
Monday, December 13, 2021

In the Flesh

 My trusty bottle of Delta Ceramcoat "Medium Flesh" is nearing the bottom, and it seems like they (delta CC)  aren't making any fleshtone colors now (I have a limited amount of their Dark Flesh as well). While I was at The Portal gaming store/space for the October Snappy Nappy event, I picked up several bottles of (absurdly expensive!) Citadel pints in a variety of flesh tones, both to support the store and to try out on some test figures. The opportunity arose when I discovered I needed a few more commander/hero types for my Canaanite forces. I remembered there were some unpainted figures amongst the lot that Ken Baggaley had gifted me a number of years back. Prior to Historicon, they were primed and based, with the painting to take place during odd moments of the convention. 

The colors used on the individual figures were (by tunic color):

Green - Ungor Flesh, with a decidedly yellow tone to it

Lt Yellow, Blue  Cadian Fleshtone  a tanned flesh tone.

White - Kislev Flesh a pale flesh tone, suitable for Northern Europeans who don't spend much time in the sun. 

Red - Bestigor Flesh, with a decidedly orange cast to it. 


These older figures really benefit from black lining, which I did after I got back home. 

This shot gives a good comparison of the various hues. 

as does this one. 

I have a large group of ancient Indians to paint up. Assuming that skin tomes for them might be similar to today's inhabitants, none of these really seem right - perhaps adding some neutral tan/brown to the yellowish Ungor flesh might work? 

Regardless, these fellows were ready for the game!


  1. It's always a tad annoying when a company either stops making or alters the colour you've been using for years. I had this with GW some years ago but have sort of managed to fudge the issue. Indian skin tones can range from almost European to as dark as West Africans, depending which part of the sub-continent they come from. Looking forward to seeing what you go for as and when you get around to it.

    1. I suspect I will try a variety; My first pair of new units is under way now!

  2. For many years, primarily through meanness, I used to mix my own flesh from yellow red and white! I generally came up with something similar to the Kislev or Ungor as per your examples. Recently I have been buying and using a commercial colour that is more like the Cadian.....I think I prefer the lighter colour to be honest. Re Indians, I agree with Steve, I use various shades of brown skin and very dark reddish brown for their lips

  3. I live in fear that Foundry will one day discontinue its range. They have some lovely geographically organised flesh tones which I am a huge fan of, although I haven't tried their Indian tones as yet. I used to use Citadel back in the day and found them generally OK, but they have changed suppliers and paint names several times which lost me along the way.

    1. It seems we all suffer the potential perils of palor!

  4. Nice bunch of Canaanites! Big range for the Indians as others have said, I've had to mix kislev flesh to adjust it to GW previous flesh colour as they had changed it,as they do!
    Best Iain

    1. Ah, it seems we must throw these flesh changing rascals out! :-)

  5. Many years ago I used the GW flesh paint, but following one of their paint changes, I switched to Vallejo basic skin tone. I can vary the hue based on just how heavily I apply the flesh wash and whether or not I apply the final magic wash to the flesh areas.

    1. Another to keep in mind. I have quite a few hues now to experiment with!

  6. Ceramicoat colors seem to be in continuous state of churning colors. I had not noticed flesh tones bring discontinued. It takes a long time to go through a bottle so I better check out the local Joanne’s to see if any are left on the already depleted shelves.

    1. The don't list any flesh tones in the Joanne's catalog, but I have not checked the direct listing for Ceramcoat's website.

    2. Curious that all of the flesh tones would be discontinued at once, isn't it?

    3. In checked on line and some sellers still list the flesh colors.

  7. Great mix Peter. Adds some wonderful individualism. I love messin' with flesh tones.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks, James. I'll get lots of chance to experiment with the Indians!
