
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Historicon 2021: Ramses II, The Battle of Kadesh

I ran the Battle of Kadesh Saturday AM; here the initial chariot ambush by the Hittites pveruns most of Division Re, as expected. . 

We had 5 players which worked out OK. I gacve Jeff (blue shirt), the only veteran player, command of doomed Division Re, and eventual reinforcements by Division Ptah. A second Egyptian player had Division Ammun's chariots and Infantry, and the third had the Pharoah's small command, plus the arriving reinforcements of Division Set. 

Following the successful ambush, the Hittite Chariot Reserve issued forth from Kadesh. They had some success of their own at first, but the superior numbers of Division Amun eventually defeated them.

Jeff's remnants of Division Re (he managed to preserve several Light Chariots), reinforced by the arriving chariots of Division Ptah, was enough to stymie further action by the Hittite Chariot Divisions 

First one part and then the other of the Hittite Infantry finally marched onto the filed, and started to cross the river Orontes. Pharaoh Ramses II was happy to cheer on his elite Sherdan guards as they charged into and over them them.  

With that, the Hittites lost their last Victory Medal, and called it a day. Thus the battle of Kadesh closely resembled Ramses' account, although the great man himself was only briefly in any real danger. 


  1. Superb looking battle and good to see newly painted stuff in action. River look great too

    1. Thank you, Gary. As a result of running this game, I found out what became of my original WizardKraft rivers, and should be able to recover them.

  2. Great stuff, Peter! I am in wonder at the size of your battlefield for a TtS! game. What are the grid dimensions of this huge battle?

    1. Thanks, Jon! The table is 6 x 12 feet, with a 6" grid, so 12 x 24 boxes.

  3. Impressive gaming again, Peter. You're an inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Dean. My Chariot era collection expanded greatly with the gift of considerable troops from Ken Bagaley about 6 years ago, and the acquisition of Bill McHughs Hittites and Sea Peoples a couple of years ago.

  4. That is a lovely looking game for sure:)

  5. A very nice looking game Peter, everyone seems to jumping on the Biblical Bandwagon at the moment...the chariots always look great and TtS is a nice simple rule set for ancients.

    1. The chariot era has always been a favorite of mine; my first 2 Ancient armies were Carthage and Assyria.

  6. A great looking game...Such a gorgeous period to play!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, Simon. I didn't use 4 chariots per unit, though! :-)

  8. Lovely stuff. That all came together nicely on the day Peter. With the amount of preparation you do that always seems to be the case.

    1. Thanks for the kind words. The playtest definitely resulted in fine tuning the scenario so both sides faced a succession of challenges!
