
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Last of the Line head from Ligny to Waterloo

As the last few hours drain away on this, the 200th Anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, I post the last of the Prussian Infantry that will appear at Ligny (and then, late in the day, at Waterloo itself, if history repeats itself half as much as the Abba song!)

This is the 3rd Silesian Infantry Regiment, I.R. #13, As one of the "new" 1815 Line regiments, the flag is speculative at best, but it does go well with their yellow facings. 

As the 3rd regiment of the Province, even their shoulder straps are yellow. Old Glory figures once again (from the "Prussian Militia Men" bag).

Yes James, my freind, more clogs and tattered pants for these fellows, as well as "Litewka" coats.

"Feldmarshal Blucher has given his word that we will appear to support Wellington at Waterloo... and so we shall!

Sorry, couldn't resist posting this Abba classic. 
I spent most of the month of May, 1974, performing  and on tour of Europe with the University of Connecticut Marching Band (Baritone Horn).  The itinerary included Ingolstadt, Regensburg, Lyon, Geneva, Lucerne, Zurich, Leichtenstein, and Munich. Abba had just won the Eurovision contest with this song in April, and it was on the airwaves (and our tour buses) almost constantly that month. As a result, whenevr I hear the song, it takes me back to touring the Bavarian countryside, or the alpine roads of Switzerland. Unfortunately, I haven't been back to Europe since then, but I hope to do a Rhine River Cruise - perhaps in a few more years!


  1. Rhine river cruise - sounds superb! Great looking figures again Peter, good luck with the event!

  2. lovely painted unit - I'm sure your Prussians will the save the day for the Anglo-Allies at Waterloo


    1. Thanks, Phil. They're eager to do whatever it akes to beat the french - no matter how much I'd prefer they not!

  3. With all of the Prussians being fielded, Old Vorwarts ought to have be able to give Boney a run for his money at Ligny 2015!

    Nice work as always, Peter.

    1. The Prussians actually outnumber the French by a considerable margin at Ligny. Quality is another matter, though.

  4. Good looking troops there! Quite a build up of Blucher's boys this year!

    1. Thanks, Joe. When I'm done they will have added about 15 Infantry, 5 cavalry and 4 Artillery units this year. The Artillery are being based now, and I've just started the last 2 Cavalry. Ran into a rare (first time ever, actually) Old Glory error - the bag of "Prussian Hussar Command" is in fact Prussian Dragons Charging. Oops!
      Shot off an order to OG last night (I can use the Dragoons anyway), but iof worse comes to worse my Saxon Hussars can be proxies for one Prussian unit of same.

  5. Always good to see more Prussians turned out, lovely work


  6. That's another box ticked then Peter. Just a few more landwehr to go now?

    I loved Bavaria when I was there ten years ago, and had the good fortune to spend Christmas there and it really was magical (venison in a red wine sauce for Christmas dinner in front of a log fire in a hotel at Hohenshwangau, as the snow gently fell outside - something I'll never forget). A Rhine cruise sounds like a great idea.

    1. I have finished ALL the infantry, the Artillery is being based, so just the 2 Cavalry left to go.... which is as planned, so that I can start the job of packing it all up for the 300 mile trip to Fredericksburg next month!

      I have a good freind in Dresden, so a visit there is in the longh range plan as well. Alaska will probably come first, though.

  7. Nice work Peter! I've always liked the look of the Silesian blue with yellow facings uniforms. I blame it on the old Airfix plastics I bought as teen (and still have!)
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks, Jason. I agree the Silesian uniforms look especially spiffy with the yellow and dark blue contrasting nicely!

  8. Great looking Prussian troops Peter, and the Rhine River Cruise seems very interesting!

    1. Thanks, Phil.
      May be we should organize a wargames Blogger's Rhine Cruise deal? :-:-)

  9. I always enjoy seeing your Napoleonic troops. (By the way, I play the euphonium, too.)

    1. Thanks, John. The Baritone (Or Euphonium) is a fine instrument... at least for my own limited musical talent!

  10. Great combination and work of memory.

  11. Great looking troops, good luck with the packing.

