
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Battle of Ligny - June 16 1815: The Scenario

Here is the scenario for Ligny as we used it; it was shamelessly stolen adapted from that by my e-freind, Michael (aka Wargamer Rabbit).   The main changes were to simplify the map, eliminate all but Jeanin's Division of Lobau's Corps (as it doesn't appear to me that the rest of the 6th Corps fought at Ligny), and to move most of the Prussian troops onto he actual table at the start of the game... and of course adapt it to the Field of Battle rules.

Having played it twice now, I'd suggest the following changes:

1) Change The Ligny to a Class III stream, with normal FoB rules. This is quite bad enough!
2) Downgrade the Prussian Infantry to be DD 6, CD 10 for all "Line"/"Reserve" regiments", and DD4   CD8 for all Landwehr regiments.
3) "His presence on the battlefield is worth 40,00 Men!"  Add an extra 12 Morale points to the French total as otherwise determined  by the normal Field of Battle rules. They are going to need them! Should Napoleon be lost, well the game is effectively lost anyway, but so are the bonus Morale Points.

The Battle of Ligny is much less well known (to English speakers, at least) than Waterloo or Quatre Bras. Playing the games gave me a greatly improved understanding of the battle, as well as an appreciation for how well the French fought this day in order to inflict a significant (but not decisive) defeat upon the Prussians. One can only imagine what might have happened had all of  D'Erlon's Corps arrived as expected, and had he notified Napoleon properly of his approach to the area!



The Battle of Ligny: June 16, 1815
Scales: 1200 men/Infantry Unit,   800 men per cavalry Unit,     12 - 16 guns per Artillery Unit 
 1" = 50 yards.        Rules: Field of Battle, 2nd Edition, by Brent Oman (Piquet, Inc).

Terrain notes: .
Built Up Areas (BUA’s) represent the gardens, low walls, outhouses, narrow lanes etc. of these villages. Infantry positioned in the green zone BUA’s are treated as though in light woods (Class II) for visibility, movement and combat modifiers. The actual building placed within the BUA are still class II or III positions.
Buildings are class II except for one. En-Haut farm located in Ligny, shown on map with a Cross, is class III. En-Haut is representative of several buildings in Ligny, which were solid strong points.
Ligny stream has special crossing rules. It counts as Class II Terrian, with an additional movement cost of 2” for infantry (4” for cavalry), and causes any unit crossing the stream to become Out of Command until rallied, and prevents charge movement (engaging in Melee on a won Even roll, or a melee card, unless already in contact). Bridges nullify the above special movement rules. Artillery must remain limbered on MOVE they cross the stream, is out of Command and costs 2” of movement.
Fords and other streams count as class II streams without the additional special rules

Possible rainfall from the turning of the 5th French MOVE card onwards. Roll a D6; on a score of "6", a rainstorm (with lighting) occurs. Add one to the D6 roll for each MOVE card turned by either side  thereafter until the rain event occurs. The Rain lasts for that MOVE card and the following MOVE card (of either side) , and ends when the 2nd MOVE card (of either side) is turned following the one that triggered the downpour. During the Rainfall artillery is DOWN 1 additional for fire, and Infantry is DOWN 2 for fire combat.

Deployment Map

Special scenario rules:
Prussians must hold the villages: The Prussian army must attempt to contest three (3) of the five (5) following villages. Contesting means occupying one or more buildings in each village. The five (5) villages are; Ligny, St. Amand, St. Armand la Haye, Wagnelee, and the group of Tongrinelle, Baignee and Balatre together. Failure to contest at least three (above list) causes Prussians to lose D8 Morale Points when each Prussian MOVE card is turned until the requirement is fulfilled again.
French Village Tactics: While positioned in the outlined BUA’s (green zones), a French infantry unit is UP 1 for both morale and melee combat while in the BUA zone itself. This French bonus is not applied to units in buildings (normal rules apply).
Franco-Prussian hatred: Any melee combat in the BUA zone, or buildings in the BUA, automatically gives the losing (retiring) side additional UI loss. This additional UI loss does not cost a Morale Point, nor count towards causing a Routed/Destroyed result.

