
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Historicon 2021: Painting and Purchasing

Despite running 5 games over 4 days, I had considerable free time Wednesday , Thursday, and Friday nights during my stay at Historicon, and the Pandemic made hanging out with other gamers less attractive than usual. So I revived a long standing Historicon tradition of mine, and did some painting!


I bought these African style huts on sale from Acheson Creations several years ago - a great value, I might add. I decided they would work as Camps for the rather primitive Libyans for my first game with To the Strongest! 

I spray painted them dark brown a few days before Historicon, allowing them to dry thoroughly. 

They were then painted, chiefly by bold dry brushing in several layers. 

They were (mostly) done for the Thursday AM game. 

I later added a second layer of dry brushing to the "straw". 

Flocking was added after I returned home. 

A similar process was also used on these great Acheson Creation "Lotus Columns", here seen upside down. 

They were used in Thursday and Friday's games; a coat of Magic Wash was added after I returned home. 

I had enough time to visit the Flea Market at least once during most sessions. For the most part, there was little of interest to me, but I did pick up these Ospreys for $5 each. Not that I plan on doing Hanoverians... Joe has a bevy of those already!

The same seller had a $1 grab bag, and invited purchasers to take one as thanks... so I did! Hmm, wonder what will be in that? 

I picked up a few more trees at Battlefield Terrain Concepts. I really wanted more of the tall "Poplars", but they only had 4, and it was buy 5, get one free", so I picked up a couple of unusual and attractive autumn trees as well. I also picked up a large bottle of my favorite "Alpine Meadow" flock there as well. 

I bought a single bottle of paint, expanding my premixed flesh tones. 

I wanted some more hedgerows from Pastimes on the Square, but they were sold out, so I settled for an addition to my Vineyards - buy 2, get one free works for me! Now I just have to base them on 60 x 20 mm mdf bases and flock!

This kit makes an Obelisk. They had one already assembled and painted for $40, and it looked great, although I didn't care for the shade of brown that it was painted. Anyway, from the completed model, the finished product is taller than one might think!  So tall that I might leave off the bottom section(s). 
The simple and complex base versions were the same cost, so...

Here's the Grab bag contents. Definitely not my period... yet?!


  1. Can I see you doing riverine ACW naval? Sure, it is pre khaki.
    The Hanoverian book is good, have a copy. It's ok to do Hanoverians, I only have Best's and Kielmansegge's Brigades for 1815. :-)

    1. LOL! The one possibility there re; ACW is that there is a fellow that I have been trying to recruit who is very interested in ACW. So if he becomes involved, this mighty see use, or more likely, a new home!

  2. Some nice terrain pieces and a good mix of stuff you bought too:)

  3. Nice pick up of goodies Peter. Glad uou had a great time at the convention.

    1. Pretty light on purchases, really, and I had a great time there.

  4. Very nice paint work on the scenic items and some interesting purchases made Peter.....

  5. Nice haul, Peter. Good to hear you still had time to visit the goodies tables, in spite of hosting so many games.

    1. I actually had lot of free time Thursday and Friday; not so Saturday!

  6. Nice huts and columns Peter. An interesting sample of ACW ships in the grab-bag. They look like they would be easy to paint too, if you ever do turn your mind to ACW naval gaming.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; the models had been on hand for a couple of years; just needed the impetus to paint them!

      ACWE Naval would only happen as already noted above; looks like basing would take far longer than painting, though!

  7. Very modest purchases this year, Peter. I like the huts and columns a lot.

    1. As well as looking good, the price was great especially with their sales (one going on now, hint, hint!).
