
Friday, January 30, 2015

British Napoleonic Generals, Part 1

I have had almost 2-0 British high command figures on my painting desk for over 6 months; they have been getting a little attention here and there as I had the time, and I took advantage of some recent New England "snow days" to finally finish them!

This is a group of seven 28mm command figures from Old Glory; their British General;s set plus one of the officers from their RHA set, who will serve as a British Artillery commander if needed. 

Here's the first one - "are those Prussian or French I see coming?"

He is wearing a pretty standard British generals's uniform with white pants.

Some of the dark red shading on the jacket doesn't show up too well here. I might consider black lining the crimson sash - the universal mark of a British army officer. 

Our next chap doffs his chapeau...

as he prepares to hand off some orders to an unseen ADC .

The gold cords on the right shoulder became a mark of a British General in the later part of the Napoleonic Wars.

Here's the lone Cavalry general of the set.

His dress is clearly inspired by that worn by Uxbridge at Waterloo.

- right down to the leopard skin saddle blanket!

"Orders?! My Lord Soggybottom should presume to send ME  Orders? Harrumph!"

The dark blue saddle blanket with gold trim was standard issue for higher officers, apparently without any royal monograms or similar frippery!

The General's horses were painted en masse about 6 months ago, using staining and washing techniques. 

The standard British officer's coat was bright red with dark blue cuffs, collars, and lapels, with gold ornamentation. 

Turnbacks on the coat were white.

The short plume was UK standard white over red. No gold lace on the bicorn, though!

Classic "General with telescope" pose for this fellow - I should add a spot of light blue to the end of the scope for the lens!

He again wears the regulation uniform for a British General. 

"I say, Smithers, is that the Gin wagon approaching?"

This RHA officer was a spare from the Old Glory 20 figure RHA bag; I saved him for use as a Commander

The pelisse was worn by some RHA officers with a higher fashion sense!

Quite a dapper looking officer, especially for the Artillery!

The second part of this series will be some Foundy command figures form their last big sale a year or so ago!


  1. Every one a wonderful character study!

  2. Nice collection. One of Old Glory's strengths is that the figures are well animated. These Brits are no exception.

    Good job!

  3. Good job on these. I think you have more British staff painted than I do, right now.

    1. Thanks, Joe; it could be! The British army as a whole now is up to 335 figures, with at least another 100 to come.

  4. Good inspiration - I'm about to tackle a heap of British generals, but in 15mm.

  5. Those chaps should inspire the lads to beat the Frenchies!!

  6. Good looking group of commanders; the OG variety really shines with these.

    Are you planning a Quatre Bras game by any chance?

    1. Thanks, Mike.

      Joe has almost all the troops for Quatre Bras - has been collecting them (Perry) for about 10 yeras now, so hopefully he will run it sometime this year!
