
Saturday, April 3, 2021

1st Quarter 2021 Statistics

The Battle Towton, March 29, 1461 - fought with the snow (and Yorkist arrows) blowing into the faces of the advancing Lancastrians.


January 2021
Newline Designs  $333.03 (Chariot era troops, plus Indians), Old Glory 259.77 (Indians, ECW Cavalry and Guns, British infantry and Rocket battery)    Total  $592.80

February 2021
 Old Glory $168.60 (ECW Artillery crew, Lost African Tribes)  Walmart $105.76 (2 shelf units to assemble), Amazon $56.68 (books)   Total   $331.04

March 2021

1st Quarter Totals:  $923.84 


January 2021
30 Peleset refurbs (75 points), 36 Sardana refurbs (90 points), 6 Eureka Gendarmes (60 points), 36 Old Glory Austrian Line (180 points), 10 Assyrian Cavalry refurbs (50 points)
Total 455 points

February 2021
6 Eureka Gendarmes (60 points), 36 French Line (180 pts), 1 Austrian Line (90 points), Assorted Assyrians and others (70 points)   Total 400 points

March 2021
24 Newline Hittite Archers (120 pts), 24 Foundry Peleset Archers (120 points),  36 Old Glory Austrian Line (180 pts), 18 Foundry French Line (90 points)   Total 510 points

1st Quarter Totals:   1365 Points


January 2021
Eppingham, March 12, 1470, Ferrybridge, March 28, 1461 - Scenario play tests for "Test of Resolve", forthcoming (? this month) rules for The Wars of the Roses and related conflicts. 

February 2021
Blackheath 17 June 1497; Rivoli 1796 multiplayer game hostedby Jon Freitag, extending into March, as General Napoleon Bonaparte

March 2021
Towton, March 29, 1461  with ToR

1st Quarter Totals:  5 games

Crisis at Rivoli - Reuss's powerful column has burst through the Osteria Gorge - Photo by Jonathan Freitag, Palouse Wargaming Journal


  1. Peter! Your Q1 painting totals are outstanding! Great job. Was spending about what you budgeted or a little above expectations?

    I was very grateful for your taking the role of Napoleon in the Rivoli game. You have not seen the last Rivoli report from me.

    Having been involved in play testing another WotR rules, I look forward to seeing what your group has come up with to model this period. Great to scenarios coming out with the rules.

    1. Thanks, Jon; if I kept up at that pace I'd exceed 5K painting points for the year; very unlikely. usually, Q1 sees the most painting, Q2 is usually strong, Q3 is weak, and I rebound in Q4. With Historicon moved to November at Valley Forge this year (about 3 hrs drive away, and which I plan to attend and run games at), the traditional patterns may not hold for 2021.

      I greatly enjoyed the Rivoli game, but learned NOT to read the status reports before bedtime if I wanted to sleep well, LOL!

      I have probably played Test of resolve and its predecessor more than 20 times already. It is very specific to the era, takes into account all the bizarre things that happened in the War and its varied battles, plays on a 4 x 6 foot table (with 28 mm figures), and our games have all finished within 2 hours. It is pretty wild and wooly; particularly memorable was one game where the opposing army was down to a single unit, but that unit charged the king and his bodyguard, and captured the king, winning the battle (as control of the King, a la Kingmaker, was the key objective!)

    2. “I greatly enjoyed the Rivoli game, but learned NOT to read the status reports before bedtime if I wanted to sleep well, LOL!”

      That’s really funny but I know that sensation very well!

      Will you be hosting WotR games at Historicon?

    3. Nothing but the truth; otherwise alternative plans would be running through my head, and with 12 hour work days, I need my beauty rest! :-)

      Tim and David are deciding whether to come to the US in November; they had planned to come in July until it became clear that wasn't likely to come off as hoped for.

      I notice that i neatly skirted the question about the budget... The figure acquisitioned were very much planned, to expand my Chariot era and Indian armies, add a bit more cavalry and Artillery to my ECW forces, and a few odds and ends to my British forces (a couple of infantry units and a rocket battery). My OG Army card expired in early February, so the purchases had to be made in January and February. The Lost tribes stuff is part of a long plannedbut unimplemented Darkest Afrika type project. I really don't expect to buy many more figures the rest of the year. The Murawski Baden Hussars will be one, and maybe a couple more Spanish infantry units and a regiment of Cazadores a Caballo.

    4. So, it would be Timand/or David who would be running Test of Resolve at Historicon 2021; I would assist.

  2. KaBOOM! Blowing up the brushes and charging onto the fields of Mars!

    1. Thanks; it was an exceptionally productive Quarter!

  3. Very productive and the purchases don't seem excessive if you don't intend spending much more this year I guess, my year spend was less than £250 so it seems a lot to me but you certainly got a lot for your money!
    Best Iain

    1. Yep, purchases are very much front loaded. The painting productivity spurred the need for the shelf units, and eventually, some more Really Useful Boxes!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Dean. With everything you've painted the past quarter, your's might be twice mine!

  5. An impressive start to the year all round Peter. Thanks for reminding me about the Murawski Baden Hussars as I'll put them back on my mental list.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. Those Hussars are still in the planning stage at this point!

  6. And I thought I kept records!

    1. LOL! I have tracked my painting almost from the start, circa 1970. Tracking expenses was my freind Tim C's idea, on his blog. I include anything directly hobby related, like the storage shelves, storage boxes, Historicon expenses, etc.
