
Saturday, July 29, 2023

A Passage to India - Alexander vs Porus, May 326 BC, with To the Strongest!

I ran my big To the Strongest! game at Historicon Friday at 2 PM and again at 7 PM. The games were played in the HMGS Next Gen room, the Independence Room on the 2nd floor. Great lighting, but fairly out of the way. 

Handing out the ammunition dials...

Part of the Indian Center; they had a ton of Longbows, and some supporting Javelinmen. Most of the Longbows were raw. 

Close up of part of an Infantry command, with their General. Indian figures are a mix of old Minifigs, Old Glory, and New Line Designs

Macedonian commanders discuss tactics before the game. 

Another view of the set up.

Although cheap and not very durable (Raw Longbows save on a 9+), the longbowmen proved decidedly resilient, whereas the Macedonian phalangites just couldn't seem to hit them, and when they did, the Indians often pulled 9's and 10's for their saves. With far more units, this soon lead to difficulties with the phlanxes being flanked. The Indians fired a ton of missiles, the vast majority of which missed or were saved, but even a single hit on a phalanx really weakens it.

Both armies advance.

The first arrows and javelins seek their targets.

View of the Indian Left; who will seize the hill first?

Detail of the fight on the Indian right flank.

Quite a crowd, with everyone getting into the action!

Still a lot of Victory medals left for both sides at this point.

Although most of the Indian cavalry was pretty poor (mostly raw), the combination of numbers, plus support from the excellent deep supported veteran Elephants and the chariots saw the Indians gain the upper hand on the flanks. 

View of the Center, mid game. The Indians eventually managed a respectable victory. 


The 2nd game was slated to run at 7; usually TTS! games last about three hours; this one went the full 4 hours, so by the time I set up everything again, it was almost 7 PM; Dinner that day was a can of regular Coke (no worries, some weight loss would be a good thing!)

The evening game had more veteran players, so it moved along very swiftly. 

Push of Pike!

Ken Baggaley's command included the Indian Elephants and Chariots on their right, and he made especially good use of his Chariot units, here seen charging into the flank of a hapless Phalanx!

View of the right flank Cavalry battle. The Indians secured a convincing win here, and this time in the usual 3 hours. Alexander shouldn't have crossed the Indus!


  1. Great games! Thanks for running them!

    1. Thanks so much for playing, Milton. I swiped some of your pictures, too! :-)

  2. Those are two very impressive games of TtS there Peter! 2 - 0 to the Indians too - as you said, Alexander should have quit while he was ahead - although, of course, he didn't......!

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes, it was only the subsequent mutiny of his troops that made him turn back!

  3. Great looking games (mat looks well) and good to see all those new units in action. Look forward to rest of reports

    1. Thanks, Gary! You really should give TTS! a go sometime!

  4. Quite the epic, now I see where
    All the Indian bowman figures went. Excellent looking game, as always.

    1. Yep, there are a LOT of Indian Longbowmen on the table; over 100!

  5. Peter, with all of your hard work put into all of your Historicon games you are a model ambassador for the wargaming hobby. Great looking games by the way!

    1. Thanks, Jon. Perhaps you will make it to Lancaster some year, perhaps to be followed by some more ACW, AMR or French and Indian War battlefield tours?

  6. Splendid looking game, lovely figures and mat, sounds tiring but fun!
    Best Iain

    1. It was fun; wasn't too tiring; with help, packed up the second gamer in 30 minutes, in bed by 11! :-)

  7. That looks terrific Peter. I think I would have quite liked the room being a little out of the way for this one as it would cut down on outside distractions and allow players to give it their full attention.

    1. It has its advantages and disadvantages. In this case, the noise level was pretty moderate, a real plus!
