
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Going Ballistic...

The last time I ran my Ancient armies on a gridded board with the Charlie Sweet Ancients Rules back circa 2013, it called to my attention the need for a few more War engine units to allow me to field as many of my ancient Ancient armies simultaneously as I might want. Around that time, Mega miniatures was having a going out of business sale. Along with a supply of new "chickens" of  many kinds, I also bought 4 of their  28mm Ballistas for only about $1.50 each. Such a deal!

They sat on the lead pile until this month when I needed them for my Ellis Con Ancient games with Legio Quaternarius. 

While more of a giant crossbow than an Ancient Ballista, they still serve the purpose.

I don't think I'd want a line of these things pointed in my direction!

I added the "bowstrings" with the same spool of black thread I've used for ships rigging, bows etc for at least 30 years. Anyone know where I can find some suitable crew figures?


  1. Nifty models, Peter! Are you looking for ancient or medieval crew to man the guns?

  2. More Ancient era, Jon. I have a pair of Medieval Ballistas with Teutonic knights type crewmen from the old and much missed Minifigs (of course!) "Alexander Nevsky" range.

  3. Nice ancient artillery peter, I have something similar I believe for a possibly xyston DBA army. Dangerous looking beasts!

    1. I would not want to be ion the receiving end of a bolt from one of those, that is for sure!

  4. They are four mean looking bits of gear aren't they?!
    Will the chickens operate the ballistas... :)

    1. Not the chickens - maybe the crows (corvus)...

  5. They look a bit more Medieval than ancient, but what the heck - hard to beat for $1.50 each!
    Just need some crew figures!

  6. Check Rafm for various crew figures in 25 mil ~ TT

    1. Hadn't thought of RAFM in a long time; chweckwed the site,and saw lots of great siege equipment, but no crew figures...