French have reinforcements marching to the battle.
Jeanin's Division of Lobau’s  6th Corps will arrive starting with the First French MOVE Card. 6:00 pm hour turn. They march onto the table in March columns along and within 12” of the Fleurus road at the Southern table edge. 
D’Erlon’s 1st Corps will be “seen” starting with the Third French MOVE card. Once seen, the Prussian commander may invoke a special “dark masses” condition at the start of the 3rd, 4th OR 5th French MOVE Card. From them until the next French MOVE card, the Imperial Guard and Milhaud's Cavalry Division may not cross the far side of the Ligny stream, or if they have crossed, may not advance further until the next French MOVE card is turned.
D’Erlon’s detached 4th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division will actually enter the table at the start of the 5th French MOVE card. They enter Deployed along the Northern 3 feet of the far Western table edge opposite Wagnelee, etc.
The Prussian Cavalry of the 2nd corps starts just off the table as shown, and may enter the playing area adjacent on any Prussian MOVE card.

The game ends after the 7th French MOVE card is played and acted upon (Move One Command Cards are ignored when counting MOVE cards for any reason). Darkness has fallen, ending the fighting.

Victory conditions:
French Crushing victory: The Prussian army is driven from all the named villages and has failed Army Morale by nightfall. 
French Minor victory: French have control of four named villages and/or the Prussian Army has Failed Army Morale.  (Historical result)
Hung Battle (draw for today): Prussian Army is still contesting two or more named villages. Neither side has failed Army Morale. Battle will either continue next day or Blucher and Wellington make other plans. 
Prussian Minor victory: Be contesting all the named villages at nightfall, and/or French fail Army Morale. 
Prussian Major victory: Cause the French to Fail Army Morale and have Prussian infantry units within 12” of the exit road to Fleurus. Napoleon soon signs his second abdication. The Hundred Days is over.

L'Armée du Nord (66,000 men, 232 guns + late arrivals from D'Erlon)  
Emperor Napoleon I LD
Sequence Deck: Morale Points:  

Imperial Guard, Marshal Mortier (GD Drout acting cmd) LD:

Old Guard Grenadier Division  GD Friant LD
2 Old Guard Grenadiers a Pied DD10, CD 12+1
1 Middle Guard Grenadiers DD10, CD 12

Old Guard Chasseur Division GD Morand LD
2 Old Guard Chasseurs a Pied DD10 CD12+1
1 Middle Guard Chasseurs DD10, CD 12
1 Marines/Genie of the Guard (2 stands, 2 UI) DD10, CD 12

Young Guard  Division GD Duhesme LD
2 Voltigeurs DD 8, CD12
2 Tirailleurs DD8, CD12
1 6# Marine Foot Artillery DD6, CD 12

Cavalry Division, GD Guyot LD
1 Grenadiers a Cheval DD 10, CD 12+1
1 Empress Dragoons DD 10, CD 12+1
1 Gendarmes d' Elite (2 stands, 2 UI) DD 10, CD 12+1

Guard Artillery, GD St. Maurice LD 
2 Old Guard 12# Foot Batteries DD10, CD 12+2
1 Old Guard 6# Battery DD10, CD 12+2
1 Old Guard 6# Horse Battery DD10, CD 12+2

1st Corps, D'Erlon (Corps HQ absent)

4th Division, GD Drutte LD
3 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12

2nd Brigade, 1st Light Cavalry Division GD Jacquinot LD
1 French Chevau-Leger Lanciers DD 6, CD 10

II Corps Commander: GD Reille (at Quatre Bras, except:)

7th Infantry Division, GD Girard LD
2 French Legere DD 6, CD 12
2 French Line DD 6, CD10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

3rd Corps, GD Vandamme LD

8th Division  GD Lefol LD
1 French Legere DD 6, CD 12
3 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

10th Division Habert LD
3 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 Foreign Regt (Swiss) DD 8, CD 12
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

11th Division Bertheneze LD
4 French Line DD6, CD10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

