
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Wurttemberg I.R. #4

Here is the first of many new Wurttemberg units from the Piano Wargames Kickstarter in 2021.

I was especially happy to see the Wurttemberg Grenadier companies represented (front right), with their transverse "raupe" and more triangular brass plate on the front. 

This is I.R. #4 with its Rose Pink facings, also known by the name of the regimental Inhaber, Franquemont. Later in the Napoleonic Wars, King Friedrich ordered that the regiments be known only by their number. Note the red within yellow national cockades for Wurttemberg. 

The gorgeous flags are as free download from Lucas' site, printed on my home laser printer, with some Delta Ceramcoat "Old Gold" paint on the edges to eliminate the white lines. The blue coats used Delta Ceramcoat "Pthalo Blue". 

Barely visible is the brass trim on the fore/aft crest on the Grenadier helmets. It has been controversial at times whether these grenadier helmets (worn only by the first company of the first battalion of each regiment were ever actually issued, but the Wurttemberg artillery officer and artist, Faber du Four, has pictures of Grenadiers wearing them during the 1812 campaign in Russia. 


  1. Gorgeous looking Wurttembergers! They look excellent and a lovely flag with them!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. I was very happy with how they came out!

  2. Very nice Peter. Are these metal or 3D printed?

    1. Lucas sells the STL files for 3-D printing, but also these large (Perry scaled) "28" mm cast metals - and a very excellent job the caster does as well - very little flash, very clean, detailed casting. I don't know for a fact, but judging by the EU origins, heft and slight brittleness, I strongly suspect they are lead free.

  3. More gorgeous Germans for the campaigns! Nice touch to list the paints, love the pthalo blue. And the flags. Must resist.

    1. Thanks, Joe. It also helps me to record a key color like this for when I do future units! You should have plenty of Tirolese and their livestock coming by the end of April anyway!

    2. Yes, Pat and I were wistfully looking at the KS photos of the Cow & Goat earlier tonight. Did you see the KS announcement? Most of the metal figures arrived from the caster.

    3. Yes, looks like they may be in hand as soon as mid March!

  4. Beautiful figures with an excellent paint job there Peter. It looks kike a couple of these chaps have been using their bayonets to dig up potatoes ! (rear right of pic two)

    1. Thanks, Keith. The only criticism of the first batch of units (Wurttemberg) is that the muskets, swords and bayonets were a bit too tin, and thus more subject to bending on extraction from the molds. Trying to straighten them was perilous due to potential breakage. The next batch of figures (The Hessians and Wurzburg) that issue was corrected.

      I have a great many Minifigs with bendy bayonets; with care they can usually be straightened, the lead containing alloy being far more malleable.

  5. Lovely work Peter, and I'll try to remember your comments about the brittleness of the bayonets when I come to do mine. It is quite noticeable the difference between manufacturers in terms of the flexibility of metal figures.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. I don't know if he back revised the Wurttemberg sculpts, but considering the expense of producing the masters and the molds, I doubt it. No problems with the Hessians in that regard.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jon; by the time I am finished the Wurttemberg contingent will be very large indeed! :-)

  7. Lovely figures and I love the flag. I am working on some HaT 28mm Bavarians which are not a dissimilar cut of uniform. The Hat figures are not up to the same detail standard as these though but I hope they will look OK en masse.

    1. Thanks! Checked out your recent Swiss, which are lovely. I am sure the HAT figures will look great en masse,. which is really how most of us view our figures in real life! The forthcoming Piano games French line may well get painted as Swiss in my case, too!

  8. These are a delight Peter.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you, James! They are exceptionally fine figures.

  9. That's a beautifully painted unit, Peter! Their uniforms are some of the nicest for the period - including their imposing headgear.

    1. Thanks, Dean. The Wurttemberger uniforms were impressive and quite varied. The King devoted quite a lot of money and attention to his Army!

  10. Very pretty. Love that uniform and flag!

    1. Thanks, Rob. This is one case where the pink facings look quite classy, I think!
