
Sunday, January 9, 2022

Renaissance Reconnaissance, Part 11 - Box #15, 16; Evil Medievals!

When I acquired the Sea People and Hittite figures from the collection of the late Bill McHugh, it included a bunch of his Medieval figures. 

The cross country trip wasn't kind to them at all, as can be seen. About 40 Knights, 2 organ guns, and crew. Manufacturer unknown. 

They will need considerable repair, touch up, and rebasing work to become a useful force. I have a few Medieval odds and ends gifted to me Ken Baggaley many years ago that would probably go with these as well. 

They have languished awaiting same, because, frankly, I wasn't sure what to do with them. I have no idea as to the manufacturer, either. 

Now it seems to me that they would do passably well as HYW French, Burgundians, and even Catholic Crusaders from the Hussite Wars. 

Looks like about 24 Flail men, 24 spearmen, 12 Handgunners, 6 Crossbowmen, 16 Billmen, 8 Foot Knights, and about 12 Halberdiers, plus a few odds and ends.  I definitely won't be adding these fellows to any official tallies until such work is done, though! :-)


  1. The Cavalry look like Essex as do some of the Infantry

    1. Thanks, they seem on the small side for Essex, which is hard to tell from the photos.

    2. David is right - they are mainly Essex. Some foot men-at arms from the Hotspur/Revenge range and a group of polearm men in maroon and blue which I've never seen before.

  2. A decent little force and a nice sized project to get them all sorted out!

    1. Most likely they will augment a generic late medieval/French HYW force.

  3. Perfect for some small skirmish type games with those, as and when time allows.

  4. Nice collection of Medievals, Peter!

    1. Thanks, dean. They should be very useful after the refurb work!

  5. Looks like the makings of additional opponents to your Hussites Peter.

    1. Those are my thoughte exactly; the Teutonic knights have stood in for the Catholic Crusaders, but not really right. Of course. maybe Ia need a suitable opponent for the Order now....

  6. Splendid collection (love the infantry), and some work on the bases to do!😊👍

    1. Thanks, Phil. I like the infantry too; there is some basic heraldry on the cavalry too, which you can't really appreciate from the photos.
