
Friday, April 3, 2015

Prussian Napoleonic Dragoon Regts #4 and #8

   Next to join the forces of Prussia are the other two regiments built from the three packs of Old Glory Dragoons - DR #4 "2nd West Prussian" and DR #8 "Magdeburg, the later raised in 1815. I have previously covered the details of the Prussian Dragoon uniforms. These new regiments bring my Prussians Dragoons to four regiments total - as many as my French army. Sacre bleu!

First up is DR #8. I used different variations of Light Blue for each of these two regiments, and both are different from my two prior units. For this regiment I used Delta CC Caribbean Blue stained with  CC Blue Lagoon.

This relatively light blue contrasts well with their yellow facings, I think. 

The horses are "Light Chestnuts", with the trumpeter riding a light Grey horse. 

The 8th regiment probably wasn't issued standards, at least until after Waterloo, but mine will carry one... eventually!

This is DR #4 "Zweites Westpreussiches". Although the Kollet jacket was authorized for dress occasions, on campaign the much longer Litewka coat was commonly worn.

The decidedly Turquoise coloration of this unit's coats was created by painting them Delta CC Turquoise, then stained CC Azure Blue. The horses are "Dark Bay", with the trumpeter astride a Light/dappled Grey. 

Once again a standard is to be added later, probably by GMB. At least the colors for this unit are known!

The facings were painted first with CC Poppy red, which has a decidedly orange tone, then over painted with CC Fire red./ I wanted to make the color clearly distinct from DR #1's Crimson. The combination of the turquoise coats, orange-ish facings, and white belts reminds me a bit of the uniforms of the Miami Dolphins (American) football team. Perhaps Larry Csonka, Jim Kick, Dan Marino, and Mercury Morris are riding among their ranks?  Showing my age there with players from the 1970's!

Yorckscher Marsch, "March of Yorck's Korps".
Curiously it was written by Ludwig von Beethoven in 1809 as the "March for the Bohemian Landwehr". It was also associated with the former East German military. 


  1. Nice looking Prussian's

    I have some 6mm Prussians on my table right now as well


    1. Thanks, Ian. Good luck with your own Preussisches!

  2. Nice work!

    Miami Dolphins was my favorite NFL team of the early 1970s. I guess that dates me too!
    I recall getting a Tudor electric football game for Christmas during the early '70s and repainting one of the teams to match the Dolphins' uniforms. Remember those games with "Total Team Control' bases? Hours and hours of time spent with that game. What fun and good memories!

    1. At that time, I was playing in the band in HS and later college, so I saw a lot of live football, which was part of what what got me in to the game. That died out by my 30's, and I've hardly watched a pro game since. Too much else to do. The Dolphins were fun team to root for back then!

  3. Lovely troops - stunning uniforms.

  4. Nice work on some colourful looking regiments

  5. This beautiful light blue will highlight your battlefields, no doubt!

    1. Thanks, Phil. The Prussians definitely need a bit of brightening here and there!

  6. Lovely dragoons and a wee tune to!

  7. Wow I didn't realise Prussians could have light blues like that, excellent! Great work.

    1. The exact shade of blue for the Prussian dragoons is subject to debate - these two are definitely on the lighter end of the spectrum, similar tio the shade shown in Funken's illustrations. There are some examples of the range of shades here:

      and here:

      and I can always claim fading of the natural plant dyes from sun exposure, too! :-)

    2. Knoetel's text describes the color as "Hellblau" = "light blue". Sky Blue would be "Himmelblau", usually.

      Some images for "Hellblau"

  8. Good looking Dragoons, looking forward to seeing them later this month.

    1. Thanks, Joe. They should add a little "local color"!

  9. Hi Peter, this page doesn't seem to be indexed on your uniform guide yet, just a wee heads up, thanks!

    1. Yes, Mark, I am behind on adding some of the posts from the past 6 months or so to the index, something that is on my post Historicon "to do list" for updating.

    2. Cool no worries, just commenting in case it had been missed, thanks!
