
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Snappy Nappy - Planning The Waterloo Campaign

    We of the Hartford Area Historical Gaming Society are working out the details for our upcoming "Campaign in a Day" to be held Sunday April 26, 2015, using the Snappy Nappy rules by Russ Lockwood. We had a great time with our prior events, the first based upon the events of April 1809, and the second based upon August 1813. This one will depict the events of June, 2015. See the flyer below for the details of the event, which is open to all interested parties. I highly recommend the unique "Fog of War" experience of these events! 

"Scotland Forever!" - Lady Butler's wonderfully romantic painting of the charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo

   The event will be held at The Portal gaming space in Manchester, Connecticut. The Portal is directly across the street from its parent store, The Time Machine. It is superb gaming space, and ideal for this project. There is excellent lighting and a large number of 4 x 6 foot gaming tables available, most of which will be in use for this project. It worked very well for our 1813 event!

    At present, the plan is to "Zoom in" one level, so that a stand of Infantry represents 1000 men, a stand of Cavalry represents 400 men, and a stand of Artillery represents 12 guns with crews. Infantry and cavalry units generally have 2 stands per unit, while Artillery units have one stand only. At that level, the game could easily handle up to 16 players. Alternatively, if turnout is light, the forces can easily  be cut in half, which would put it back at the base ratios for Snappy Nappy. 

French Army, Napoleon I

1st Corps, d'Erlon
16 Line Infantry,  2 Legere
2 Hussars, 2 Chevau-Leger Lanciers
3 6# Foot Artillery

2nd Corps, Reille
12 Line Infantry, 8 Legere,
2 Chasseurs, 2 Chevau-Leger Lanciers
3 6# Foot Artillery

3rd Corps Vandamme
12 Line Infantry, 2 Regt Etranger, 2 Legere
2 Chasseurs
3 6# Foot Artillery

4th Corps, Gerard
12 Line Infantry, 2 Legere
2 Hussars, 2 Dragoons
2 6# Foot Artillery

6th Corps, Lobau
8 Line Infantry, 2 Legere
3 6# Foot Artillery

1st Cavalry Corps, Pajol
4 Chevau-Leger Lanciers, 2 Hussars,
1 6# Horse Artillery

2nd Cavalry Corps, Exelmans
8 Dragoons
1  6# Horse Artillery

3rd Cavalry Corps, Kellerman
8 Cuirassier/Carabinier
1 6# Horse Artillery

4th Cavalry Corps, Milahud
8 Cuirassier
1 6# Horse Artillery

Imperial Guard, Mortier/Drouot
4 Old Guard, 4 Middle Guard, 4 Young Guard, 1 Sailors/Genie, 
5 Guard HC (2 Grenadiers a Cheval, 2 Empress Dragoons, 1 Gendarmes d' Elite)
6 Guard LC (2 Chasseurs, 4 Lancers)
6 12 # Old Guard FA, 2 6# Old Guard Horse Artillery, 2 Young Guard 6# FA, 1 Line 6# Horse Artillery

French Totals:    89 Infantry, 55 cavalry, 29 Artillery
60 Line Infantry
16 Legere
2 Etranger
4 Old Guard Infantry
4 Middle Guard Infantry
4 Young Guard Infantry
6 Hussar
8 Chevau-Leger Lancers
4 Chasseurs
10 Dragoons
16 Cuirasssiers.Carabiniers
5 Guard Heavy Cavalry
6 Guard Light Cavalry
16 Line/YG 6# Foot Artillery
5 6# Horse Artillery
6 Guard 12# Foot Artillery
2 Guard 6# Horse Artillery

Anglo-Allied Army, Viscount Wellington

1st Corps, Prince Willem of Orange 
4 British Guard Infantry, 2 British Line, 2 KGL Rifles, 2 Hanoverian Lts/Jager, 2 Hanoverian Line, 2 Dutch Jagers, 2 Dutch Line, 6 Dutch Militia, 4 Nassau Line
1 British 9# Foot Artillery, 1 KGL 9# Horse Artillery, 1 Dutch 6# Foot Artillery, 1 Dutch 6# Horse Artillery

2nd Corps Hill
2 British Highland LI, 2 British Fusiliers, 4 British Line, 2 KGL Line 2 British Rifle, 2 Hanoverian Line, 4 Hanoverian Landwehr,  2 Dutch Light, 4 Dutch Line, 2 Dutch Militia
1 6# RHA, 1 British 9# Foot Artillery, 1 6# Dutch Foot Artillery

Cavalry Corps Uxbridge
2 Horse Guards, 2 Life Guards, 2 Scott's Greys,  16 British/KGL Light Dragoons/Hussars, 4 Hanoverian Hussars, 4 Belgian Carabiniers (HC), 4 Dutch LC, 2 Brunswick LC
(We have lots of Brunswick Cavalry, so some may fill in for the Dutch and Hanoverian LC)
2 9# British RHA, 1 6# Dutch HA 

