
Friday, December 31, 2021

Mauryan Indian Archers

Squeaking in just under the wire for 2021 are a p[air of Archer units from the Classical era, 

These are Old Glory figures.

I wound up using Delta Ceramcoat "Bambi Brown" for the flesh color for these two units. 

The pinkish color I used for the straps was suggested by the natural fiber cords I see some of my Indian patients wear. 

The Indian longbows were said to be very powerful.

Here's a second unit of Archers.

Most army lists give them the option of having 2 handed swords as a secondary weapon.

Once again I tried to suggest died natural fibers for the straps. 

Troops of this general type fought Alexander's army when it arrived on the Indian subcontinent.

The actual Mauryan Empire began not long after Alexander's time. 

There are many more Indians planned for 2022, expanding my quite old army of Minifigs.

Happy New Year, all! 


  1. Happy New Year to you too Peter! These are lovely figures and just proves the point we were discussing a couple of posts back, re the merits of Old Glory figures. MOST of them are very good and hold up pretty well against some of the more fashionable ranges - as these archers prove!

    1. Thanks, Keith. I was very pleased with how they came ouit. the "magic wash" is probably a bit to heavy on the robes up close, but it really does the job from a distance,

  2. Happy New Year to you too! Those figures may be old but they look great to me and you've done a fine paint job on them:)

    1. Thanks, Steve. These OG sculpts may be venerable, but they are new compared to the Minifigs they are joining, which I painted circa 1979!

  3. Happy New Year, Peter! The sculpts look very good and enhanced much by your brushwork. Nice!

    1. Happy New Year, Jon. I have some Newline Designs Indians to come eventually as well!

  4. First class archers...with gorgeous bows! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Phil; supposedly they were made of Bamboo!

  5. Excellent archer units. Interesting take on art imitating life.

  6. These look great Peter, and I don't think the magic wash looks too heavy on them. They really have a nice contrast to them.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Lawrence! Glad you liked them!

  7. They look good. I'm never sure/happy about how to paint Indian flesh, yours looks a good option.

    1. Thanks, Rob. I think this worked pretty well, but I have some other tones I may try as well.

  8. Great looking archers, the robes look excellent!
    Best Iain
