
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

3rd Quarter Satistics


July 2023
Staples (more Really Useful Boxes) $117.73, Prestige Radiance playing cards (2 decks each red, black, and white, for TTS/FK&P) $84, Historicon meals $175, Historicon Room $320, Gas $60, Historicon Purchases $130  HCon Total $685; month total $871.58

August 2023
Reaper Bones  $68.96 (plastic fantasy monsters potentially for grandsons to paint), King's Wild Cards $54.90; month total $123.86

September 2022
Staples (still more Really Useful Boxes w/ coupon) $71

3rd Quarter Total:   $ 1,116 

Historicon expenses always make July a big month; notice how little was spent of figures, though!  


July 2023
Duchy of Warsaw Horse Artillery 70 points

August 2023
18 Refurb Knights 90 pts, 9 Refurb Medieval Sergeants 45 points, Vintage Medievals (counted as 20 mm) 56 foot 112 points, Refurb 28mm  Italian Wars Crossbowmen 30 points, Wars of the Roses Foot Command stands x 4 = 40 points; month total 317 points

September 2023
72 Bavarian Line Infantry 360 points

3rd Quarter Total:  747 points


July 2023
Snappy Nappy 1812 campaign in Northern Russia: Mark 2, Ottomans vs Albanians with TTS!, A Passage to India x 2 (Alexander vs Porus, TtS!), Northampton (ToR WotR), Wachau 1813 (Battle Command)

August 2023 2023

September 2023

3rd Quarter Totals: 6 games (all in person)


  1. You certainly seem to be investing in a lot of storage capacity via Staples. Peter (a customer of mine in NZ, by the way, well, kind of - used to be Staples, but was sold off to a local company and had a name change!)
    The other expenses seem fair enough - going to a show with accommodation and food etc is bound to pile on some extra costs!
    Painting totals are good - number o games could do with a bit of a bump if it was me, but 6 may be enough for you?

    1. If you paint them, you have to have someplace to put them, right? I also need enough additional capacity to transport all those troops to Historicon, etc.

      Gaming is usually little over the summer except Historicon. Most of the September gaming time was devoted to preparation for the big Campaign in a Day event in October (and most of October's to the write ups for same). I still work about 60 hours a week, so that'd a constraint on hobby time, but good for finances! Next game is scheduled in about 2 weeks! :-) Were it not for Lucas' Kickstarters, figure expenditures would be very low. As it is, not so much. :-)

    2. Still a far cry from the twice a year gaming schedule in the old days.

  2. Always impressed by your organisation and candour :-)

    1. LOL! I'm sure I miss something here and there, Gary!

  3. I find there is nothing more satisfying than filling a storage box with completed troops. Your purchases also reminds me I need some new playing cards for what I hope will be my first game of FK&P early next year.

    1. Yes, that's the final phase of buy - prep - paint - base - enter the collection! FK&P is pretty easy to learn once you "get" the activations concept. Just don't forget the Pursuit rules and the morale test for units adjacent to a destroyed friendly unit, both of which I do all the time!

  4. Yes, I've been getting file boxes ago go! Moderate spend apart from the big event and you must have been super busy prepping for your latest snappy nappy campaign and I am reminded to buy some Napoleonic cards for Valour and Fortitude!
    Best Iain

    1. Most of my Napoleonic Collection is still housed in clear rigid (and breakable) plastic shoeboxes; back in the day (50 years ago), they were less than $1 on sale, and had different colored lids, which were great for color coding by army!

  5. I always enjoy these post of yours showing the accounting side of the hobby. Here's a link to another source for RUBs. I'm not affiliated with them but have used them a few times with good results. GoVets is the name.

    1. Hi Dan; glad you enjoy them. Checked it out - they have pretty good bulk prices!
