
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

2nd Quarter Statistics, 2021


April 2021
Staples $42.81 (really Useful Boxes w/ discount coupon), HMGS $25 (membership renewal). Total $67.81

May 2021

June 2021
Michaels $21.17 (2 x spray cans Krylon Clear Acrylic Varnish) Joanne's $38.54 ($1.25/2 oz Ceramcoat craft paint sale). Wargames $3.47 (pdf files)  Total $63.18

2nd Quarter Totals:  $130.99

YTD: $1,054.83  About half of budgeted $2,000.


April 2021
French Ligne (90 pts), 3 Peleset Ox carts (120 pts), 4 Peleset Chariots (140 pts), Hittite Skirmishers and Leader (30 pts), Austrian IR #26 (90 pts); Total 470 points

May 2021
Austrian IR #29 (90 pts), Peleset Skirmishers and Leader (35 pts), 2 Peleset Chariot (70 pts), 2 units Sardana Warbands (Sea Peoples) (120 pts), French Legere (90 pts); Total 405 points

June 2021
 Austrian IR #44 (90 pts), 1 Sardana Warband (30 pts, half figures recycled), Sea Peoples King (5 pts), Dismounted French Dragoons (90 pts), Grenzer Regt #3 (90 points), Austrian Grenadier Battalion (90 pts);  Total  395 points

1st Quarter Totals:    1270 points

YTD: 2635 points   Presently on track to exceed all previous years on record. We'll see if I can keep up the pace; I rather doubt it!  :-)


April 2021
 The Swiss are Cheesy and the Burgundians Whine! (initial Swiss Burgundian War concept test game for ToR adaptation). 

May 2021  Towton 1461 (Test of Resolve, Zoom - Hold the Line Convention), Stoke Field 1487 (Test of Resolve, Zoom) 

June 2021  Tewksbury 1471 (Test of Resolve, Zoom), Punic Faith (FTF, To the Strongest!, report forthcoming) 

1st Quarter Totals:  5 games

YTD  10 Games  Not bad at all for working like crazy, too! Will likely end up near last year's total of 26 games when Historicon is factored in.

Thematic of the 2nd Quarter... shortly after my Mom's 97th birthday, we finally had to place her in a skilled nursing facility. Although she would forget it, it had been 9 months since she was able to get out of bed, and her short term memory became all but non existent. She still knows and recognizes everyone in the family, but other than that is able to retain almost nothing new. 

Mom was especially fond of Nelson Eddy (she named my sister's Teddy Bear "Nelson Teddy" when we were growing up!), and I well remember one night when I was in High School watching "Maytime" with her. It came on at about 1 AM, which was when the older movies were shown then. A classic opera inspired tale of star crossed lovers, I recall bawling my eyes out at about 3 AM over the ending of the film. :-)

"Naughty Marrietta" is a far more lighthearted film - "Tramp, Tramp Tramp!" (above) and "Ah Sweet Mystery of Life" are the best known songs from that Operetta. 


  1. Very good quarter for you! Low spend and high painting productivity. Great job!

    1. Thanks, Jon; that's always a good xombination!

  2. A very productive and economical quarter Peter. Sad news about your mother, but at least she still has long-term recollection and recognition.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. Yes, at least she remembers family and is always happy to see us. She's in a facility where I attend patients, so I can always see her despite Pandemic restrictions, which is a big plus many others haven't had the past 15 months.

  3. Glad to hear your mom is doing as well as that.
    Now finish up your H-Con roster painting so you can get more games played.

    1. Thanks, Joe. For the past several years, Mom describes her life as "I'm existing", but at rest she has no pain. That wasn't true when she was walking due to severe osteoarthritis of her knees and hips, but it's been a year now that she can walk even a few feet.

    2. I've pretty much settled the Historicon Roster, which has created several new priorities for the painting queue, and has me pondering whether I need a bit more new lead. I'd like to avoid that so we'll see how I can jiggle the rosters...

  4. Great productivity and low cost,how good is that? It's really good that you're mum can recognise the family and has at least got long term memory, I know from experience how difficult it is once that goes, but doing really well for 97!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, a good track record for Q2! Thanks, hopefully Mom will continue to retain lot of her long te4rm memory. In many ways, it's amazing that she has lived this long with Diabetes, heart and circulatory disease, etc!
