers and button counters. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. The members are Napoleonic wargaming enthusiasts who are helpful and supportive, and enjoy sharing their projects. Bad behavior is neither expected not tolerated! 

If you'd enjoy sharing your enthusiasm for the period with similarly minded gentlemen wargamers (ladies welcome as well of course), then consider joining (or rejoining) La Bricole. It is now hosted by Forumer, and can be found here: LINK.  Hope to see some of you there!

Modern reproduction of a bricole for use by re-enactors and the like


  1. Thanks Peter, I'd not heard of this - I'll head over for a look.

  2. Please do; you'd make a fine addition to the community, Lawrence!
