
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Still more new Prussian Landwehr - 1813

With Historicon a little over 5 weeks away, still more Prussians have marched off the Painting Table on their way to Ligny!

This is the 2nd Brandenburg Landwehr Regiment. As the 2nd regiment of the Province, I have given them red shoulder straps, which conveniently match the red facings of Brandenburg Province. 

Nash says that while the regulation was for white or dark blue pants, in 1813 beige and grey were often seen (as well as Litewkas in Grey or even brown cloth). I've given this unit ragged red-brown pants (and clogs). 

I saw a unit of old school Prussian Landwehr on the "La Bricole" forum earlier this year, and they had a flag like the one above, bearing a large white "Landwehr Cross", but with red replacing the usual black background. There is probably no historical justification for it (and of course the Landwehr weren't even supposed to have flags, at least officially), Still I think it's very attractive. It was easy enough to change the black to red on a Napflag Prussian Landwehr flag using MS Paint. As usual, the printed out flag was enhanced with some dark red (CC Morocco Red) actual paint, giving the color much more intensity. 

These are of course 28mm Old Glory Figures - from the "Silesian Landwehr" pack.

First Pomeranian Landwehr Regiment; drawn from the same Old Glory pack as the Brandeburgers above. 

White facings for Pomerania province, and I have given them matching white shoulder straps as the first Regiment of the province. They carry a more typical Landwehr flag. 

Beige/tan pants for this outfit, somewhat tattered again, and clogs. 


  1. Lovely figs, very nice artwork!

  2. Your Landwehr might look better than my regulars!

    1. LOL, John. Their pants are in tatters and they wear clogs - hopefully your Regulars are at least better equipped!

  3. Beautiful, they are beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Phil. I don't think Landwehr get called "beautiful" very often! :-)

  4. Never have too many Landwehr, ja! Look good, Peter.

    1. When it comes to 1813 Prussia, I thin you're right, Joe. After an expected rock start, they preformed quite acceptably... much better than the 1809 Austrian version. Of course the fact that they got to learn their trade against almost equally poor enemies (as opposed to 1809), and had some successes, went a long way in that! Also a much higher level of "patriotic" and other motivations in the 1813 Prussians.

  5. Peter, I hope you treat us all to a group photo of all of your new Prussian recruits before the big Historicon game. Love the red and white flag.

    1. If time permits, I hope to do a shoot of the entire Prussian collection, which is looking to settle at about 950 figures!

      The red/white flag is spiffy, isn't it?

    2. The Prussians were always a bit neglected by me in the past, but not any longer. Indeed, representatives from my French, Russian, and Austrian Armies are all claiming they need to add a new infantry Division to maintain an appropriate Balance of Power! I have some spare Russian infantry figures. Then again, I need to finish my existing British infantry figures, and add a lot more British Cavalry. Then there are the Spanish, plus that Wurzburg unit I bought this winter...

  6. Excellent favourite Napoleonic troops.

    1. Thanks! I certainly wouldn't say that myself, but I think I've painted several hundred of them now! They do allow for some creativity, sort of like civil war Rebs!

  7. Looking forward to seeing you and your fabulous miniatures next month.

    1. Likewise, Victor, looking forward to seeing you, and many of the others of the Piquet, etc gang next month!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, Phil. There are still quite a few more Prussians to come in the next month before I can put the Prussian Blue at the back of the Paint collection again!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, and hope you have a great time at your own Waterloo 200th Anniversary game!

  10. Lovely work, and you really are getting through them at a fast pace. It should make for a spectacular game.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence, Bar tan excess of inevitable chances of life, I'll be finished with everything in time!

  11. I applaud you taste in flags, sir!

    1. Thanks! Love the handle by the way - so many layers of meaning possible!

  12. Your going great guns with your Prussians!!!

  13. Replies
    1. The Prussian "blitzkrieg" will continue for at most another 4 weeks, and then it will calm down once again!