3rd Cavalry Division GD Domon LD
1 French Chasseur a Cheval DD 6, CD 10

IV Corps,  GD Gerard LD

12th Infantry Division, GD Pecheux  LD
1 French Legere DD 6, CD12
3 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

13th Infantry Division, GD Vichery LD
4 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

14th Infantry Division, GD Hulot LD
2 French Legere DD 6, CD 12
2 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

6th Cavalry Division, GD Maurin LD LD
1 French Dragoon DD 6, CD 12
1 French Chasseur a Cheval DD 6, CD 10

VI Corps,  GD Compte Lobau  absent except:

20th Infantry Division, GD Jeanin  LD
1 French Legere DD 6, CD12
2 French Line DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Foot Artillery DD 6, CD 12

Cavalry Reserve,  Marshal Grouchy LD

1st Reserve Cavalry Corp,  GD Pajol LD
(4th and 5th Cavalry Divisions)
1 French Hussar DD 8, CD 10
1 Chevau-Leger Lancier DD 6, CD 10
1 Chasseur a Cheval DD 6, CD 10
1 6# Horse Artillery Battery DD 8, CD 12+1

2nd Reserve Cavalry Corps, GD Exelmans LD
(9th and 10th cavalry Divisions)
3 French Dragoons DD6, CD 12
1 6# Horse Battery DD 8, CD 12+1

4th Cavalry Reserve Corps, GD Milhaud LD
(13th and 14th Cavalry Divisions)
4 French Cuirassier DD 8, CD 12+1
1 6# Horse Battery DD 8, CD 12+1

French Totals:
26 French Line Infantry
7 French Legere Infantry
1 Foreign (Swiss) Infantry
4 Old Guard Infantry
2 Middle Guard Infantry
4 Young Guard Infantry
1/2 Marines/Genie of the Guard
3 Chasseurs a Cheval
1 Hussar
2 Chevau-Leger Lanciers
4 Dragoons
4 Cuirassiers
1 Grenadiers a Cheval
1 Empress Dragoons
1/2 Gendarmes d" Elite
9 Line 6# Foot Artillery
1 Marine 6# Foot Artillery
3 Line 6# Horse Artillery
2 Guard 12# Foot Artillery
1 Guard 6# Foot Artillery
1 Guard 6# Horse Artillery

TOTAL:  44.5 Infantry, 16.5 Cavalry, 17 Artillery = 78 Units

Prussian Army (84,000 men, 216 Guns),
Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher LD
Sequence Deck:            Army Morale:

I Korps, Lieutenant-General von Ziethen LD

1st Brigade, Major-General von Steinmetz LD
4 Prussian Line (12 ex Reserve,24 ex Reserve) DD6, CD 10
2 Prussian (Westphalian) Landwehr DD4, CD 8
1 Silesian Shutzen DD 8, CD 12
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12

2nd Brigade, Major-General Pirch II[a] LD
2 Prussian Line (6th) DD6, CD 12
2 Prussian Line (28, ex ) DD 6, CD
2 Prussian Landwehr (Westphalian) DD 4, CD 8
1 Prussian Grenadier DD8, CD 12

3rd Brigade, Major-General Jagow LD
2 Prussian Line (7th ) DD 6, CD 12
2 Prussian Line (29th, ex ) DD6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Westphalian) DD4, CD 8
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12

4th Brigade Major-General Henckel von Donnersmarck LD
4 Prussian Line (13,19 both ex-Reserve) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Westphalian) DD4, CD 8

Reserve Cavalry, Lieutenant-General von Röder LD
2 Prussian Dragoon DD6, CD 12
1 Prussian Hussar DD8, CD 10
1 Kurmark Landwehr cavalry DD 4, CD 10

Reserve artillery, von Lehmann LD
12# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12+1
1 6# Foot battery DD6, CD 12
1 6# Horse Artillery Battery DD 6, CD 12

II Korps, commander: Lieutenant-General von Pirch II LD

5th Brigade, Major-General von Tippelskirch LD
2 Prussian Line (2nd ) DD6, CD 12
2 Prussian Line (25th ex ) DD 6, CD 12
2 Prussian Landwehr (Westphalian) DD 4, CD 8
1 Prussian Jager DD 8, CD 12
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12

