
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Scotts Covenanter Foot #3 - John Lindsay of Edzell


This latest addition to the forces of the Covenanters is this  regiment, which was raised in Angus and Dundee. 

The flag is one of many on the Dux Humunculorum blog (part 2 of the Covenanter flags doesn't have the label, so has to be searched for separately). The Moto on the saltire reads "Reviresco"; "I flourish again", with the palm tree, itself a symbol of renewal. 

The regiment had a strength of roughly 400 men, according to the BCW Regimental Wiki project.

It fought at Dunbar, Stirling, and probably Worchester. 

More tartan blankets!

That will likely be it for Scotts units for a while, but there is lead on hand for a lot more, eventually!


  1. Lots of tartan there, Peter...getting a lot of practice!

    1. If (when) it's all painted, I think there will be 8 regiments of Foote, 4 of Highlanders, 4 or 6 Cavalry and Dragoon units, plus some artillery and commanders. So, yes, a lotta tartan!

  2. Really nice work and an interesting choice of unit to me, as Edzell is not too fat...twenty miles perhaps...from the town I grew up in, and I have been there many times. It's not a huge place but did use to boast some if the nicest Italian ice cream for mikes around! Edzell Castle is a lovely ok'd building to visit too, the ancestral home of the said Lindsay's. Another fun fact for our American readers...RAF Edzell, a WWII station, was, for my entire youth, operated by the US Navy as some kind of secrets sigint/tracking sister met her ex husband there when she worked as a civilian for the Ministry of Defence at the base....which is how she came to end up in Florida! The base was closed down about twenty years ago I think.

    1. Thanks for the fascinating "local color", Keith!

  3. Lovely looking unit,nice tartan!
    Best Iain

  4. Nice work as usual Peter, and I can attest that palm trees are an appropriate symbol of renewal from the never-ending stream of palm fronds I am constantly picking up around the garden.

    1. I thuink they are also supposed be one of the first trees to come back after a fire.

  5. Very nice and am sure a lot of work with the tartans

    1. Thanks, Gary. The Tartan wasn't TOO bad to pain, just more with every additional unit of Scotts to come! :-)

  6. Perfect timing as I am getting ready to do some Scot units in June.

    1. I enjoyed doing mine; any more are on hold until after Historicon in July, though!
