
Sunday, September 10, 2023

Bavarian I.R. #6 Herzog Wilhelm

The first of four new regiments of Bavarian Infantry musters off the painting table, in time for next months Snappy Nappy Campaign in a Day, based upon the events of April 1809, in Bavaria. 

This regiment has red facings with white piping and white metal buttons. The lace on the jacket of the drummer is in the button color (so white here). 

The green plumes are for the Schutzen, while then red plumes are for the Grenadiers. Neither wore epaulettes. 

These figures are all part of the ones I got in the "Alps Aflame" Kickstarter by Piano Wargames and Lucas Luber in Germany. 

In addition to their bread sacks and canteens, some of the men have cooking pans and cups strapped to their packs. 


  1. Very nice Peter. I thought they might be more of Lucas's creations. The cooking pans and cups are a nice touch.

    1. Yep. Very nice. Good to see a return to Napoleonics.

    2. Thanks, Jon. Mostly Napoleonics in the painting plans for the rest of the year at least!

  2. So cool. Three more in the queue you say? Splendid looking,so much animation.

    1. Yep three more Bayernlisches to come! Lucas' next Kickstarter should be upon us by then!

  3. Hi, great looking figures, an inspiration for my Victrix Bavarians when I can get to them. I shall have to try and not paint the same regiments as you. I am waiting on flags from GMB, the post from England still seems to be as fast as the Mississippi in summer.

    1. Glad you like them, Chris! The GMB flags are lovely (I have quite a few), but significantly oversized. These were printed from the free ones on the Piano wargames website. It will be hard to avoid painting the same regiments that I have, as I have 4 already from years back (Foundry figures), and now 4 more, and there were never more than 13 - 14 regiments. I cose them by their facing colors anyway! :-)

    2. I just typed a response and it self deleted. Another irritation in the cyber world Peter.

      What I was trying to say is that my research indicates that Bavaria had one guard grenadier infantry regiment, thirteen line infantry regiments and six light infantry regiments. By the time I get to mine, I am sure you will have finished yours.

      I also have a box of Perry's French hussars that I intend to paint as Bavarian. I will be taking liberties with history as the Bavarian hussar regiment was formed in 1813 and I base my forces around the 1810 period but hey, I think the hussars look cool. I am also intending to do some customising with Victrix French foot artillery and change heads and paint then as Bavarian.

      I have to admit, I have a soft spot for Bavaria having visited there as aged 11. I am sure it is nothing like it was then but the scenery and architecture appealed to me then.

    3. Yes, that's really annoying when that happens! Been there, as I am sure we all have. I agree, don't worry too much about the dates. If you want to do the Hussars, the Uhlans, the Guard Infantry, etc, go for it! I too spent a fair amount of time in Bavaria back in 1974 on tour with the University of Connecticut marching band. My Nephew was born there as well, while my sister and her husband were stationed there during serving in the US Army JAG Corps.

  4. Very nice indeed Peter - Bavarians in their distinctive Ruapenhelm are a perennial favorite of mine. I had a few Minifigs once upon a time and also started an FPW Bavarian collection but didn't persist with it.

    1. Mine as well; my very first non French Napoleonics were Bavarians - Der Kreigspielers back in the 1970's. Those gave way to some Foundry figures in the 1990's, now augmented by these beauties!

  5. Gorgeous looking Bavarians, lovely figures and painting!
    Best Iain
