
Monday, September 28, 2015

Litko Loot - Labor Day Discount

Litko Aerosystems is one of my favorite hobby companies. and they had a nice Labor Day discount offer - $5 off for orders of $50 or more, $15 off for orders of $100 or more, and $40 of for orders of $200 or more. This was good timing as I found myself unexpectedly in need of some new bases. Allow me to illustrate...

I have these great Blue Moon 28mm Wagons (from Old Glory), and I started to assemble them. I have in mind to use them for a Klagenfurt scenario (there is one in my 1809 scenario book), and they'd work at least as well for a Peninsular Guerilla raid scenario. I had ordered about the biggest MDF bases Litko makes (60mm x 120mm), but as you can see, they still fall short of the length needed. 

After considering various solutions, I decided that I needed some 60mm by 50mm bases, a size I don't generally use.

I could then add the 50mm bases to accommodate the wagon teams.  By the way, my freind, Michael, aka Wargamer Rabbit, coincidentally happened to be working on his own Klagenfurt scenario, and has a great background piece on this unusual action on his blog.

It occurred to me that I might also have the same basing issue with the 2 new Sash and Saber Limbers I bought at Historicon, so the purchase made even more sense. Of course, I'd seed to do something additional to give the base sufficient strength. I have plenty of 50mm balsa wood sheets left over from my Windmills project, If I glue that on top, that should do it. I plan to terrain the base to look liker a road section anyway, so it should look fine when it's done. 

So, of course I had quite a way to go top get up to the discount territory.  I am getting down on my supply of these 1.75 x 1 inch bases, which I use for Napoleonic infantry and some single mounted commanders, and with my Spanish Napoleonic project on the horizon for  2016, I'll be needing plenty more infantry bases. so I added a bag of 100 to the shopping cart. 

I have some 28mm Assyrian 4 horse chariots to add to beef up that army, so some bases fopr them went in the cart, too.

I needed some more of these really nice Arrow markers, which I already use with my usual Ancient and Renaissance rules, and come in even handier for To the Strongest!  2 bags added to the cart!

The battle with the Romans and their pila pointed out the need for some of these "Spears Thrown" markers to use with To the Strongest!, which can also be used to indicate Lance armed and/or Elephant units that have used their one time free card in melee.  2 bags of 10 each added to the cart!

A Pin Drill is one hobby essential I have long been without, so now's a good time to buy, right?
Added to the cart!

I am just about out of the supply of Tufts I got from Scenic express several years ago, so a pack each of Jungle, Winter, and Highland Tufts was added to the cart. 
I want that $15 off, darn it - still a ways to go.

Litko makes a huge variety of really cool markers - I have these in fluorescent red, but the blue ones should prove useful for my Space Ship Battles, too. Into the cart you go!

Say, these markers are nice - oooooh, shiny! They'll work for shields down or engine damage. 
I'l take a pack!

I really like these mini blast markers; I got 20 of them 2 years ago, but more would be handy for my space fleet battles, and they could also work with my Galley Warfare rules to show Hull hits. Sold!
Hey, that put me over the $100 mark; we can stop there, take the $15 (and apply it mostly against the postage charges),. Looks like the sale worked pretty well to get me to buy stuff, LOL!
Thanks, Litko... I think!  :-)


  1. $5 off on $500, but $40 off on $200? That seems odd. Like they're encouraging people to actually buy less.

    1. My bad - typo, should read $5 off on FIFTY dollars or more (now corrected). Thanks for spotting it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've run into that same problem with limbers and wagons. I also use Litko bases -- and you can use wood glue to attach a shorter base of the same width to a longer one if you need it. Good wood glue creates a bond stronger than the actual wood (or so they claim). I've never had a problem with breakage, so that's an option if you ever need it. Once you flock the entire base, you can't even tell it's two bases glued together.

    1. Thanks! Good tip; I think I'd feel uncomfortable;e without something additional to hold the two component bases together more firmly, though.

    2. Peter, I have used wood glue with great success to join Litko bases edgewise too. Many 120mm x 80mm cavalry bases have been constructed from 2 x 60mm x 80mm bases. None have broken yet.

    3. Good to know, Jon. I'm still inclined to go with some topside reinforcement, but maybe I'll use the very thin balsa for it. My troops do travel quite a lot away from home!

  4. I am kicking myself I missed that, as there is always something I need to order from Litko.

    1. As Jon points out below, they do often have a good "Black Friday" sale (circa November 27th this year), too.

  5. Quite a haul, Peter! I always seem to miss Litko sales too. Litko seems to always run a Black Friday sale each year. I await thst opportunity.

    1. Yep, as long as units keep rolling off the painting desk, we always need more form Litko!
