
Sunday, April 2, 2023

KIngmaker, Royal edition

I am sure most gamers who were active back in the 1970's or 1980's will recall Kingmaker. It was a great game, but suffered from two things; to actually finish a game was very difficult, even though the game play was engaging (and at time frustrating, such as when one of you key nobles is killed in battle, or called to put down a rebellion in some far off location!

With all the Wars of the Roses games I have played in the past 3 year during the development and playtesting of Test of Resolve (authored by my friends Tim Couper and David Knight in the UK), and the WotR figures I painted last year, it seemed to make sense to back a new edition of Kingmaker (I still have my copy from ? 50 years ago), and it arrived a few days ago!


A nice touch

Opening the box, the rules for the new, 2nd edition are on top. These promise additional victory conditions and shorter game play.

There is also a solo version in this new edition; handy for learning the rules, or playing when you can't gather 2-4 friends for the full KingmaKer experience!

The original rules are included as well, along with a number of variants on the "Classic" rules. 

Player Aid sheets

Battle board, faction and noble markers

Another sheet of the same

Solo play rules for the "AI" opponent. 

Map for the new edition

On the reverse is the map for the original version. 

Event cards, Chancery cards, Town cards, etc.  My thought of course go once again to how one might use this new edition of Kingmaker to drive a Wars of the Roses miniatures campaign...


  1. Looks interesting. Is this a remake of TAHGC’s game?

  2. Yes, it is a remake of the Avalon Hill game of the same name. It should be available at retail shortly with the KS being completed now.

  3. Looks like an interesting game Peter - comparing the two maps (new and original) I think I can see a clue as to why the new version may promise quicker games! Using a board game to drive the narrative of a miniatures campaign is something many aspire to - look forward to seeing if you manage to work something out in that regard.

    1. Yes, it's something we probably *think* we may do far more than ever reaches reality. It won't be anytime soon, that much is for sure!

  4. This was my take to sea game of the 1980's, we played it many times and once ran a game for two weeks playing in shifts. I won it by having Beaumont and slitting the King's throat to win, all hail the King 😁 .


    1. I can see how that would have worked, and that one game sounds likle a true epic!

  5. Hmm, 2 to 4 players, hmm, wonder where you could find them. Seriously, nest lookin Kickstart.

    1. LOL, hint taken. It would definitely work for a group session! :-)

  6. Great game and interesting to see new map compared to 'classic' much less fussy.

    1. The revised rules and the solo play options were what siold me on thsi one.

  7. I only tried once to play this game [the original] after Id put together all the playing pieces I gave up and sadly sold it for pennies. This does look interesting, but finding opponents is a challenge.

    1. Yes, always the issue with multiplayer games that take some time commitment. That's why the shortened game play and solo mode attracted me enough to buy it.

  8. I absolutely want to grab this one. I’d be really interested in hearing from you how it plays, group play or solo. Regardless of campaigning or not.


    1. I am tempted to try a solo play soon; we'll see!

  9. I had read about this and the new rules for quicker play seemed interesting. I too still have my original and the last game we had must have been eight or nine years ago. I remember it well as I was the last one standing in that game because my last remaining and much stronger opponent landed on a city with all his forces and then drew the plague card. Good fun.

    1. KIngmaker was always a game with a pretty high chaos factor, but that was part of what made it fun. Certainly the actual WoTR itself had a very high Chaos factor, too, with shifting alliances, battlefield betrayals and deaths in combat, etc.

  10. Probably going to get this as I've been looking to get 1st edition second hand as I want to adapt it to the Italian wars, thanks for the update!
    Best Iain

    1. You're welcome! :-) For the Italian Wars specifically, have you considered "Machiavelli" or " lost save Honor".

    2. Machiavelli seems a bit epic but All is lost save Honour looks really good , thanks again!
      Best Iain

    3. We used the map from Machiavelli with our own, simple rules.
