
Monday, October 16, 2023

Snappy Nappy 2023: Crisis on the Danube, 1809, Part 1: Scenario and Set up

Earlier this month, on  Saturday, October 7th, we held held another Napoleonic  Campaign in a Day event  at The Portal gaming space, 60 Hilliard Street, Manchester CT. Mark T., James S., and myself set up all of the 15 tables the day before; I personally arrived at about 3 PM, and left about 9:30 PM. Mark got held up in Columbus Day weekend traffic - we mistakenly had thought the following weekend was the Holiday. Note to self NOT to do Columbus Day weekend next year due to traffic!

Overview with the terrain set up on all 15 tables.

View from the opposite direction

Table A - Au. 

Table D - Dingolfing

Table E - Eckmuhl  (aka Eggmuhl). Historically, Marshal Davout won his title, "Prince of Eckmuhl" here, defeating the Austrians soundly. 

Table F - Freising

Table G - Langquiad

Table I - Ingolstadt (Home of the Bavarian Army Museum; I spent several days there in May 1974, while touring Europe with the UConn Marching Band; it was only a few hours prior to our departure that I realized it was the site of the Bavarian Army Museum, resulting in an all too brief 1 hour tour of same! 

Table L - Landshut; this is where the Austrians crossed the River Isar when they launched their invasion of Bavaria, driving back the heavily outnumbered Bavarians under the command of Marshal Lefebvre. 

Table M - Mooseburg

Table N - Neustadt.  Marshal Lannes took command of an ad hoc force at the direction of the Emperor Napoleon, and checked the Austrians here at a series if actions termed the Battle of Abenburg. 

Table O - Rottenburg

Table P - Pfaffenhofen

Table R - Regensburg (aka Ratisbon). I likewise visited here in Mat, 1974. I know it by its French name, Ratisbon, but as soon as I saw the famous and massive bridge over the Danube, I knew where I was. This city was where the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire met, each time they elected a new Holy Roman Emperor. 

Table S - Straubing

Table T - Teugen; Marshal Davout fought his rather desperate Battle of Teugen-Hausen here, trying to join the main body of the French army on his march from Regensburg. 

Table X - Pfaffenhausen

Crisis on the Danube” - the Events of April, 1809

A “Campaign in a Day” using Snappy Nappy. by Russ Lockwood

Scales: 1 stand = 1500 Infantry, 600 Cavalry, or 18 Guns

L' Armee d'Allemagne, L' Empereur Napoleon I: Genius +3  played by Jim C.

Starting Location: Ingolstadt

1 Sapper Company (veteran 6+) to be assigned as desired

Napoleon can assign the sappers to anyone he likes (or indeed, retain them himself). 

II Corps, General de Division Nicolas Oudinot: Dashing +1  played by Steve T. 

Starting Location: Au

16 stands Conscript Line 8+

2 stands Veteran Legere (Tiraileurs Corse and Po) 6+

2 stands Hussars – Veteran 6+

2 stands Chasseurs – Seasoned 7+

4 stands Cuirassiers – Elite 5+

12# Foot Artillery - Veteran 6+

4# Horse Artillery - Elite 5+

III Corps, Marechal Louis Davout: Genius +3

Starting Location: within 24” of Regensburg

St Hilaire, Friant, & Montbrun – Charismatic +2   played by Mike S.

4 stands Legere - Elite 5+

12 stands Line – Veteran 6+

4 stands Hussars Veteran 6+

2 Stands Chasseurs Seasoned 7+

2 x 8# Foot Batteries – Veteran 6+

Morand, Gudin, and St Sulpice – Charismatic +2   played by Kevin C

2 stands Legere - Elite 5+

12 stands Line – Veteran 6+

6 stands Cuirassiers – Elite 5+

1 x 12# Foot Artillery - Veteran 6+

1 x 4# Horse Artillery - Elite 5+

IV Corps, Marechal Andre Massena: Charismatic +2    

Starting Location: Pfaffenhofen

St Cyr and Legrand - Dashing +1    played by Sean S.

4 stands Baden Line – Seasoned 7+

4 stands Hessian Line - Seasoned 7+

2 Stands Legere – Veteran 6+

4 Stands French Line – Seasoned 7+

2 Stands Baden/Hessian Light Cavalry - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Baden/Hessian 6# Artillery – Seasoned 7+

Molitor, Boudet and Maraluz – Dashing +1    Played by James S.

2 stands Legere – Veteran 6+

8 stands French Line – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Chassuers – Seasoned 7+

1 French 6# Artillery – Veteran 6+

1 French 12# Artillery – Veteran 6+

1 x Pontooniers – Veteran 6+

VII Corps (Bavarian), Marechal Francois Lefebvre: Reliable +0  played by Karl N.

