
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Snappy Nappy Campaign, Russia, 1812: the Northern Flank. To be held Saturday, October 29, 2022

 On June 24th 1812 the Grande Armee invaded RussiaIt is now late July, and on the southern banks of the River Dwina, the fearless French Marshal Oudinot commanding the II Corp has received orders from Napoleon to protect the northern flank of the invasion, particularly the approach possible at Polotskwhile marching on the city of St. Petersburg miles to the north as wellHowever, the  adventurous Count Wittgenstein and his I Russian Corp have been assigned by General Barclay-de-Tolly, and Czar Alexander to protect all the land in which he operates north of the River Dwina, and defeat the enemy.

Join us for this campaign-in-a-day event, using fourteen different tables, and hundreds of bases of 1" high historical miniature figures. Snappy Nappy rules are quick play, will be taught and are easily learned. Adolescents (with parents) and older are welcome to participate. Pre-registration required (see below).

Where: The Portal, 60 Hilliard Street, Manchester, CT, 
When: Saturday, October 29th, 2022, from10 AM until 5 PM, 
Lunch: Pizza and small bottles of water will be provided by the GM. 
Entry Fee: None

GM & Registration: Mark T. – contact via, and be certain to send an email to reserve your spot!

Rules:  Snappy Nappy, by Russ Lockwood (rules will be taught)

Covid Disclosure: We recommend players be vaccinated, boosted, tested the night before, and masking is optional (required if by The Portal or the State of Connecticut at the time of the event).

1st Battle of Polotsk - 
By Wilhelm Kobell - Попов А.И. Первое полоцкое сражение. 2010., Public Domain,

Player commands for 12 players, 2 Overall Commanders, and an option for 2 more commands if needed.

Please take several moments to review the two lists of commands, and the notes towards the end of this email.  When you've decided which command you'd like to have as a player, during the campaign-in-a-day event, then please send an email reply, and let me know what your choice is.  First come, first served.

By the way, the French have 29 infantry units (including 1 engineering), 10 cavalry units, 12 artillery units, and 33 of 51 start on Turn 1, while 18 (the Bavarian Corp) start at some point after Turn 1.  For the Russians, there are 28 infantry units, 12 cavalry units, and 14 artillery units, 42 of 54 start on Turn 1, and 12 (Steinheil's reserves) arrive afterwards.

Also, leader and unit quality will be sent via emails to the teams of French and Russian commanders at another time.

Here are the updated line ups for both the French and Russians for the Snappy Nappy Campaign-In-A-Day 2022: North Flank of 1812 Russian Campaign.

This event is being held on Saturday, October 29th, 10am to 5pm, at The Portal, 60 Hilliard Street, Manchester CT.

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French Marshall Oudinot (+2) ... 1 engineer unit (vet), 1 lt. cav escort (vet), 1 spy ... Mark M.

1.  General Legrand (+2), 6th Division ... James C.
5 Infantry ... 2 Line (vet), 1 Light(vet), 1 Hanseatic (seasoned), 1 Portuguese (seasoned), 2 Foot batteries (vet)

2.  General Verdier (+1), 8th Division (Castex's 5th Lt Cav Brigade attached), ... Mark H.
4 Infantry ... 2 Line(vet), 1 Light(vet), 1 Dutch(seasoned), 1 Foot battery(vet), 1 Horse battery(vet), 2 Chasseurs (elite)

3.  General Merle (+1), 9th Division of Swiss (plus Corbineau's 6th Lt Cav Brigade attached) ... Kevin C.
6 Infantry ... 4 Swiss Line (4 elite), 1 Croatian(vet), 1 Dutch(seasoned), 1 Foot battery(seasoned), 1 Horse battery(vet), 2 Chasseurs(vet)

4.  General Doumerc (+1), 3rd Cuirassiers ... Robert P.
3 Cuirassiers (elite), 2 Light cavalry (vet), 1 Horse artillery (vet)

