
Saturday, June 2, 2018

1st Quarter 2018: Painting and Expenses

The cold snowy weather of the 1st Quarter is now a distant memory...

Only 2+ months after the end of the quarter, here are the stats: 


January 2018
Raphael Brushes (4 x 000, 2 x 0)  $69

February 2018
Old Glory order  $157 (British Highlanders, ECW Cavalry, Roman Triarius, Roman Foot Command, Roman cavalry)

March 2018
Hills of Iron Kickstarter $105  (3 x Hills of Iron, 1 x Hill of silver, 1 x Hill of ZGolf)
Eagle Figures  $ 192  (Spanish Hussars, Guerillas,, Officers, 2 x militia, 1 x regulars firing)
Joanne's  $15 (Felt for Snappy Nappy games)

1st Quarter Totals:  $611 - well over budget, but not unexpected. 


January 2018
Almansa Dragoons 8 - 80 pts
Helenistic Command 6 - 60 pts

February 2018
Infantry Regt Irlanda 18 - 90 pts
Spanish Artillery 12 crew, 4 guns  100 pts
Dragoon Regt Numancia 8  80 pts

March 2018
Gendarmes a Pied  18  90 pts
Spanish Artillery 14 crew, 4 guns  110 pts
Infantry Regt Redding 18   90 pts
Generals 2 (foot)  10 pts
Guerrillas 1   5 pts

1st Quarter: 715 pts; as expect\ed, the Spanish Napoleonics dominated the painting output, a trend that obviously continues into the present Quarter!


  1. I am trying a suggested fix for the Blogger Comment notification Snafu: "Someone on the Blogger Help Forum has suggested a 'fix' that I am going to try. It involves me creating a post (this one!) and sending myself a comment about it." I suspect this may only work on a post by post basis, and maybe only for replies. We'll see...

    1. It works 100% for this post at least! We will see about the next if I don't start with a comment of my own on that post.

  2. A productive,if expensive 1st quarter!
    Best Iain

    1. Gotta spend money to raise new troops...

    2. Gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette!

    3. None other than Napoleon - "one must crack a good many eggs to make a good omelette!" :-)

  3. Replies
    1. 2nd Quarter should see even better numbers on the painting side... I think!

  4. It looks from the above as though your painting output has exceeded your purchases, which is definitely a positive if that is the case.

    1. Purchases exceeded production, but not by a wide margin. My Old Glory Army Card discount was up the end of February, and I couldn't let that 40% discount go to waste!

  5. I always enjoy these types of posts to see how others keep track of their hobby. Do you keep track of figures bought versus figures painted?

    My budget number seems to be moving target every year:-)

    1. Hi Dan,

      I started to track my unpainted lead:

      but since March 2016, I have made no further progress. I have a pretty good idea what I have. Long term unpainted lead are about 150 early French Napoleonic Infantry, about 80 Austrian infantry in helmets and 300 (!) in shako, about 40 Austrian Artillery crew, odds and sods of Russians and Prussians, 80 Highlanders and 18 Nassau infantry just purchased, about 60 Eureka Tyrolean rebels, about 150 recently purchased Old Glory ECW to expand the forces of King and Parliament,the recently purchased Old Glory Republican Romans (about 60), maybe 100 odd other ancient left overs, about 250 Alexandrian Macedonians purchased a few years back at an excellent discount, plus the Renaissance stuff in the above post.

      That's enough that I shouldn't need to buy any new lead for 3 - 3 years, but... at very least I need to buy enough Tyroleans to round out that project for a planned game in 2019. There is n o need to order them until after the first of the year, however.

  6. All's well and good here, clearly!


    1. Cruising along; just need to keep expenses down better; with expenditures already for the 2nd quarter, and Historicon in the third, I hope to hold the line in Q 4 at least!

    2. Perhaps not futile, but of limited effectiveness? :-)

      I want that new Murawski Baden artillery, but I am holding out for the damned Light Dragoons!