Starting Location: Neustadt

2 stands Light Infantry – Veteran 6+

12 stands Line - Seasoned 7+

2 Bavarian Dragoons – Seasoned, count as Heavy Cavalry 6+

2 stands Bavarian Chevau-Legers - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# French Horse Artillery - Elite 5+

1 x French 12# Foot Artillery - Veteran 6+

2 x 6# Bavarian Foot Artillery – Seasoned 7+

Wurttemberg Corps, General de Division Vandamme: Dashing +1  played by Steven C.

Starting Location: Ingolstadt

8 stands Line - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Light Infantry – Veteran 6+

2 stands Wurttemberg Chevaulegers – Seasoned 7+

2 x Wurttemberg 6# Foot Artillery – Seasoned 7+

Ad-hoc Corps. Marechal Jean Lannes: Charismatic +2  played by Mark M.

Starting Location: Vohburg

2 stands Legere – Veteran 6+

2 stands Nassau Infantry – Seasoned 7+

2 stands other Rheinbund Line – Conscript 8+

4 stands Conscript French Line – Conscript 8+

2 stands Chasseurs – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Carabiniers – Elite 5+

2 stands Cuirassiers – Elite 5+

1 x 6# Horse Artillery – Elite 5+

1 x 6# Foot Artillery – Veteran 6+

Commands: 8 plus Napoleon/Berthier

Infantry: 546 points

22 stands Conscript @ 4 pts = 88 pts

40 stands Seasoned @ 5 pts = 200 pts

36 stands Veteran @ 6 pts = 216 pts

6 stands Elite @ 7 pts = 42 pts

Cavalry: 196 points

16 stands Seasoned @ 6 pts = 96 pts

4 stands Veteran @ 7 pts = 28 pts

14 stands Elite @ 8 pts = 72 pts

Artillery: (6 Seasoned, 4 Elite, 7 Veteran) 148 points

2 x 4# @ 9 pts = 18 pts

12 x 6/8# @ 8/9 pts = 98 pts

4 x 12# @ 8 pts = 32 pts

TOTAL: 990 points

French Options: Note that none of these are guaranteed to succeed, and the attempt may result in some changes to the other side as well! 

After consultation with his players, Napoleon/Berthier the French may choose one (or none)  of the following Options:

1) Napoleon arrives in the theater earlier

2) Davout 's march on his own initiative towards Feking  is not countermanded by Berthier

3) The Imperial Guard arrives earlier (historically, they arrived after this phase of the campaign was over; if this succeeds they will show up fairly late in the day)

Imperial Guard:  (NOT USED)

4 stands Guard Infantry (4+), 4 stands Guard cavalry (4+), 1 stand Guard Horse Artillery (6#, 4+). Can only arrive if that option is chosen.

Dice (D10) for arrival 2 PM 1; 2:30 1,2; 3:00 1,2,3; 3:30 1,2,3,4; 4:00 1,2,3,4,5; 4:30 1,2,3,4,5,6

Der K. K. Hauptarmee, Feldmarschal Erzherzog Karl: Charismatic +2  Played by Brian C.

Starting Location: Rohr

1 Sapper and 1 Pontoonier company (Veteran) each to be assigned as desired

1 Armeekorps, GdK Heinrich Graf Bellegarde: Reliable +0   played by Rob P.

Starting Location: (off table in Bohemia, would enter opposite Regensburg)

14 stands Line - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Jagers (rifles) – Veteran 6+

2 stands Freiwilliger – Conscript 8+

4 stands Uhlans – Seasoned 7+

2 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 12# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

3 Armeekorps, FML Friedrich Hohenzollern-Hechingen: Dashing   played by B. G Smith

Starting Location: Rohr

2 stands Kaiser Line – Veteran 6+

8 stands Line – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Grenzer - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Erz. Karl Legion - Conscript 8+

4 stands Hussars – Veteran 6+

3 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# Cavalry Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 12# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

4 Armeekorps, FML Franz Rosenberg: Reliable +0   played by Brandon S.

Starting Location: Langquaid

8 stands Line- Seasoned 7+

4 stands Grenzer – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Jagers (rifles) – Veteran 6+

4 stands Hussars - Veteran 6+

2 stands Chevau-Legers – Elite 5+

2 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# Cavalry Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 12# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

5 Armeekorps, FML Erzherzog Ludwig: Reliable +0    played by Alex O.

Starting Location: Halfway between Pfaffenhausen and Siegendorf

6 stands Line – Seasoned 7+

6 stands Hungarian Line – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Grenzer - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Vienna Volunteers – Conscript 8+

2 stands Hussars - Veteran 6+

2 stands Uhlans – Seasoned 7+

2 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# Cavalry Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 12# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

6 Armeekorps, FML Johann Hiller: Dashing +1    played by Russ L. 

Starting Location: Mooseburg

2 stands IR Deutschmeister – Veteran 6+

6 stands Line - Seasoned 7+

8 stands Line Hungarian - Seasoned 7+

2 stands Vienna Volunteers - Conscript 8+

2 stands Grenzer – Seasoned 7+

2 stands Chevau-Legers) - Elite 5+

4 stands Hussars – Veteran 6+

3 x 6# Foot Battery - Veteran 7+

1 x 6# Cavalry Battery - Veteran 7+

1 x 12# Foot Battery - Veteran 7+

1st Reservekorps, GdK Johannes Liechtenstein: Dashing +1   played by Frank N.

