
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

My Historicon Events for 2021

 Historicon was of course rescheduled for mid November (10th - 14th) this year, at the Valley Forge Casino/Resort in Pennsylvania. This is the closest of all HMGS convention sites for me, and easy 3 hour drive. As of last week, masks are now required of all on site. Since I have been wearing a mask for many hours at a time most days for a year and a half now, to me this is a small imposition! This year, all of my games will be run under the HMGS Next Gen banner, with all games being held in the Maple room, and all on the same table. With the nearby site, I am even running a Sunday AM game!  Here's the lineup:

Thursday, 9AM

T09:473 Ramses II Greatest Hits #1 - Foes East and West Thursday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest! Masks Required? No Description: New to the throne, a young Pharoah Ramses II seeks to consolidate Egypt's power by defeating an alliance of her traditional enemies - the Libyans to the West and the Canaanites to the East. The rules use a subtly gridded table, cards, and no dice! Easily learned rules, suitable for ages 12 to 92!

Friday, 7 PM

F19:474 Ramses II Greatest Hits #2 - Invaders from the Sea Friday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest! Masks Required? No Description: Egypt is being terrorized by invaders from the sea. Ramses and his army must defeat them once and for all! TtS! uses a subtly gridded table, cards, and no dice! Easily learned rules, suitable for ages 12 to 92!

Saturday, 9AM

S09:475 Ramses II Greatest Hits #3 - Battle of Kadesh, 1274 BC Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest! Masks Required? No Description: Said to to be the earliest battle for which details and tactics are known, it is also thought to have been the largest chariot battle ever fought. Ramses had the story of his great victory over the Hittites under King Muwatalli literally carved into stone. Many historians suspect the battle was closer to a draw. TtS! uses a subtly gridded table, cards, and no dice! Easily learned rules, suitable for ages 12 to 92!  

Saturday, 6 PM

S18:476 Battle of Fuentes de Onoro, May 5, 1811 Saturday, 6:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Field of Battle, 3rd Edition Masks Required? No Description: Marshal Massena's attempt to relieve the siege of Almeida is blocked by Wellington's army, resulting in the bloody battle of Fuentes de Onoro. Ages 14+ welcome.

Sunday, 9AM

Z09:478 Oars and Cannons, Muskets and Swords! Sunday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Maple/Juniper: MJ-5 GM: Peter Anderson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Renaissance, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Galleys and Galleons Masks Required? NoDescription: Renaissance naval warfare was a mixture of cannon and short range missile fire, boarding, and even ramming! The large 15mm ships and crew bring it all to life in this clash of 2 opposing squadrons. Ages 12+ are welcome.


  1. This is a heavy gaming schedule, Peter. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Jon. Only Saturday will really be challenging. However, as I often say "This is *easy* compared to what I do every day at work!".

      It looks like we'll be able to lock the Maple room and thus leave some or all of our stuff there from day to day, or even set it up the night before. That can save a LOT of time!

  2. Sounds wonderful Peter. A jam packed schedule alright. Enjoy it all.

    1. Thanks, Carlo. I might actually be able to play in a game or two on Thursday and Friday!

  3. Well, certainly will give your new units a day at the races! Are you using any new ships or will we see the veteran navies of old? Do get photos!

    1. Thanks, Joe. Definitely the veteran OG and Bill Abrams ships. See the test game I did solo with Galleys and Galleons a couple of years ago, The modifications for this era worked really well, and gave just the right amount of detail, decisions, and drama!

  4. These will be great, and I'm especially looking forward to the AAR on Fuentes de Onoro.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I was surprised by how few Napoleonic games there were in the PEL this year, and most of them were using carnage and Glory (Computer moderated rules).

  5. Sounds like a packed schedule, good luck with it!
    Best Iain
