
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Household troops of Edward IV

Fresh off their less than stellar performance at Towton this weekend, we have a unit of Foot Knights (Household troops in plate armor) supporting the cause of Edward IV

As usual, the figures are from Old Glory, and were originally part of the "Revenge" range ? 30 years ago.  

I chose to do all my Household troops in a single color, in part because with all that plate, there isn't much fabric showing anyway, and in part to further differentiate them for the mass of every day troops in livery coats, that are most often bicolored. 

That's the model for Darth Vader, rear rank, 3rd from the right!

The white Rose of York is prominent on the banner (once again from Pete's Flags). Curiously, although Shakespeare's plays cover Edward IV, none of them are named for him. 


  1. Heavy metal! Nice looking, typical new unit jitters?

  2. That really does look like a Darth Vader Helmet. Lovely work Peter and the Pete's flag looks great.

    1. His helmet really was modeled on helms like these!

  3. Yes, great work Peter and the flag is so good, it almost convinces me to part with money, instead of just finding free stuff via Google and Paint......ALMOST! 😏

    1. They really aren't very expensive, and as you can see, the quality is exceptional. When I ran the game Sunday, John was so impressed he asked me for the site so he could order some for his own troops.

  4. New novel of the start of the hundred years war called Essex Dogs does not deal kindly with Edward 4. Great yarn by Dan Jones.

    1. Would not the beginning of the Hundred Years War antedate the birth of Edward IV by almost those 100 years? Perhaps you are thinking of the son of Edward III, Edward "The Black Prince", who was a very prominent commander during the HYW? He died before his father and thus never became King.

    2. Correctamundo! Jones makes the Black Prince out to be a real jerk.

  5. Lovely looking armoured foot, I've only got Pete's flags for the Italian wars but they are exceptional quality and not expensive!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. I agree completely about those flags!
      When I got the link to the site for John, I saw there were a bunch of new WotR flags that I don't have already - dangerous! :-)

  6. That is indeed a very nice flag, figures arent half bad either :-)

  7. Great looking WotR figures Peter. I had a few of tge Revenge range. Really liked them. Strange name for the range.

    1. Thanks, Dean. I think the Revenge name came from petty feuds amongst Barons, etc,

  8. Looking really good Peter. I have belatedly started to pull together my figures into WoTR armies for ToR - until now I have always used Tim's figures. They are a real motley crew of figures from manufacturers dating back well over 40 years bulked up with Perry's plastics and Front Rank. I need flags and now know where to go.

    1. A motley and varied crew seems highly appropriate for WotR!
