
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New Officers (Lancashire Games) lead the Prussians to Fredericksburg!

Got of later than hoped for this morning (9:45 AM), but still made it here in 6 hours.

Perhaps it was a good idea having these fellows lead the way?

They were the last of the Prussians be be completed for Historicon, and seemed eager to get here!

"Friedrichsburg - a fine Prussian name, too!"

The anatomy of the riders seemed a little of wen I was painting them, but they look fine on their steeds!

I believe I was asked for some shots of the entire, essentially completed army. Here they are as I laid them out to organize and pack them for the Ligny games!

Right half of the army.

Left half of the army

Far left to get the last of the Cavalry in the shot.

Close up of the right flank Cavalry - 4 Hussar Regts, 2 Cuirassiers, 1 Uhlan.

Right Center - "New" Line Regts"Original Twelve " Line Regts, Lancashire Landwehr, more Artillery, and some ancient Minifigs Jagers (courtesy of Joe).

Center - Grenadiers, Guards in the rear, OG Landwehr, Calpe Shutzen, and... more Artillery!

Old Glory Reserve Regts, Minifigs "Original Twelve" Prussian Line, and of course... more guns!
I had never really intended to even do a russian Army, but Jamie W. brought a bunch of very neatly painted Minifigs (above) to Historicon 2002, to see if I wanted to buy them, as he had transitioned to smaller scales. At $1 each, could I pas them up?  No I could not. Joe threw in some old Minifigs Prussians of his own as well. 13 years later, the Army numbers over 940 figures!

More Minifigs Jagers, 4 Old Glory Dragoon Regts, 3 Landwher Cav, and some Minifigs Lutzow Freikorps cavalry

The view the French want to see - sur les derrieres!

The Leaders can be seen better in the rear shots as well - I thought I had more than enough for Ligny  - but I didn't!

The Minifigs Guardsmen can be seen better from behind, too!  Joe found the figures for these for me at the Flea Market at Historicon circa 2004, IIRC.

I actually had to draft a few Russian officers in Caps and great coats for a few positions (not seen here). Eventually, the spare Hussar officers will add a few more Prussian leaders. 

Final shot; aside from the Cuirassiers and the Guard, ALL of these figures are now with me in Virginia.... not to mention a slew of French, some Egyptians, and a pair of (much smaller) Renaissance Italian Wars armies. Tally ho!


  1. Very, very impressive Peter. Great looking troops mate.

    1. Thanks, Carlo - it is quite something em masee, isn't it?

  2. A terrific sight, and it is very impressive to see them all laid out together. I can't wait to see them in action.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; they will start to deploy i s few hours!

  3. Fantastic Pass-in-Review, Peter! That is a lot of artillery.

    Have a great time in Fredericksburg.

    1. Thanks, Jon. Yes, their artillery arm is quite strong, although similar in quantity to my other armies.

  4. Glorious Peter, nothing beats the grand sight of an army assembled! Good stuff :)

    1. Thanks, Mark! Hope your move is going well!

  5. Have a good time, don't forget a beer and a brat after using all these fine fellows.

  6. Most impressive pictures and troops Peter, guns will thunder!

    1. Thanks, Phil. They will all be in the thick of it shortly

  7. Brilliant Peter, they are very impressive altogether!

  8. Wonderful array Peter. We look forward to hearing how they got on!
