
Sunday, September 4, 2022

2nd Quarter 2022 Statistics

 As usual the stats for the 2nd quarter are very late!

WotR Re-enactors at the Tewkesbury Festival; Wars of the Roses was certainly the theme for this quarter!


April 2022
Black Seas rules  PDF (to be used for Naval games in the Campaign) $16, Impetus 2 PDF $7.50, 

May 2022
Playing Card Deck (new Cards for use with TTS!) $105.94, Litko (base sale) $105.66

June 2022
Price of Crowns 3 Kickstarter (Hessians: 3 Line Infantry units, 1 Light Infantry 1 Battery/2 Guns, and Hessian Chevau-legers) $226.53, Pete's Flags (WotR flag sheets) $74.54, Staples ((Really Useful Boxes with discount coupon) $69.04, Castles of Burgundy Kickstarter $97

2nd Quarter Total:   $702.21  (above goal) 


April 2022
Fitzalan Billmen (60 points), Plantagenet Archers (60), Northumberland Billmen (60)

May 2022
Spanish Walloon Guards (90 points), Spanish R.I. Leon (90), Audley Billmen (60), Exeter Archers (60), Grey Billmen (60), Tunstall Billmen (60)

June 2022 
Roos Archers (60 points), Spanish Grenadier companies (30), Berners Billmen (60), Neville Billmen (60), Neville Archers (60), Bills Bills (36 refurb = 90 points), Bill's Men at Arms (12 refurb = 30 points), Bill's Medieval Handgunners and more bills (24 refurb = 60 points)

2nd Quarter Total: 1050  points (about as much as I can do!)


April 2022
Austerlitz 1805 with Morschauser rules at the Gardiner Library (HMGS Next Gen)

May 2022
Pavia 1525 Playtest with To the Strongest!

June 2022
Heraclea Playtest with To the Strongest!

2d Quarter Totals: 3 games (all in person)


  1. Some pretty solid achievements on the painting front there, Peter. US$700 for three months - yeah, that's probably a bit over my normal spending for that time frame. Good to get some games in but once per month is on the low side - must try harder :)

    1. I'm pretty happy with one a month; 2/month is about the practical limit, at least until I retire, unless some of them are remote games.

    2. The Kickstarters have really added on this year - a few really great looking games, and Lucas' Rhine Confederation Napoleonics.

  2. Have you had a chance to read the Black Seas rules yet Peter? I'd be interested in your comments if you have.

    1. No, I haven't had a chance to read BS.
      OK, well In read BS on social media all the time, but that's the wrong kind! :-)
      I have maybe 5 Age of Sail rules waiting for a playtest now!

  3. Hmmm, you did quite go to the afterburners with the painting. The Litko sales are always dangerous, but $100 on playing cards? Can't wait to see the Hessian contingent.

    1. Yeah, the cards were a bit over the top, but I got 2-4 decks each for Romans, Greeks/Successors, Wars of the Roses, Vikings, and Fantasy, plus a few more Generic decks for TTS! When I run convention games with 8 players a side, that uses 16 card decks! I also have to admit that I've liked card decks since I was a boy as well.

    2. The Hessians are out for delivery. They probably won't see paint until 2023, though. Once the Hessians are all delivered, Lucas will probably launch at least phase one of his Tyrolean revolt KS, which will include Bavarians, Tyrolese, and some Austrians, plus who knows what else!

  4. Great painting output, nog to big a spend and some great games, sounds like a result!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, iain. More than I wamntyed to spend, but I have no regrets about the Hessians. Now if they'd just come painted when they arrive! :-)

  5. Yes, then I imagine there will be trouble for all of us.

    1. The good news is that the new figures have sturdier muskets and bayonets.

  6. That is a solid effort Peter, I have enjoyed seeing the Wars of the Roses figures in particular, and good to see a couple of people I know in the Tewkesbury photo as well!

    1. Thanks Oli, glad you enjoyed them, and it's amazing that you know some of the folks in the picture!

  7. All those WoTR figures were just what was needed for our Test of Resolve games at Historicon

    1. I enjoyed doing them quite a lot; I may add a few more in 2023; we'll see!

  8. Those painting targets with those tremendous WoTR figures were really well done Peter.
