
Monday, October 3, 2022

Military Miniature (digital) Magazine subscription sale!

 OK, I'll admit that I had never heard of this (US) e-publication before. Evidently they had a booth at Historicon in July, but I spent so little time in the dealer's area I missed it. A chance FB post over the weekend about the 25% off subscription dale they were having lead to a subscription (and a free back issue when I mentioned publicizing it on my blog. The sale is good until October 11th. 

    MMM for short, is a digital only product; there is no print edition. The "production" quality is outstanding; professional, and fully equal to the British glossies. The sample issue was 94 pages long, and packed full of an all wargames relevant mix of historical background, games played out, product reviews, rules reviews, book reviews, and more. Despite the title, this is NOT a magazine for collectors (although there are articles on modeling and painting) It has been a long tome now since the US had a decent wargames periodical, even if this isn't quit ion the style of the long defunct Courier or Midwest Wargames Newsletter. The 25% discount (with the FALL coupon code) brings the cost to about $3.50 an issue for 6 issues; well worth supporting, don't you think? I did! I like it enough to consider contributing in the future, at least to the reviews section. 



Facebook page

Why digital?

PS - I had a bit of trouble getting the coupon to work for me on the website, so emailed them via the contact information and it was all sorted out very quickly. 


  1. Thanks Peter for the heads up.

  2. I saw adverts when the zine was first announced but no more about it. I will give it look.

    1. With the discount there's so little to lose in supporting iot for a year!

  3. Hmmm, thanks for the heads up. Still deciding after a site visit.

    1. Worth consideration. I found the last issue mostly worth reading; it could take a few hours at least to read the entire thing. I think the reviews could be improved somewaht, but still read them all through and found them useful.

  4. I'll give it a look and probably subscribe. The last few years I've been supporting the hobby as much as possible...what's a few more shekels in the grand scheme of things

    1. The price is very reasonable; not much to lose!

  5. Interesting. I have never really been one for wargame magazines, apart from Strategy and Tactics back in the 80's, but am hoping to have more reading time available from next year onward and would much rather a good magazine than television.

    1. I haven't subscribed to a wargames magazine in a long time; I suppose the many blogs I follow partially fill that need. I used to subscribe to The Courier, The Wargamer's Newsletter, Empires, Eagles, and Lions, Wally Simon's Potmac Wargames Review (or whatever it was called) and MWAN. I looked forward to each issue eagerly! However those publications are long gone, even if I still have the back issues!
