
Saturday, April 8, 2023

1st Quarter 2023 statistics

Well, I can't claim to have as good a 1st quarter as the Men's Basket ball team who finished with an NCAA national championship last weekend, but it makes a good graphic for Q1 of 2023. I certainly have plenty of connection to the University; 2 degrees (BS, Chemistry, MD), and I payed in the Marching Band all 4 years and the Basketball Pep Band my senior year (back when winning the Yankee conference was a big deal, and the women's team was an afterthought, not the powerhouse it has been for the past several decades). My wife and sister in law are also UConn grads, and I can also claim more than 30 years as a clinical professor for the School of Medicine. Not at all  the least, my attendance at UConn lead to meeting Joe (Fishtales blog), a story that is told here, as part of my "Dice and Tin Men" series.  As a result of my time in the band, I can still pay the school's fight song, "UConn Husky" (oddly enough, despite the play on words, the Husky mascot dates back to when the school was Connecticut Agricultural college), and sing the alma mater (in the band, we sung it on the field during every pregame show, and at any meal we shared as a group - even when the band toured Europe). Now back to wargaming!  :-)


January 2023
Hessen Darmstadt Foot Artillery (55 points),Hessen Darmstadt Chevaulegers (90 points), Hessen Darmstadt High Command (35 points), Spanish Limber (40 points)   =  220 points

February 2023
Scots Lancers (60 points), Scots Cavalry 60 points), Scots Dragoons (60 points), Scots Command (35), Wurttemberg IR #4 (90 points)    = 305 points

March 2023
Scots Lancers (60 points), Wurttemberg IR #2 (90 points), Scots Dragoons (60 points), Wurttemberg Fussjagers (90 points), Scots Cavalry (60 points),  Wurttemberg Light Infantry (90 points), Scots Artillery (120 points), Wurttemberg IR #3 (90 points)    =  630 points

1st Quarter Total:   1155 points - a strong performance!


January 2023
Old Glory (More Wars of the Roses figures) $130, Castle of Burgundy Kickstarter $129.80

February 2023
Powercell Games $19 (dice deal), HAVOC Registration fee $10

March 2023
Huang Kickstarter $64.90

1st Quarter Total:   $ 353.70  In pretty good shape for the budget - No Piano Wargames Kickstarter this quarter!


January 2023
2nd Manassa (BBB)

February 2023
Bisham Abbey (FK&P)  

March 2023
Vyazma 1812 (Battle Command)

1st Quarter Total:  3 games - a bit below goal


  1. Congratulations to your Huskies, Peter! They knocked my local school out in the Elite Eight. Boo.

    Your painting tally and expenses look well in-hand for Q1. Congratulations on that front too! Now, you may need to work on your gaming.

    1. Thanks, Jon. We were scheduled for a FTF game here in March, , but one by one each of the guys had something come up. HAVOC will pit 3 games in the books for April, and I'm now scheduled to run 2 ToR WotR games for Next Gen in early May, so the totals shopuld move up considerably next quarter.

  2. Lots of painting and not much spending, maybe not as many games as you usually play?
    Best Iain

    1. Yes; in addition to the above, I also have a Zoom playtest scheduled in April.

  3. Good winter progress, Castle of Burgundy? Is this gaming or did you switch from white?

    1. LOL, it's a board game:
      This one is mostly for family that don't like direct conflict. :-)

  4. February looked to have been an exercise in consummate budgetary restraint. What was the Huang Kickstarter? I must have glossed over the post on that one.

    1. I pledged for that one as it was reasonable in price, had an interesting Chinese theme, and is fairly abstract and fast playing.

    2. Steady painting progress there, Peter but I feel your pain on the gaming front - mine have been few and far between so far this year too. (If this is my second comment, blame Blogger - I had 90% written it, when it suddenly disappeared....!)

    3. Thanks, Keith. Mostly scheduling conflicts to blame so far...

  5. Ok - I see its only my second effort that ahs appeared here - God knows what happened with the first one :)

    1. The ways of Blogspot can be strange indeed! :-)