Starting Location: Pfeffenhausen

6 stands Grenadiers - Elite 5+

6 stands Cuirassiers - Elite 5+

1 x 6# Horse Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

2nd Reservekorps, FML Kienmayer: Reliable +0   played by C-in-C, Brian C. 

Starting location: Landshut

4 stands Grenadiers – Elite 5+

2 stands Cuirassiers – Elite 5+

2 stands Dragoons – Veteran 6+

1 x 6# Horse Battery - Seasoned 7+

1 x 6# Foot Battery - Seasoned 7+

Possible Reinforcements: (1hour earlier for delayed attack, 1 hour later for early attack

11 AM 2 Vienna Volunteers, 2 Erzherzog Karl Legion (Conscript, 8+) (16 pts)

12 Noon 4 Landwehr (Militia 9+) (12 pts)

1 PM 4 Grenzer (Seasoned 7+) (20 pts)

2 PM 4 Landwehr (Militia 9+) (12 pts)

3 PM 4 Landwehr (Militia 9+) (12 pts)

4 PM 2 Jager (Veteran 5+) (12 pts)

Commands: 7 (? 8) plus Karl

Infantry: 492 points

8 Conscript @ 4 pts = 32 pts

66 Seasoned @ 5 pts = 330 pts

10 Veteran @ 6 pts = 60 pts

10 Elite @ 7 pts = 70 pts

Cavalry: 234 points

6 Seasoned @ 6 points = 36 pts

16 Veteran @ 7 pts = 102 pts

12 Elite @ 8 pts = 96 pts

Artillery (All Veteran): 220 points

20 x 6# @ 8 pts = 160 pts

5 x 12# @ 8 pts = 60 pts

TOTAL: 946points

Austrian Options

Change Axis of attack

Attack earlier

Attack later

Where Reinforcements will start

Player's Campaign Map

GM's Master Table Map

Marshal Lefebvre's Bavarians started near Neustadt on Table N.

Hiller's Austrian 6th Corps near Mooseburg.

The 2nd Austrian Reserve Corps started at Landshut on Table L. 

Marshal Oudinot's  II Corps deployed between Mainburg and Au on Table A

The 2 commands of Marshal Massena's IV Corps stationed near Pfaffenhofen (NOT to be confused with Pfaffenhausen!)

General Vandamme's Wurttenberg Corps at Ingolstadt, Marshal Lannes' ad hoc Corps near Vohburg, and the Emperor near Ingolstadt. 

The 2 commands of Marshal Davout's III Corps around Regensburg. 

Liechtenstein's 1st Austrian Reserve Corps under Liechtenstein, and   Erzherzog Ludwig's 5th Austrian Corps near Pfaffenhausen (not to be confused with Pfaffenhofen!) and Siegendorf. 

FML Hohenzollern's 3rd Austrian Corps with C-in-C Erzherzog Karl bear Rohr, and FML Rosenberg's 4th Austrian Corps near Langquaid. 

Map of starting positions of the various commands


  1. One of the favorite parts of one of my favorite campaigns. Look great, Peter!

    1. Mine too, of course. Great minds, and all that, Jon! :-)

  2. A lot of work in setting these up, especially after having to battle holiday traffic to get there. It all looks terrific.

    1. The traffic wasn't too bad Saturday AM, or even Saturday PM, but Friday night was!

  3. Looking great already! Looking forward to the narrative!

  4. Wow! That's an impressive amount of great looking tables. Sounds like there was a fair amount of participants in spite of the holiday traffic.

    1. Thanks, Dean, We have been working on upgrading the table presentations over the course of the 10+ events we've run now.

  5. So starts another extravaganza. Tables are set nicely. I know that the troops are well done.

    1. Thanks, Joe. The action will commence with the next post. A number of players have already submitted their write ups. too!

  6. Thanks very much for all the work that has gone into this post. Looking forward to things developing.

    1. Glad you found it of interest; Norm; working on o part 2. I have a number of player write ups already as well.

  7. It is such a wonderful concept and the picture of the venue with tables as far as the eye can see is truly awe-inspiring, Peter! Great work as always in setting all this up - really looking forward to reading through the various AAR's that eventuate.

  8. Very impressive looking tables, great organisation!
    Best Iain

    1. This would be impossible to do without much help, chiefly co-GN Mark T and the irreplaceable James S! We have a couplie of guys who might be interested in designing next year's event!
