
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Piquet/Field of Battle rules PDF sale - through January 2, 2016

Brent Oman has announced a Holiday sale on a wide range of rules. For the first time, Field of Battle 2nd Edition is available now added to the list of rules available as a PDF!


The full list of available PDF's is shown below.  Standard prices and the sale prices are shown.  The sale begins today and runs through January 1. Payment is via PayPal made to  .

$15   (On Sale until Jan 2 for $11)
Archon 2nd Edition
Band of Brothers 2nd Edition
Anchor of Faith
Cartouche 2nd Edition
Les Grognards 2nd Edition
Hallowed Ground  2nd Edition
 Din of Battle 2nd Edition
Jump or Burn
Command Piquet
Pulse of Battle
Field of Battle 2nd Edition
Blunders on the Danube
Field of Battle: World War 1
Field of Battle: WW2
Hostile Realms

$10  (On Sale until Jan 2 for $7)
Hannibal ad Portas  (file in 3 parts due to file size)
Chef de PK
Grand Piquet
Theatre of War
Forgotten Heroes

Master Rules  (needed for playing the Piquet period supplements)


  1. Ooh, very tempting for picking up the second edition. I've been wanting it, but never pulled the trigger. I've about worn out my First Edition print book.
    And thanks to your scenario book, I've lost my mind. I now am 8 generals and 3 battalions short of being able to field the entire Austrian army for Wagram. I can probably get 1/3 or maybe 1/2 of them on my table, so I'm not sure why I built the entire army. Just to be able to say I did it, I suppose.
    Now, I'm going to have to upgrade my French so I have their entire OOB. The madness continues...

    1. For $1, you'd be crazy not to pick up the 2nd edition... IMHO only, of course! :-)

      The Austrian OOB for Wagram is both large an pretty cool. When we ran it at Historicon 2009, my own troops were the bulk of the Austrians, but we still had large contingents from Thomas, Rodger, and small ones form a few others in order to have enough Line infantry and Cuirassiers, and I must have painted about 150 Landwehr for the game. We didn't even try to include Johann's force.
      Much the same was true of the French forces.
      I obviously share the same disease, as I am constantly resisting the urge to add another 4 line units to my French and Austrian armies, both of which are well over 1,000 figures each.
      I think Wagram was one of my favorite wargames of all time, so if you keep painting and can find a big space and enough tables and players (10 -16), consider running it as a day event, much like we did with the 1815 Waterloo Snappy Nappy campaign.
