
Sunday, August 13, 2023

Vintage Medieval Figures

My freind of many decades, Joe Fish (Fishtales blog) gave me these figures a long time ago - I'm guessing maybe 15+ years. 

They were painted back in 1974 - 1976 by Steve Gallagher, one of the guys I met as part of the very informal Miniature Wargaming group at the University of Connecticut back in 1973-1974.

I am not sure of the manufacturer ? possibly Jack Scruby or old Minifigs; they almost look 20 mm in size, but 25 mm figures have undergrown major scale creep since that time. 

They bear the marks of Steve's painting style, finely detailed, and with the ink black lining that was often necessary for figures of that era. 

They are close enough in size to my old Minifigs from the "Aleksandr Nevsky" range to be useable with them. 

Another unit of 12 crossbowmen (well, there's a spare hand gunner in the rear rank).

Unlike the first unit, where the pavises were mostly done with the emblems of a variety of Knightly orders, this group has more variety/

Still finely detailed, with the same black lining. I don't know if any heard from Steve after the mid 1970's. 

These figures just required very minor touch up, rebasing, and flocking. 

Ready for Action, Sir!


  1. I like ‘em! May be oldies but they are goodies. I like the painting style.

    1. Thanks, Jon. Steve was easily the best painter in the group at the time.

  2. That puts me in mind of some black ink lining I did on some Napoleonic British Hinchliffe figures in the early 80's. It seemed quite effective at the time, and has stood the test with these figures. They look sharp and the pavises round them off beautifully. A nice gift from Joe.

    1. My Minifigs ECVW figures, mostly painted around the same time (mid 1970's) are done with the same blacklining technique, and it still looks good almost 50 years later. So, by chance, are my Teutonic Knights, also painted around the same time.

  3. A wonderful set of older miniatures.

  4. Replies
    1. It's a shame it has taken me this long to do a very minor refurb and rebasing. The incentive was looking for figures suitable for the HYW; I have more of Steve's figures to work on, a huge number of Knights from Bill McHugh's collection, and even a few from Ken Baggaley.

  5. They look excellent! They maybe old but they still look like they could handle themselves!

    1. Thanks, Ray. I am thinking of how to get them on the table again!

  6. They look very good. Hard to believe they are nearly 50 years old.

    1. The style is definitely 1970's, but I agree, they still look darned good!

  7. Splendid looking veteran troops!
    Best Iain

  8. Nice examples of older style figures, and well painted by the standards of the age!

  9. Classic looking crossbows and pavises, Peter. Very generous of Joe. I like the flat topped helm they're wearing too.

    1. Thanks, Dean; me too. My Ninifigs foot from the Alexander Nevsky range have similar helms.

  10. Peter, the figures were pre 1978 Minifigs. Steve was the best painter of the group, for sure. I might have a few more of the types in the basement. I see an archeological dig coming.

    1. From the dates on the bases, these were probably pre 1975; omly one had Steve's "SEG" initials. Any idea whatever happened to Steve? I have more of his figures to display in the next month or so.
