
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Medieval Sergeants and Knights - Essex figures

These figures are from the collection of the late Bill McHugh. I acquired them in the Spring of 2019, shortly after his rather sudden and untimrly death 

The process of shipping them across the country was not kind to these figures, particularly resulting in many of the lances becoming detached or occasionally, broken. I considered replacing them all with wire versions, but decided against it in the end. 

Much epoxy was deployed, and with a bit of repainting and rebasing, and they are ready for the table.  I chose larger, 60 x 50 mm deep bases for these troops, in attempt to protect the some what fragile (and bendy) lances. I think these guys will get magnetic basing as well! 

Next are quite a few Late Medieval  (? Crecy, 1346) era) Knights in chainmail and pieces of plate.

The Knight are probably the best painted of all of the troops I acquired from Bill's collection. 

Like the bulk of Bill's Late Medieval figures, these appear to be Essex figures. 

The paint jobs on the barding are especially impressive. There quite a few more of these Essex Knights yet to come as well. 


  1. Nice work on these and, as you say Peter, the barding on the knights is particularly nice. You don't see a lot of the Essex 28mm range but they look very nice painted up.

    1. I actually have a fair amount of Essex figures in my Renaissance armies, especially the Gendarmes, and they are very nice as well.

  2. Very nice indeed Peter, I also like the heraldry on the knights.

  3. Very nice, particularly the heraldry on the knights

  4. Really nice. Wire lances are deadly to fingers !!

    1. If sharpened to a point, like some of my Egyptians, yes then wire spears and Lances can be a rather painful encounter!

  5. Lovely knights and sergeants! I've got a few of these chaps in a 100 years war French basic impetus army that pre dates my blog, nice figures to paint I thought, yours are certainly well done!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. HYW is exactly what they will probably used for, mostly!
