
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Post Historicon Plans

 Typically, Historicon and my plans for same dominates the Spring and Summer of each year from a gaming perspective, and this year was no different. Similarly, it usually takes me a month after I return before everything is packed back away, and I start to give thought to painting and future projects again!

So what is on the (ever subject to change) agenda for the remainder of 2022?

1) Organize the non Napoleonic portion of my collection better, with labels on the Really Useful boxes holding the troops, so as to minimize  time lost searching for the right box.

    Having been home on "stay-cation" last week, very good progress has been made on this project.

2) Finish the additions to my Napoleonic Spanish Army.

   Well underway, with the Horse Grenadier of Fernando 7 and a unit of Cazadores a Caballo in progress. There will then just be a mule drawn limber to complete.

3) Finish the expansion of my Classical (Mauryan) Indian Army.

    The infantry is all done, but there remains Cavalry, Chariots, and Elephants to add.

4) Add more troops to by ECW Scotts Army

   There is plenty of lead on hand; most likely next up are some Highlanders. 

5) Games

    We played a great Napoleonic game with FoB3 at Jared's new home in Torrington, CT, last month; post forthcoming. Hopefully some more games there as schedules allow. 

    Run about 1 game a month at my home, likely on Thursday afternoons

    Assist with he Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day event the end of October at The Portal in Manchester, CT

   Runa game or two for HMGS Next Gen this Fall

The Dog Days of Summer - Brooke and owner, Dr. Kristie Anderson, DVM, dock diving at the local Bridgewater Country Fair this p[ast weekend. 


  1. Solid plans, Peter. Maybe we can squeeze in one remote game somewhere in there?

    1. Sure, a remote game sounds good, Jon!
      *Theoretically*, I decrease my work hours to three days a week as of October 1. Reducing my hours hasn't proved to be reality thus far, but we do have a new doctor starting then so hopefully some actual reduction will take place!

  2. They seem like worthwhile objectives to round out the year. I'll especially look forward to the additions to your Napoleonic Spanish Peter.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence; hopefully you'll see some of them within a month or so!

  3. Sounds like a plan, nice fog photo and looking forward to your Napoleonic Spanish!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Ian!
      "I do applaud your noble goals; now let us see if you achieve them..."
      (Queen Guinevere, "Then you may take me to the Fair" - Camelot)

  4. Nothing like a solid plan and a busy wargamer to get things moving in the right direction Peter. Sounds not too dissimilar to myself trying to get my upstairs Wargames room sorted, tidied and moving along.

    1. Abit of organization every now and again is a good thing, even if changes to the ordained Order are well nigh inevitable! :-)

  5. Great inspiration, Peter. Doing the same myself. Gearing up for a new period, the Great Northern War. Not sure where I'm going to fit all the figs....won't let that stop me, though

    Jim M

    1. I recently added 2 new shelf units (and retired a 40+ year old one that was falling apart I have room for some troops inthose shelves yet, but not a lot! If I painted all the lead on hand, that would probably use up most iof the remaining slots!

  6. The best laid plans o mice and men, gang aft aglay, Peter, but good luck keeping yours on track! The comment from Director49 above struck a chord with GNW Swedes, completed 12 to 18 months ago, have subsequently resided in A4 file boxes adjacent to my painting desk, as I have no more cupboard or other storage space for them. Added to this pile in the intervening period are a couple of boxes of Pulp (more to come) plus, more recently, two boxes of SCW...again, more still to join the collection.....sigh!

    1. Yes, no wargamer's plan survives contact with reality for sure, but at least it is the way the wind is blowing at the moment! :-)

  7. Labels? You are finally gonna label? Welcome to the club.

    1. Yeah, it's been in the works for some time, but I finally was home long enough to make it happen!

  8. I have to admit that I only skimmed the text, but, as a fellow canine-lover, I really enjoyed the photo of Brooke in the dog diving comp. Great action shot!
    Regards, James

    1. Gratuitous dog pictures are par for the course here, James! :-)