5.  Von Deroy (+3), 19th Division of St. Cyr's Bavarian 6th Corp ... Frank N. or Alex O.
6 Infantry ... 5 Line (3 vet, 2 seasoned), 1 Light (seasoned), 1 Foot battery (seasoned), 1 Heavy battery (seasoned)

6.  Von Wrede (+1), 20th Division of St. Cyr's Bavarian 6th Corp ... Steve T.
7 Infantry ... 6 Line (3 vet, 3 seasoned), 1 Light (seasoned), 2 Foot batteries (seasoned), 1 Heavy battery (seasoned)

7.  General St. Cyr (+2), starts near the Bavarian 6th Corp ... Frank N. or Alex O.
1 Light Cav escort (vet), 1 Line Inf (vet), 1 Light Inf (vet), 1 Foot battery(vet)

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Russian General Wittgenstein (+2), 1 engineer unit, 1 lt. cav escort, 1 spy ... Peter V.

A.  General Kulnieff (+3), Vanguard/Rearguard ... James S.
Grodno Hussars (elite), 1 Cossack Cav (vet), Jagers (vet), 1 Conv Grens (vet), 1 Combined Depot Cav (vet), 1 Horse battery (vet), 1 Foot battery (seasoned)

B.  General Kazatchkowsky (+2), 1st Line Command of Berg's 5th Division ... Russ L.
2 Jager (vet), 4 Infantry (2 vet, 2 seasoned), 3 Position/hvy Batteries (seasoned)

C.  General Kakhoffski (+1), 2nd Line Command of Berg's 5th Division ... Brendan S.
1 Converged Grens (elite), 2 Depot Gren groups(vet), 2 Dragoons(vet), 2 Foot batteries(seasoned), 1 Horse battery (vet)

D.  General Sazonov (+1), Reserves ... Brian C.
4 Infantry (vet), 1 Depot Jagers (seasoned), 2 Opolochenie (seasoned), 1 Position/hvy battery (seasoned), 1 Light battery (seasoned)

E.  Prince Repnin (+1), Cavalry Reserve ... Karl N.
1 Converged Cuirassiers (elite), 2 Light cavalry (vet), 1 Depot Dragoons (seasoned), 2 Horse batteries (vet)

F.  Count Steinheil (+1), Russian reinforcements ... Mike S.
2 Jagers (vet), 6 Inf (2 vet, 4 seasoned), 1 Position/hvy battery (seasoned), 1 Light battery (seasoned), 1 Engineer unit (vet), 1 Conv. Hussars (vet)

G.  General Berg (+2), Commander of 5th Division ... Vacant (however a player is considering)  
1 Light Cav escort (vet), 1 Line Inf (vet), 1 Jager (vet), 1 Foot battery (vet)

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The French and Russians both have 7 commands, and when including the two overall commanders, there are 16 total commands, 8 per side.

The French have ... 30 infantry units, 11 cavalry units, 13 artillery units, and 1 engineering unit (includes the Bavarian Corp) for a total of  55 units (total quality points of 157).  Of these, the Bavarians have 15 infantry, 1 cavalry, and 6 artillery (54 quality points) not available at the start, and this means the French have 15 infantry, 10 cavalry, 7 artillery, and 1 engineer at the beginning for a starting total of 32 (subtotal of 103 quality points).

The Russians have ... 29 infantry units, 12 cavalry units, 15 artillery units, and 2 engineering units (includes Steinheil's reserves) for a total of 58 units (total quality points of 157).  Of these, Steinheil's reserves have 8 infantry, 1 cavalry, 2 artillery, and 1 engineer (30 quality points) not available at the start, and this means the Russians have 20 infantry, 11 cavalry, 13 artillery, and 1 engineer at the beginning for a starting total of 44 (subtotal quality points of 127).

Also, the Bavarians will come into play before Steinheil's reinforcements, although neither side knows when these two events will happen at the beginning.

