
Friday, July 22, 2022

Marengo a la Morschauser

 Battle of Marengo, June 14, 1800

Table terrain set up for tonight's game. Marengo is in the foreground.

St. Guiliamo in the foreground. 

Marking the grid on the new ground cloths Monday.

Everything ready to take to the car Tuesday; arrived in Lancastger uneventfully about 3 PM Wednesday. 

Game will use the latest version of Morschauser style rules.


First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte (Player1) +2

2 Guard Infantry

2 Guard Cavalry

1 Guard Horse Artillery

Joachim Murat (Player 2) +2

2 Heavy Cavalry

2 Light Cavalry

Victor +1

Division 1  Chambarlac (Player1) +1

4 Light Infantry

7 Line Infantry

1 Foot Battery

Division 2 Gardanne (Player 2) +1

8 Line Infantry

1 Foot Battery

Jean Lannes +2

Division 3 Watrin  (Player 3) +1

3 Light Infantry

7 Line Infantry

Division 4 Monnier  (Player 4) +1

2 Light Infantry

6 Line Infantry

1 Foot Battery

Cavalry Brigade Champeaux (Player 3) +1

2 Dragoons (Light Cavalry)

Desaix +2

Division 5 Boudet  (Player 4) +1

1 Light cavalry

4 Light Infantry

7 Line Infantry

1 Foot Battery

French Totals: 

2 Guard Infantry, 2 Guard Cavalry, 1 Guard HA, 2 Heavy Cavalry, 5 Light Cavalry, 11 Light Infantry,  35 Line Infantry, 3 Foot Batteries  (61 units)  11 Generals

Deployment (French set up first): 

Lannes, Infantry Division 3 and Cavalry  Brigade Champeaux start within 2 boxes of La Buzana

Victor,  Infantry Divisions 1 and 2, Murat and his cavalry Division all start within 3 boxes of Spinetta

French Reinforcements (all enter anywhere on the Eastern edge of the table:

Turn 1 - Bonaparte and the Consular Guard

Turn 2 - Infantry Division 4 (Monnier) 

Turn 3 - Desaix and Infantry Division 5 (Boudet). 

AUSTRIAN ARMY - General Melas +1

Main Column, General Zach  NC

Light Division: Quasdanovich (Player 1)  -1

1 Light cavalry

2 Light Infantry

1 Horse Artillery

1st Division: Haddock  (Player 1)  -1

2 Light cavalry

8 Line Infantry

2nd Division: Kaim  (Player 2)  -1

9 Line Infantry

3rd Division: Morzin (Player 3) -1

9 Grenadiers

Cavalry Division: Elsnitz  (Player 2)  -1

9 Light cavalry

Right Wing: O’Reilly  (Player 3) NC

Light Division: Rousseau  -1

1 Light Cavalry

4 Grenz (Light Infantry)

1 Horse Battery

Left Wing: General Ott  (Player 4)  NC

4th Infantry Division: Shellenberg  -1 

7 Line Infantry

1 Light Cavalry

5th Infantry Division: Vogelsang  -1

8 Line Infantry

1 Light Cavalry

1 Horse Battery

Totals:  15 Light cavalry, 6 Light Infantry, 9 Grenadiers, 32 Line Infantry, 3 Horse Batteries (65 Units), 12 Generals

Deployment (Austrians set up second): 

All troops West of the Fontanone creek

Special Rules:

Austrians move FIRST. 

The French were caught by surprise my the Austrian attack; to reflect this, all units starting on the table begin with one hit, which may be rallied off as usual. 

ALL French infantry moves 3 boxes instead of 2, and all may enter woods. 

The Austrians MUST attack; if they fail to win, the game is a French victory!

Napoleon may assume command of any Division, and may rally any troops in the Army within his radius, which is increased to 6 boxes. If Napoleon is lost, the French lose. Otherwise, 

Lannes, Victor, and Desaix may rally any troops under their command within radius

Zach, O’Reilly, and Ott may rally any troops under their command within radius; Melas may rally any Austrian troops within his radius. 


Vineyards act as soft cover in melee ONLY (not for fire), and cost 1 box for Infantry to enter or leave. Cavalry and Artillery may not enter or attack units in vineyards. 

Tree-lined roads (brown) block line of sight.

Castel Cerulio is fortified; units shooting at or attacking into that box deduct TWO from their die roll


  1. Looks great, Peter! Good luck in your Historicon Hosting Hospitalities.

  2. Very much looking forward to your reporting back from Historicon Peter.

  3. The Marengo table looks great Peter. Should be a great convention.

  4. Looks like a good set up for the battle. Have fun .

  5. Good luck Peter, you have put a HUGE effort into getting to this stage, so I hope you have a successful and rewarding gaming experience at Historicon!

  6. Thanks all, back safely a few hours ago after a great show! More top come, of course!

  7. All the best for the convention Peter.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James; reports to follow over the next 1-2 weeks!

  8. That is a mighty battlefield! I hope the convention goes well Peter. A lot of preparation, but I'm sure it will be so rewarding. Have a great time!
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks, Jason! Just starting my Historicon write ups...