Reserves, Wellington
4 Highlander Infantry, 4 British Line,  6 Hanoverian Landwehr, 6 Brunswick Infantry, 4 Nassau Infantry
2 RHA 2 British Foot Artillery, 1 Brunswick 6# Foot Artillery

Anglo-Allied Totals  76 Infantry, 36 cavalry, 15 Artillery
10 British Line
2 British Fusiliers
2 British Light Infantry
4 Highlanders
4 British Guard Infantry
4 British/KGL Rifles
2 KGL Line
2 Hanoverian Light Infantry
4 Hanoverian Line
10 Hanoverian Landwehr
4 DB Light Infantry
6 DB Line
8 DB Militia
8 Nassau Line
6 Brunswick Infantry
4 Guard Cavalry
2 Scott's Greys Dragoons
16 British/KGL Light Dragoons/Hussars
4 Hanoverian Hussars
4 DB Heavy cavalry
4 DB Light cavalry
2 Brunswick LC
4 British FA
6 British/KGL HA
2 DB 6#Foot Artillery
2 DB 6# Horse Artillery
1 Brunswick 6# Foot Artillery

Prussian Army, Marshal Blucher

1st Corps Ziethen
10 Prussian Line, 6 Prussian Reserve, 10 Prussian Landwehr
2 Hussar, 2 Dragoon, 2 Uhlan, 4 Landwehr Cavalry
2 6# Horse Artillery, 2 12# Foot Artillery, 4 6# Foot Artillery

2nd Corps Pirch I
6 Prussian Line  10 Prussian Reserve, 10 Prussian Landwher 2 Ex Lutzow Freikorps
4 Prussian Dragoons, 4 Prussian Hussars, 4 Prussian Landwehr cavalry
1 12# Foot Artillery, 2 6# Horse Artillery, 4 6# Foot Artillery

3rd Corps Thielmann
4 Prussian Line, 4 Ex-Russo-German Legion, 12 Prussian Landwher
4 Prussian Uhlans, 2 Prussian Dragoons, 2 Landwehr Cavalry
2 6# Horse Artillery, 1 12# Foot Artillery, 1 6# Foot Artillery

4th Corps Von Bulow
4 Prussian Line, 4 Prussian Reserve, 10 Prussian Landwehr
2 Uhlans 4 Hussars 2 Dragoons, 6 Landwehr cavalry 
2 Prussian Horse Artillery, 2 Prussian 12# Foot Artillery, 4 Prussian 6# Batteries

Prussian Totals:  92 Infantry, 44 cavalry, 27 Artillery
24 Prussian Line
20 Prussian Reserve
42 Prussian Landwehr
6 Lutzow/RGL Infantry
10 Prussian Hussars
10 Prussian Dragoons
8 Prussian Uhlans
16 Landwehr Cavalry
6 12# Foot Artil;lery
8 6 # Horse Artillery
13 Prussian 4# Foot Artillery

257 (771 figs)
139 (278 figs)
71 (220 figs/71 G)

Main Source used for deriving the OOB in Snappy Nappy terms:

With additional help from the Cent Jours site:

Map of the Theater of War from the Block Game, Napoleon by Columbia Games

I hope to see some of you there!



  1. That would be quite fun to join your group in a game, Peter. Unfortunately, about 2,700 miles separate us (and yes, Peter and I live in the SAME country!).

  2. Just a matter of different coasts!. Been to California twice, but not yet to the Pacific Northwest - a deficiency I plan to remedy eventually!

    Sure you can't arrange an urgently needed business trip to Hartford the end of April, Jon? :-)

    1. You do get a better sense of the immense size of the US when you consider it is a little over 1500 miles from Moscow to Paris - and the distance between us is almost twice that!

    2. Exactly! I added that note to give our European friends a sense of the size of the USA.

  3. Looks like an interesting OOB - you almost have one stand per infantry battalion in some cases I think.

    1. At the 1 base + 1,000 men, that's correct, some bases represent nearly a battalion, others up to 2-3. Inevitably some compromise is necessary to make it all work out in gam,e terms!

  4. Good luck...a fantastic preparation...

  5. I have been looking forward to this and enjoyed following your progress. It seems that "suddenly" April (as well as June 18th) doesn't appear that far away at all.

    1. April is a mere 3 months away - fortunately, on surveying the key players, it appears there is minimal painting etc that needs to be done before then. I do have quite a bit of painting (Prussians) to do for Ligny in July, and I still hope we'll do Waterloo as a tabletop battle in the Fall.

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