Folks will notice that I have added a line unit to the commands of St. Cyr for the French, and Berg for the Russians.  This gives these players the equivalent of a brigade of infantry, a light cavalry unit as escort, and an artillery battery as a Corp/Division reserve.  Although these units didn't exist during the campaign, this provides 2 more players with an opportunity to get involved, yet keep a balance for the over all campaign.  These two generals will also be able to help other units of their actual commands, but not those of other commands.  St. Cyr was commanding the Bavarian Corp, and Berg was commanding the 5th Russian Division.

P.S. Feel free to ask questions, and there will be another email to the players on Monday with additional details.

Other Notes:

I.  Both the overall commanders, Marshall Oudinot and General Wittgenstein, have important roles in helping to co-ordinate and plan with their team of 6 commanders.  They also will be in charge of issuing orders, and receiving messages and reports to the various commanders during the Campaign-in-a-Day event on Saturday October 29th, 10am to 5pm.  These overall commanders could also take a command, yet it is better for these two to be focus on the larger strategic interests and activities of the entire team of their commanders while riding along with one of the other commanders or moving from one to another command accompanied by their cavalry escort unit.  This year we are also introducing some Pre-Game Turns (starting on Sept 5th for perhaps 4 turns/weeks in a row) for the French and Russian command teams to use cavalry Scouting units, and also traveling Spys, on the strategic map previously provided.  The map has been attached again here, and details of how these Pre-Game Turns will work are forthcoming.

II.  Marshall Oudinot and General Wittgenstein will also each have control over which command the engineering units will start, and this can be chosen after the Pre-Game scouting turns occur.  These Engineering units can not be placed with the Vanguard/Rearguard commands nor the Cavalry reserve commands of either army.  The engineer units will be able to build bridges and construct basic redoubts, and rules for these are forthcoming.

III.  Count Steinheil's Russian reinforcements also have an Engineering unit with him, when this command arrives sometime after Turn 1, details forthcoming.

IV.  The two Bavarian commands allied with the French will also arrive sometime after Turn 1, details forthcoming.

V.  There is room for an additional French commander, and another Russian commander as well.  If someone would like to take the role of French General St. Cyr commanding the 2 Bavarian commands, or General Berg commanding the two Russian infantry divisions, then let me know.  If not, these additional commanders will be placed with one of the commands at another time.

VI.  It is possible to add an additional command from forces that eventually arrived in the theater, if 2 more players beyond the initial 14, one on each side, want to be involved.

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Feel free to ask questions, although I may or may not wait until a bunch of have been submitted before eventually sending an email answering a group of them together.

I will update command choices and send update emails as soon as possible.



  1. That looks like it will be a fun campaign Peter. I have always found the Northern flank very interesting, especially given the mix of troop types. It was also a masterful piece of evasion by Yorck.

    1. Yorck won't figure in this event, but he certainly threaded the needle in his conduct!

  2. This would be a great day out but unfortunately maybe just a BIT too far for me to travel......the free pizza for lunch almost convinced me, but I have to regretfully decline :)

    1. It would be a bit far, I agree, although we have had players from distant parts of the US at times!

  3. I'll be looking forward to this SN campaign, that's for sure!

    1. They are always special events, to be sure!

  4. An often neglected area of 1812 campaign but looks very interesting

    1. Without the massive number of troops, and rather more actual battles, it is indeed an interesting front!

  5. Sounds like a really interesting campaign!
    Best Iain

  6. I too look forward to hearing more about this.
    I acquired a magnificent book about Polotsk by Andrei Popov, published by Le Livre Chez Vous, a few weeks ago. It goes through the battles in great detail with loads of maps and lovely piccies (most from Russian artists or sources that I have not seen previously). It'd be a great resource for you—although you probably don't need it!
    Regards, James

    1. Mark is setting up and running this one, and he is suing a number of detailed references. I am not sure if it includes that one!

    2. Geez, I know that you Americans have a reputation for suing everything and everyone, but references is a new one, hahahahaha!!!
