
Monday, December 20, 2021

The Battle of Wildbrooke Common

This is the second scenario from the ECW Scenario book  intended for use with "For King and Parliament" by Simon Miller and Andrew Brentnall. 

The Parliamentary forces are defending, whilst the Royalists have advanced across the river. We played this game back in l;ate October, and I am only now having time to post a brief battle report!

Thomas and I played the forces of the King.

The Parliamentary right; John commanded the forces of Law and Order.

Peter C. had a last minute issue arise, and the John was left to manage the Roundheads alone.

I had the fibne Royl;aist cavalry, which promptly charge and rode down some Roundhead horse, still using the deep "Dutch" doctrine. 

Having to advance into the box of their destroyed opponents left them vulnerable to a devastating flank attack, which John's horse were more than happy to execute. 

Overview of Wildbrooke Common after the first two moves. 

"Turnabout is fair play, ye turncoats!"
Being hit in the flank by Swedish Horse expending both Dash and their Pistols... that's TEN hit cards played! Needless to say, that's another 3 Victory medal unit of Parliamentary Horse pulverized! 

The other cavalry melee on the Royalist left is a toss up so far, while the opposing main battle lines of Foote close to long musket range. 

The Roundheads try to evict a Forlorn Hope from the Manor, while cavalier Horse sweeps wide to their right. 

The Royslist Horse prevail yet again, threatening the flank of the Parliamentary Foote, while yet another Cavalry melee plays out. 

The Forlorn Hope is flushed out,, but the Parliamentary Gun literally cannot hit anything.  Nopte the Left flank Cavalry continuing to sweep wide to their right. 

The opposing foot battalia close to point blank range!

The step off in the table occurred as a result of a near catastrophic table collapse during the game. My table rests upon two ping pong tables, one ancient and with the tubular aluminum legs held together with duct tape. I had had to move it the month before to allow an old freezer to be removed from the basement and a new one put in its place. This destabilized the legs resulting in an earthquake at the Commons. Fortunately, the three of us were able to put things to right after the game!

A Royalist Colonel is Lost!

Being charged in the flank doesn't seem to discomfort the Parliamentary Red Regiment... or perhaps their attention is focused on the Pike  Heavy regiment of Royalist Foote to their front!

Roundhead (dismounted) dragoons venture forth from being the their hedgerow cover, while the opposing cavalry continue to duke it out. 

View of the Center; the Parliamentary C-in-C himself is lost; a heavy blow indeed!

The Red regiment was routed shortly thereafter, and with that the Battle was lost. A second victory for the cause of the King!

At game's end, there were still 6 Victory Medals left for the King's forces. The onus is on the adherents of Parliament to prevail in the next action of the Campaign, which will likely take place in January some time. 


  1. A great looking game with beautiful armies on a lovely mat...and I've seen the fantastic Avalon Hill Empires in arms, so many souvenirs and so many hours spent...Regards,

    1. Merci, Phil. Sharp eyes catching my copy of EiA in the background!

  2. That's a great looking game and a nice scenario too. Shame that the Royalists won, but Parliament will prevail I'm sure...

    The table 'collapse' sent a shiver down my spine, as it's the sort of thing we all dread. Glad to see the situation was resolved in time!

    1. The early edge in the War was with the King in History, but of course Parliament ultimately prevailed. We will see how affairs progress over time!

      I was very pleased and thankful that the table collapse didn't end in catastrophe!

  3. Great looking game as always and your mat really stands out

    1. Thanks, Gary. This particular one is probably my favorite mat.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, glad you liked it. ECW makes a very nic3e show on the tabletop!

  5. Very inspiring gaming, Peter! I'm working on ECW stuff right now for hopefully some field time in the new year.

    1. Thanks, Dean. Your ECW figures are gorgeous, so it should provide some real eye candy when they appear on the tabletop!

  6. Nicely laid out with those great ECW figures of yours. Time for new table legs,eh?!

    1. Thanks, Joe. It is such a pleasure to have a set of rules for the period that I really like. The downside is that now I will have a Highland reel worth of Scots to paint!

    2. The ping pong table under that section is probably 60 years old, and is decrepit. I think it will hold, but if not, a new table is really needed.

  7. Great stuff Peter and the terrain reminds me of areas in the Midlands where we lived for a few years, although I can't remember suffering through any earthquakes.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; perhaps it was a sinkhole, then?!

  8. Fine looking game Peter and it sounded like a convincing victory for the King's forces. It will be interesting to find out if the Parliament's men can make a recovery, as in history.
    Regards, James

    1. No reason they shouldn't. They do need to remember about Hedgehog formation when the King's Horse threaten the flank of their Foote!

  9. Truly fabulous Peter, I do enjoy a bit of ECW!

    All the best for 2022, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks, Matt, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.
