
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Bavarian Commanders


The uniform of Bavarian Generals is pretty immediately recognizable. It was instituted in 1799 to replace the much disliked earlier Rumsford uniform designs.

The coats were conflower blue with red facings on the cuffs, collar, lapels, and turnbacks. White pants were worn, although later in the era, some officers adopted cornflower blue pants instead, especially for field wear. 

The collars, cuffs, and lapels were all heavily decorated with silver lace in a palm leaf pattern. As with all Bavarian officers, a sash of silver mixed with cornflower blue was worn about the waist. 

The officers shabraques were red with heavy silver lace borders. These are once again Piano Wargames figures by Lucas Luber; the figure on the left is meant to represent General Bernhard Erasmus von Deroy, and on the right we have General Carl Philpp von Wrede, accompanied by an infantry officer. 


  1. Once more, quite superb figures and lovely painting, your Bavarian army is a real joy to see.

  2. Lovely commanders...and bases, great job!

  3. Smashing figures and wonderful paint job Peter.

  4. Great work Peter. Are you getting close to completing your Bavarian army now?

    1. Thank you, Lawrence. t is done, aside from the hoped for addition of a regiment of Chevauxlegers and perhaps a bit more Artillery in the next kickstarter.

  5. Outstanding figures once again,Peter....your Bavarian force must be quite substantial now?

    1. Thanks, Keith. Yes. the Piano figures stand at 4 line units, 1 Light infantry, the dragoons, artillery, limber and command. I already have at least that that much from decades old figures (Foundry infantry, Minifigs cavalry and artillery, Front Rank command).

  6. Beautiful looking figures Peter

  7. More great work Peter. I like the Piano figures very much but the shipping costs to Australia make them very expensive.

    1. First, you can buy the files for 3d printing at any scale (not something that I do, but...). Second, the Kickstarters have a flat shipping charge, 25 Euros. Lucas will even allow you to add sets from previous KS. With the amounts that I have purchased from KS events, that's about 5% of the order - cheap nowadays!

  8. Barry could have done with these in your recent game; would have improved his die rolls, for sure!
    Regards, James

    1. LOL, he had to make due with the earlier command figures!
