
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

3rd Quarter 2021 Statistics


It may have been summer, but for most of the season here in New England, it was cooler than usual, cloudy, and rainy. Preferable to the wildfires and scorching heat in the Northwest and California for sure, though!


June 2021
Michaels $21.17 (2 x spray cans Krylon Clear Acrylic Varnish), Joanne's $38.54 ($1.25/2 oz Ceramcoat craft paint sale). 

July 2021
$19.20 Osprey (Fuentes pdf  book),  Pastimes on the Square (terrain) $83.60

August 2021
Walmart (spay paint for mats) $8.42, Home Depot shop lights x 2 $73.32, For King and Parliament - Marlowe to Maidenhythe scenario book - Digital Edition  $14.20

September 2021
Backed "Coalitions" Kickstarter $84.63

3rd Quarter Total:   $343.08

YTD:  1,397.91  out of 2K budget; with upcoming Historicon expenses, will surely go over. 


July 2021
Egyptian Spearmen, Division Set (60 points), Portal Insurrectio (90 points), Egyptian Archers, Division Ptah (60 points), Egyptian Spearmen, Division Amun (60 points)

August 2021
5th Battalion KGL (90 points), Libyan Light Infantry Javelinmen (60 points), 28th North Gloucestershire British Line (90 points), Egyptian skirmishers, Leaders, and Heroes (40 points)

September 2021
Libyan MI Javelinmen (60 points), 79th Cameronian Highlanders (90 points), Libyan Light Infantry Javelinmen (60 points), Libyan Li Archers and Leaders (40 points) 

3rd Quarter Total:  800 points

YTD: 3,435  Very good but slowing up some! 


July 2021

August 2021
Kadesh playtest (TTS!), WotR Battle (Test of Resolve - remote)

September 2021
Egypt vs Sea Peoples (TTS!), Raid on Sandwich (January 15, 1460; Test of Resolve - remote), Vimiero 1807, Marlowe (ECW- FK&P) 

3rd Quarter Totals: 6 games (2 remote)

YTD 16 total... with a lot planned (at least 8) already for the 4th Quarter


  1. I hope we can restart Test of Resolve in November

    1. I hope so too! That will crank up Peter's "Games Played" tally.

    2. We have a tentative date for ToR by Zoom for November scheduled. I believe.

  2. YTD3435 is an impressive total, Peter! I am not too far behind at YTD2892 but I have high expectations for a year-end flourish.

    1. A year in which there is at least an outside chance that I exceed your total output is a Banner year for painting indeed, Jon.
      I expect Q4 to be weaker as far as painting (due to increased gaming!) than usual, but you never know!

  3. Impressive record keeping if nothing else :-)

    1. Nothing compared to Jon! :-)

      He doesn't track expenses, though..

    2. LOL! The safest place I could possibly hide anything from my wife is on my blog! :-)

  4. Very disciplined Peter, on both painting and expenditure fronts.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I have acquired very little new lead in Q2 and Q3, but that will change in Q4!

  5. Your rate of painting is super impressive Peter.
    I don't have a hope with painting, but I may be able to beat you and Jonathan in record keeping ('big deal'!). I have a database of all my figures and a list of itemised expenses (since 2016 when that aspect picked up appreciably). If it is any consolation to you I am well over your expenditure so far this year, but down on my two previous 'bumper' years of 2019 and 2020. I have been madly 'gathering resources' over that period and it will slow down appreciably, or at least that is what I tell myself!
    Regards, James

    1. Last thing I knew, James, you seemed to have a very impressive production line going! This looks to be an average year for expenses, but low for actual figure purchases. I don't expect to hit production totals like 2021 again in the foreseeable future. That's fine as I have lots and lots already painted, and if time is taken up by playing instead, surely that's a plus!

    2. Production line is going, slowly and sort-of steadily. Like William Hurt's character in The Big Chill it seems that I am not 'hung up on this completion thing'!! (At the moment). Meanwhile you and Jonathan seem to simply wave your wands and another beautifully painted unit appears (yeah, I know, I know...)
      It does not help that I add more in. Mind you, I have made good progress with the Grenz hussars, Mézáros uhlans and Polish-Italian legion uhlans since they joined the others. I'll soon be biting the bullet with more whites than an Omo commercial.
      *Using* the figures instead of painting more. That sounds novel!!

    3. It would seem that once the "completion thing" becomes a deal, there will be a veritable flood of units to display!
      Wait, we're supposed tom actually USE the troops in our collections?! :-)
