
Saturday, October 15, 2022

3rd Quarter Statistics

The Valknut, an ancient Norse symbol... is a new period in the works?



July 2022
Historicon expenses [gas $70.42, Parking $14, Meals $152.82 , Lodging $354.84}; total $592.08, Historicon Purchases $60 ,Balsa Wood $64.25, Scenic Express (3D brick face sheets) $61.04, Bretwalda Kickstarter $176, Valhalla Playing Cards Kickstarter $48

August 2022
Staples (Really Useful Boxes) $136.81, "it is Warm Work (Napoleonic Naval Rules PDF) $5.95, 

September 2022

3rd Quarter Total:   $1,144.13

Year to Date : $3,589.34

Way over budget; at this rate, the best I can hope for is not to exceed $4,000. The big fly in the ointment would be if Lucas completes his next Piano Games Kickstarter before the end of 2022. 


July 2022
Late medieval refurbs: 45 foot, 2 organ guns:222.5  points, 1 Late Medieval Cannon  10 points, 24 WotR Household troops 120 points, 8 WotR Command Stands (8 fooot, 8 Mounted figures) 120 points

August 2022

September 2022 
3 Indian Chariots 120 points, Granaderos a Caballo 80 points, Cazadores de Olivencza 80 points, Spanish Cavalry Officers 20 points, 2 Renaissance Limbers 40 points

3rd Quarter Total:  812.5 points

Year to Date: 2,762.5 points

I likely won't reach the 3800 mark of the past 2 years, but it will likely be circa 3500 by year's end. 


July 2022
Heraclea, Marengo, Pavia, Caldiero, Epingham - all at Historicon

August 2022
Davout's attack at Wagram

September 2022

3rd Quarter Totals: 6 games (all in person)

Year to Date: 11 games

Well short of goal; the lack of on-line games this year shows! 


  1. Always an interesting read Peter. Piano Wargames is very dangerous 😀😃

    1. Lucas is producing beautiful figures and filling gaps that few others have, especially in 28 mm. Hessian Chevaulege3rs, Wurttemberg Grenadiers and some of the Guard cavalry types, etc!

  2. It gives me great pleasure to read that you are even further ahead of budget than I am, Peter. You have made me feel a lot better about my lapses in self-control!
    My aim is to stop for the rest of 2022—apart those Strelets early 18thC cuirassiers, should they be released next month (which will 'provoke' the purchase of a few other figures to 'fill gaps')...!

    1. "They're only plastic. How much can few additional set5s add to the budget?!"

    2. I'll take your cheeky (and obviously tongue-in-cheek) comment as a sign of jealousy! :) They will around $270 for 12 boxes of cavalry and three of infantry (144 cavalry and 146 infantry figures respectively); the economy of 1/72 plastic is superb...
      The serious expenditure that I need to hold back from is on books. I have several 'special' ones in my list that are gonna cost around $60–$100 (my dollars), one a bit more. They will have to wait until next year, at least...
      I think it's great that you include all hobby-related expenditure. I have done something similar since 2016 and it is an interesting, somewhat salutary, exercise. No transport, accommodation nor food included for me. The two occasions that I crossed the country and played in big wargames were road-trip holidays including wargaming, rather than for wargaming per se.

    3. Taken as intended, James. The quality and variety of plastics has been increasing exponentially the past 10 years. If I were starting from scratch I mighty well consider going that route. But I am not! :-)

  3. I don't even know what Piano Wargames is...thanks to you, I am off to have a look after this! A lot of this expendituis only haven't spent $1144 on figures...most if it was travel, accomodation and food, so they don't fact, in a decent world, you would be able to claim those back from "someone"!

    1. Keith, I am with you. No idea what Piano Games are and most of these these “wargaming” expenses, I would reclassify.

    2. Piano Games, located in Germany, has done the three "Price of Crowns" Kickstarters featuring the (very complete) Army of Wurttemberg for the first two, and the armies of Hessen-Darmstadt and Wurzburg in the third, all featured here on the blog. Their next Kickstarter will deal with the Tirolese rebellion of 1809, and will include Tyrolians, at least some Bavarians and Austrians, and perhaps some troops from the "Zwergstaaten" of the Rheinbund that fought there as well.

    3. Yes, if all I include was lead purchases, the totals would be much lower. My intent is to include almost everything that is a direct result of my hobby, which includes books, paints, modeling supplies, primer, bases, rules, board games, terrain, storage materials, bookshelves, magazine subscriptions, expense of attending conventions, etc. I actually find it interesting that expenditure on the actual figures is in the minority.

    4. Your small figure outlay is interesting to me too. Have you finally reached a saturation point with figures? Perhaps a new period is in order? As for a lack of remote gaming, we can address that issue!

    5. I have PLENTY to paint, Jon! :-)
      About 200 Scotts ECW figures
      Several batteries of standard ECW artillery
      About 70 Hessian Napoleonics
      About 250 Wurttemberg Napopleonics
      About 72 Portuguese Napoleonic line infantry (they will need another unit of Cacadores, Cavalry, and another battery at some point)
      French Pontoon train, Limbers
      British Rocket troops, Limbers
      GD Warsaw horse artillery and Krakus
      Gardes d'Honneur
      Plenty more Austrian Napoleonics (at least 150)
      More Macedonioans and Thracians.
      More Italian wars troops including pikes, Arquebusiers, and Gendarmes.
      Natives and Europeans, bearers, African animals, etc., for Darkest Africa/Congo style games.
      and plenty more odds and ends! :-)

      As far as remote gaming, I am now free most Thursday afternoons into about 8:30 PM. Weekends depend upon multiple scheduling factors!

  4. Thanks for reminding me about that Wurttemberg kickstarter. I have looked at it a few times and will head back for another look. The disturbing thing about your quarterly roundup Peter is that it only feels like a month since the last one.

    1. Well, it was about a month, Lawrence, as I was late with that on and on time with this one! :-)
      All of the figures from the first 3 KS are available for purchase now.

    2. Good news on both fronts Peter, as it means that my life is not speeding by as quickly as I thought it was, and I have something to spend my hobby budget on. I'm off to have a look now.

    3. Happy to be the bearer of good news! :-)
