
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Indian Chariots #1

Careening off the painting desk comes the first of three new Chariots for my Indian Army. 

These are Old Glory figures; excellent sculpts and an exceptional value (especially in the US, and with the Army Card!). 

Chariots (and Elephants) were the prestige troops of the Indians from the era of Alexander the Great (sometime referred to as Mauryan India). 

The reins once again are made of painted dental tape. 


  1. Firing fore and aft, this is a colorful model!

    1. Thanks, Jon, The archer figures actually have a flat side of the tunic, where they are leaning into the wall of the chariot, which is probably how they stabilized themselves, and as they are all the same, they pretty much have to go this way. At least they fit in the cab without any fuss, which is not always the case with chariot models!

  2. Little can beat chariots and elephants for spectacle on the wargames table

    1. I agree re Chariots in particular! I have an awful lot of them now, between my Egyptians, Sea Peoples, Canaanites, Hittites, Assyrians, and Indians!

  3. Lovely models and paint work Peter. I have often thought about putting together an Indian army in 15mm, but have not found the time as yet.

    1. Thank you Lawrence. They are a pretty fun army to field, with lots of Elephants, some chariots, plenty of mediocre cavalry and infantry with bows and 2 handed swords!

  4. Very nice Laing chariot, Peter. Old Glory are, as you mention, great value. I had an Army Card for several years but have not had one for a while. It's great if you have a largish project in mind and want to do three or four significant purchases over twelve months. The figures can be a bit hit and miss....the original Naploeonic British infantry are not that great, but many other ranges easily hold their own against the likes of Foundry or Gripping Beast, at significantly less cost. I am thinking I won't be purchasing from the US for a while...our dollar is now worth about US 58c, whereas it's worth 51p UK. Makes this Brigade Games figures a bit pricey compared with Perry or Copplestone bought via Caliver, post free over £30! I remember when I was buying a lot of OG, the exchange rate was between 75-80c US......

    1. The combination of the very high cost of international shipping and the strong dollar doesn't make for purchases from the US being very attractive overseas, I am afraid. The exchange rate is good for us buying form the UK, etc., aside from the shipping part. One good thing, now you can choose any one set for free as part of you Army Card membership, which makes the effective cost of the card only about $20!
