
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Tools of the Trade


In preparation for my Wars of the Roses game a few weeks ago, I remembered that Tim had used some small color coded tokens to track the Morale of each Battle independently. This is important, because Morale is essentially by Battle; even if the overall action is going in your favor, one of your Battles can still break if it takes additional losses after it runs out of Resolve points. Searching around on Amazon, I found these.

Each set has 15 tokens in each of 9 different colors. They were quite inexpensive, so I got two sets, or 30 of each color total. They arrived the day after I ran the game, though. Oh well, on hand for next time. 

All sorted in boxes...

Really Useful Boxes. 

I also needed small dice to fit the die frames I used to track losses for each company; a "
6" is no losses, a 1 is one, etc. The dice were also color coded to troop quality, with blue being Superior, Red/White being average (for Lancaster and York respectively), Green for Inferior, and Black for very inferior. Once again, IO ordered two packs from Amazon to be sure that I would have more than enough. 

Finally, I needed to spend a bit more to get free shipping. These plastic "Risk Piece" style sailing ships are what started it all off on another blog, so I figured why not? I already have the infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery from Morrison Games. 

Each pack has 12 ships, and the detail on them is surprisingly good. I'm sure that I'll find a use for them at some point! 


  1. OOh, tiddley winks! Nice find.

    1. Pretty much, although not sold as such! :-)

  2. I like the Risk ships. I could put these to use too convert a board game to miniatures.

    1. Yes, they'd make great replacements for cardboard counters (same with the earlier plastic risk pieces infantry, cavalry, and artillery).

  3. I find these tiddly winks and/or pipe cleaner markers indispensable for most rules, and whilst not as aesthetically pleasing as casualty figures or similar (such as the myriad of stuff in Fire & Fury) they are much more practical for ease of reference or ailing eyes :-)

    1. Agreed, gary. I have Napoleonic casulty figures, but never use them. I do use my ECW casulties for "For King and Parliament", but no unit will ever have more than 2 such markerson it in that game (andthere are a lot of other markers).

  4. I bought some similar tiddly winks from a $2 shop here, Peter....I think they were sold as "Poker Chips" or something like that. I also like the ships...could be a cheap way to get into sailing era naval gaming....not that it's something I am keen on, but I know many are!

    1. For about $25, you'd have more ships than you could ever possibly use! The cips official listing is "Shapenty 3/4Inch / 19mm Small Plastic Learning Counters Disks Chip Counting Discs Markers for Math Practice and Poker Chips Game Tokens with Storage Box, 9 Colors, 135PCS"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Does the procurement of the tiny ships have a relationship to the recent naval building in our Imagination campaign?

    1. Not really (I already have a pretty big collection of 1:1200 Napoleonic ships, with a few more still "in the lead". Mostly I couldn't resist adding another item to get "free" shipping, and I had already had my eye on them! :-)

  7. What search term did you use to find those ships? They look really useful.

  8. Here's the link:
    Description: Napoleonic Miniature Navy Sailing Ships: Plastic Sailboat Figurines: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black and Grey Toy Boats
    Morrison games. They make the infantry/cavalry/artillery sets as well. If you want more colors, they also come in purple, orange, and white!

    1. Nice haul and very useful Peter. I ordered some books from Amazon two weeks ago one afternoon and they arrived first thing the next morning. They really have their delivery systems working well.

    2. They certainly do usually provide very efficient delivery!

  9. Useful looking tiddly winks and the tiny ships look great!
    Best Iain

    1. Definitely suitable for a big boardgame of the Napoleonic or 7 Years war!
