
Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Last (?) Phalanx

When I ran my Battle of the Hydaspes game at HAVOC a few months, it became evident that I needed one more Phalanx for Macedon. Fortunately, I already had the figures primed, the last of the phalangites from the huge haul of Macedonians that I acquired from Edgar ? 10 years ago now. 

Paint brush was duly applied to lead, and these guys are the result! I believe the figures are A&A.

Once again, Edgar had kindly supplied me with far more than enough Little Big Men Studios shield transfers, gratis, for all of the figures he sold to me back then. 

It took me a while to remember how the darned things worked, but once I looked up my own previous post on the subject, it came back to me!

I was scraping the bottom of the barrel of the shield supply for these guys, too!

A number of those shields had a protruding boss in the center. I wound up needing to pierce the center of those transfers. My initial attempt to do so were spectacularly unsuccessful! Then I recalled that I had a box of 18 gauge needles left over from when I closed my private office (and I couldn't convince my new employers to take, them, for free - Hospitals!  No wonder everything they do is so expensive!).  

Anyway the 18 gauge needles did the job perfectly; the holes were enlarged a bit more using a pin vice (a bizarre term for a small hand held and powered basic hobby drill)... Success!

This Phalanx has a slightly orange theme.

I had a few left over officer types.

I recalled that I needed some additional foot generals for the game anyway, so such they became. 

The fellow with the lavender pteruges seemed designed to take a pike, but that wouldn't work well for my needs. 

A spare (Napoleonic) cavalry sword was trimmed down to fit his hand, and it seems to have worked fine.


  1. A splendid looking phalanx and the officers have some striking colours to stand out.

  2. Sniff, the last phalanx, say it ain't so.........
    Nice work. Have fun at H Con.

    1. LOL, Joe. From the figures I got from Edgar, I now have 6 phalanxes, one each with themes of white, black, blue, green, yellow and now orange - an even gross of Phalangites!

  3. The figures are mostly Wargames Foundry; a mix of phalangites (inc unarmoured) and peltasts (front rank pikes overhead). There are possibly 4 A&A figures in second rank (on left if viewed from front).

  4. They look great Peter. I am a big fan of LBMS shield transfers and they really round out the figures here and well worth the effort. I have always found the term pin vice to be a bit strange. I can vaguely understand that it is a vice holding a pin-like drill, but to me something like hand drill would have made more sense.

    1. It is generally a long interval between each of the times I use them, and their use is a bit counterintuitive, so I have to rediscover how to do it anew!

  5. Very nice work on these Macedonians (?) Peter.

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes, they are Macedonians, Late Alexander to successor era

  6. These look terrific! The transfers make the figures pop.

    1. Thanks for the enthusiastic endorsement, Jon!

  7. Splendid looking pikemen!
    Best Iain