6th Brigade, Major-General von Krafft LD
2 Prussian Line (9th) DD 6, CD 12
2 Prussian Line (26th ex ) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Elbe) DD 4, CD 8
1 Prussian Jager DD 8, CD 12
7th Brigade, Major-General von Brause LD
4 Prussian Line (14th, 22nd both ex Reserve) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Elbe) DD 4, CD 8
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12

8th Brigade, Major-General Bose LD
4 Prussian Line (21, 23 both ex-Reserve) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Elbe) DD 4, CD 8
Reserve Cavalry Major-General of Cavalry, von Wahlen-Jürgass LD
1 Dragoon DD 6, CD 12
1 Hussar DD 8, CD 10
2 Landwehr Cavalry DD 4, CD 10

Reserve artillery, von Röhl LD
1 12# Foot Battery DD 6, CD 12+1
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12
1 6# Horse Battery DD 6, CD 12

III Korps, Lieutenant-General von Thielmann LD

9th Brigade, von Borcke LD
2 Prussian Line (8th) DD 6, CD 12
2 Prussian Line (30th ex- ) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Kurmark) DD 4, CD 10
1 6# Foot battery DD 6, CD 12

10th Brigade, von Kämpffen LD
2 Prussian Line (27th ex ) DD 6, CD 10
2 Prussian Landwehr (Westphalian) DD 4, CD 8

11th Brigade, von Luck LD
4 Prussian Landwehr (Kurmark) DD 4, CD 10
1 6# Foot battery

12th Brigade, von Stülpnagel LD
2 Prussian Line (31st ex ) DD 6, CD 10
3 Prussian Landwehr (Kurmark) DD 4, CD 10

Reserve Cavalry Major-General von Hobe LD
1 Prussian Dragoon DD 6, CD12
2 Prussian Hussar DD 8, CD 10
1 Prussian Uhlan DD 6, CD 10
2 Landwehr cavalry DD 4, CD 10

Korps Artillery Reserve, Mohnhaupt LD
1 12# Battery DD 6, Cd 12+1
1 Prussian Horse Artillery battery DD 6, CD 12

Prussian Totals:
36 Line
24 Landwehr
1 Schutzen
1 Jager
1 Grenadier
4 Dragoon
4 Hussar
1 Uhlan
4 Landwehr Cavalry
8 6# Foot Artillery
3 12# Foot Artillery
3 6# Horse Artillery

TOTALS:  63 Infantry, 13 Cavalry, 14 Artillery = 90 units


  1. Some refight historical battles for a little entertainment.
    Others refight battles in hopes of gaining a little insight into why the outcome came about as it did.

    You and I are in the latter camp, I see.

    Scenario is well constructed and will be a great resource for those wanting to refight this famous battle. I have not gamed this battle with miniatures but did refight it using Clash of Arms La Bataille series, Ligny, many years ago.

    Good job!

    1. Thanks, Jon. The bulk of the work was already done by WR for me. I would say that both goals are important - entertainment and insight, I have no objection at all to entirely fictitious and./or what if battles, but doing historical ones often does give us insight to what happened in history as well.

    2. Of course, some games are meant for fun and relaxation such as Commands & Colors or other such "Beer & Pretzel" games. For historical set ups, I do hope to learn a little something. Such has been the situation in my long running Raab replay.

    3. Agreed. While I like my games to be fun, I'm also happy to play a losing hand for the insight it gives into the historical events.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for posting this Peter. Aside from anything else, I can identify with your opening comment as to how you gained a greater understanding of the battle.

    I don't believe many of us try to fool ourselves that what we are doing is an actual re-enactment as such, but I felt exactly the same after the group I game with played Albuera and Talavera, with a ground scale in proportion to the base size of the figures we were using (we ended up playing Talavera only from North of the redoubt).

    Having read a few books on both, I have to say that both of these games brought these battles to life, and it is great to see that your terrific efforts have achieved a similar result!

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. That's the advantage of doing historical refights. The down side is being constrained by history to at least some degree, and the players knowing how the real thing played out.
