
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Spanish Grenadier Companies


Here are the Grenadiers appropriate to the two regiments painted last month.

These are Perry figures, like those of the main units. 

Regiments portrayed are the Guardias Valonas in blue,  

and the Regimiento de Infanteria de Linea "Leon" in white.

The marvelously eccentric "flammes" on the back of the Spanish grenadier bearskins (actually made of seal skin for the Spanish, apparently) are certainly one of the big attractions for painting the Spanish army of this period!

These companies will serve in one of two combined grenadier units in my Spanish army. 


  1. Nice work! Is the bag embroidery painted on or sculpted in?

    1. Sculpted on these Perry figures, Jon. IIRC, the others (Brigade Games, Three Armies, Miniaturas Dos de Mayo) I had to paint on.

  2. Great Grenadiers! There, I said it. Nice work.

    1. Thank you, Joe. Reinforcements for the Army of Orbajosa!

  3. Yes, you have done a very nice job on these Spanish grenadiers Peter.

    1. Thanks, Keith. The give me enough for 2 units of 18 each now, each stand in a different uniform.

  4. Handsome grenadiers, well done!

  5. Hope they perform in action as well as they look

    1. Well, that's always another matter, isn;t it?! :-o

  6. Nice work Peter. The Spanish Grenadiers are one of the most attractive in the Spanish army. Nice to see the patterns are sculpted on with the Perry figures. They do that sort of thing very well.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. The other manufacturer's grenadiers weren't difficult to do, either.

  7. Nicely done. - Each Spanish Line Regiment had [on paper] three battalions, the 1st battalion consisting of two Grenadier Companies and two Fusilier Companies. When brigaded with another regiment the two companies from each regiment formed a Grenadier battalion and the two Fusilier companies from each 1st battalion were also brigaded to make a full strength Fusilier battalion. Its a rather strange OOB. Two brigades were supposed to be brigaded to form a Division along with a Light Battalion. You then have the strange situation of a Grenadier Brigade of two battalions with 2 companies of the Light battalion and two Fusilier Brigades each of five battalions along with each of them having two companies of the Light Battalion. All of this was the Paper OOB and often the third battalion of Fusiliers in each Regiment was missing because there were not any soldiers or funds to equip, train or feed them available! Each Division was then allocated a Foot Battery of 6 guns [though sometimes they only had four guns in the field.

    1. Thanks, Drew. Yes, rather like the Mack reforms Austrians... and we know how THAT worked out! For my purposes, as all my Infantry units have 18 figures, they will be brigaded into such units, more like the Austrians before and after 1805.

  8. Splendid looking grenadiers!
    Best Iain
