
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Yuletide Treasures #1: Books

Of course, the true Yuletide treasure is time spent with our family and friends, and the season of Peace on Earth and Goodwill.  For a second year in a row, COVID has made it difficult for us to experience those things as as we might ordinarily have done. However, here we're talking about the materialistic side. :-)  I can't recall a Christmas in 60 years or more that hasn't involved books!

First up are a pair of scenario books by my freind, Michael Hopper. Michael was distraught over an error in the final copies which caused the place names on the maps to be in a much lighter font than intended. Frankly, even with being told, I didn't rerally notice it, but he has provided purcasers with PDF files of all the maps as they shopuld have come out. This is actually a fantastic bonus, as it is easy to print out the maps you need to set up or run a game; much easier than photocopying, actually!

As you can see from the contents, this volume is all actions in Spain and Portugal. 

The second volume covers a lot of unusual scenarios from around the globe...

The battles take place in Naples, Denmark (4 scenarios no less), Swedish Pomerania, Argentina, South Africa, The Low Countries, and of course Spain and Portugal! These books can be ordered directly from Michael ( With a batch mailing from the US, it was $100 Canadian for both books with postage, etc.

We had our pre-Christmas gathering with our good friends (outdoors, high was 36 that day, but with warm clothes, propane heaters, and sun on their deck most of the afternoon, it worked out well, with good conversation, food, champagne, and gifts. They "get" my love of books and history, and always find interesting items. While not military, understanding an era certainly requires reading above and beyond the battles, troops, and Leaders. I look forward to learning much more detail about Napoleon's difficult relationship with the Vatican!

Napoleon as Gardener?!  That's a take I haven't seen, and look forward to exploring. 

While napoleon is on the cover, this one explores a broader theme.

Once again, Napoleon is an example but just one of many examples exploring strategy and Coup l' Oeil, seizing the exactly right time and place to intervene for maximum effect. 

Ospreys need no introduction, but this is one I didn't have and should be quite useful. 

Finally. my younger daughter gave me the concluding volume of the Saga of Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, as written by John Carr. This one came out a few years back, so I was happy to get a copy!


  1. What a great haul! A belated Merry Christmas!

  2. A nice collection of titles there

  3. A good selection of books and for as long as I can remember, books have featured for my birthday and Xmas presents:).

  4. Wonderful selection of books Peter. Mr Hoppers books are superb and I’ll have to grab these two newest ones. Merry Christmas.

    1. Merry Christmas, Carlo. By all means, do write to Michael!

  5. Quite a collection! It was a pleasant surprise seeing the map PDFs hitting my inbox.

    1. Yes, Michael sent me PDFs of the maps from all the previous supplements that I had purchased, not just these 2. That can be very handy!

      As always, a class act and an outstanding product.

  6. A great collection there Peter, and I too will have to look into the two scenario books based upon the table of contents you have shown. Very impressive.

    1. Quite a few actions well off the beaten path, as well as familiar ones like Talavera.
