
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Yuletide treasures 2022

As usual, our good friends who share my love of history came through with some interesting book gifts. First is this one about the logistical and naval commerce side of the Napoleonic Wars.

By the same author, and expanding the theme.

I have only a very broad concept of the 7YW, so this should prove interesting.... as lomng as it doesn't lead to a new Period the scope of the Napoleonic Wars!

Joe has the Poles and the Ottomans for this conflict!

Some new card decks to use with "To the Strongest!:", and otherwise.

Likewise, product of one of the 2022 Kickstarters. 

I couldn't resist the (nearly unending) sales by Helion. This is another army I know little about. The only problem is that I see that Brigade games has a line of Napoleonic Ottomans. Dangerous!

Well, of course I had to have the third and final volume in this fantastic series by David Wilson! 

I've wanted to own this volume for quite some time, but it was pricey; much better in paperback! 

I needed a 4th book to get the best deal, and this one looked interesting; it includes a bunch of scenarios from the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars. 

Some new lead, courtesy of the Brigade Games Cyberturkey sale. Here are enough figures for 2 Portuguese Line battalions,

and three battalions of Cacadores

2 mounted command figures and a sapper.

Crews for two Portuguese Artillery batteries. I'll eventually need to add guns for them, plus another unit of Portuguese Dragoons, quite possibly using Brigade games British Light Dragoons in Tarleton. I have lead for 4 more Line infantry units (Old Glory 2nd edition British), plus my existing (Minifigs) Portuguese, totaling 4 Line infantry, one Cacadore, 1 foot battery, and one unit of Dragoons. When will they see time on the painting table? Late 2023 at the earliest. most likely. 

Fruits of another Kickstarter, this time by King's Wild.

Jokers and the court cards for Spades. I gave my older daughter, who likes games and The Lord of the Rings, a deck for herself, and it was her favorite gift! 

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to one and all! 


  1. That is a significant number of new books there Peter, excellent haul. The Brigade Games figures look good too.

    1. Problem, like painting, is finding the time to read them all! Down to 33 months from planned retirement date now...

  2. Huge Christmas haul, Peter! Enjoy your new library additions and toys. A new Ottoman Army for you in 2023?

    1. With the exception of our literarily inclined friends, both former teachers, I do all my Christmas shopping for myself, so it just goes into the budget total anyway! :-)

    2. Definitely NOT any Ottomans in 2023. 2024 could be an outside possibility...

  3. A fabulous Christmas Haul there Peter. Liking the playing cards now off to search for some myself….

    1. If you are referring to the LOTR cards, there are two options that I know of; these by Kings Wild, and he is planning a Two Towers deck for 2023.
      Theory 11 also came out with an excellent and a bit more traditional looking LOTR deck:

  4. Quite the haul some interesting reading ahead

  5. You certainly have a great new set of books to read. Let me know how you
    Like the book on the Ottoman Army. The Nafziger book on Leipzig is excellent, scenario ideas are thick on the ground and well mapped out. All those troops for the Peninsula certainly beg paint. Happy painting this winter.

    1. Too many good things to read for sure! Between the two Leipzig books, maybe some 1813 games in the future!

  6. Some excellent titles among that lot Peter. I don't think there are any in there that I wouldn't find interesting. I have Napoleon at Leipzig and have been searching unsuccessfully for a reasonably-priced Napoleon at Dresden, but with no luck so far.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. Helion in particular is doing a great many interesting titles lately! I have "Dresden" in hardcover, purchased when it first came out ? 30 years ago!

    2. I bought my Dresden when first published. That was back in 1994 from Emperor’s Press.

    3. Not quite 30 years, but almost! That's where my copy came from as well. It was well worth the price!
