
Saturday, March 16, 2024

HAVOC, recent and soon to come!

     If anyone is wondering why things have been a bit quiet here the past week or more, it has been a combination of returning form a vacation, major upheavals at my work place, and then a hard drive failure on my home computer. Fortunately, I was planning on replacing the aging computer soon anyway, but unfortunately, many files were lost in the process, especially including the many Rawkins uniform e-books and other wargames related files. The new computer should be set up by this evening, and I'll have to see if anything can be done about file recovery. 

That's the bad havoc; the good HAVOC is the upcoming Battle Group Boston convention, which will be held Friday April 5th through Sunday April 7th, 2024, at the Best Western in Marlborough, Massachusetts. This is the same site as last year, and I felt it was a big improvement. Being onsite at a hotel is a big plus for a GM (it is roughly a 2.5 hour drive from my home), and the convention rate is quite reasonable; I will be staying over on Saturday night. Doing so also helps keep the cost of the event down for the organizers (they need certain number of nights for discounted use of the facilities). I will be running three games this year (see events listing below), and am in the process of getting it all organized and packed up well in advance. On line registration ends in just a week, on March 23, but registration "at the door" is also allowed. 

I'll be running three games there this year (cleverly highlighted with blue text), and my friend Mark T will be running two games (highlighted with red text). 

Havoc Events

Time Slot: Friday, 7:30pm-11:30pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
101 Wars of Ozz Battle - Learn to Play Wars of Ozz
 Wars of Ozz 28mm Black Powder Fantasy Mark A. Morin  
Description:Take part in this big battle set in the horse & musket/black powder fantasy world of Ozz. This is definitely not Kansas anymore. Various factions, including Munchkins, Winkies, Gillikins, Impkins, Quadlings and others will fight for victory in this fast-paced and easy-to-learn fun game. Beginners as well as experienced players are both very welcome. Rules will be taught. Players are invited to bring their own 25-point brigades of official Wars of Ozz figures if they have them or they can use one of the several brigades that we will have available for play. Players under 13 only with a playing adult. 
102 Pouppeville
 Fireball Forward  15mm WW2 Peter Lowitt  
Description:Control the exit from Utah Beach. Elements of the 101st versus 919 grenadier regiment of the 709Infantry Division. Learn the rules and enjoy the card activation system.  
103 Battle of Kolin, 18th June 1757
 Twilight of The Soldier Kings 15mm Seven Years War Christopher Parker  
Description:An Austrian relief force under the Austrian commander Daun as marching on the Prussian siege of Prague. Frederick the Great moves to black the Austrians from raising the siege. 
104 Probe at Ste Hellene
 Chain of Command 20mm World War 2 James Harms  
Description:The Canadians are advancing to seize the hamlet of Ste. Hellene to press their advantage to expand their foothold on the Normandy coast in late June 1944, A KG from the 232 ID is trying to race to prevent it.  
105 Terrain Navy Push, The Battle of Liawak Station
 Starfire n/a Future space combat Gregg Belevick  
Description:The Terrain Navy has broken through the Khante Navy's lines and are heading to the system stronghold of Liawak. If the station there should fall to the Terrain Navy, the Khante forces will lose their supply base in that sector. If that happens the insult to the Khan's navy would be to great to bear and may have to sue for peace with the talking monkeys.
Starfire is one of the oldest board/minis games ever printed being able to trace its beginning to the 1970s. it was written as a space battle game for fast easy to learn simple space battles. Rules are easily taught under 10 minutes. 

Time Slot: Saturday, All Day 9:00am-11:30pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
201 ADLG Open Tournament
 12 L'Art de la Guerre 15mm Ancients and Medievals Tucker Saglio  
Description:L'Art de la Guerre is a popular ruleset for ancient and medieval battles. This is an open-period tournament (all armies allowed) for 15mm-scale, 200-AP armies. There will be three 3-hour rounds and a lunch break, running from 9 AM to 7 PM. Beginners welcome. Loaner armies will be available. 

Time Slot: Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
202 Cheatham's Hill
 Fire and Fury - Regimental version 15mm ACW Jim Makuc  
Description:Cheatham's Hill July 1th 1864. The Union is advancing on Atlanta, but the Confederates keeping falling back and entrenching. Can the Union Army get past the Kennesaw Mountain defenses by assualting Cheatam's Hill? General Thomas and The Union commanders must press the attack at all cost, but can they take the Dead Angle? 
203 Wars of Ozz Battle - Learn to Play Wars of Ozz
 Wars of Ozz 28mm Black Powder Fantasy Mark A. Morin  
Description:Take part in this big battle set in the horse & musket/black powder fantasy world of Ozz. This is definitely not Kansas anymore. Various factions, including Munchkins, Winkies, Gillikins, Impkins, Quadlings and others will fight for victory in this fast-paced and easy-to-learn fun game. Beginners as well as experienced players are both very welcome. Rules will be taught. Players are invited to bring their own 25-point brigades of official Wars of Ozz figures if they have them or they can use one of the several brigades that we will have available for play. Players under 13 only with a playing adult. 
204 Battle of Five Armies
 Battle Masters Advanced Epic Lord of The Rings Christopher Parker  
Description:Battle between the forces and evil from the book "The Hobbit". Elves, Men, Dwarves, Orcs and who knows who else. Rules are modified. 
205 STALINGRAD Deluxe, One table, two battles.
 Fireball Forward 1/72,20mm  WW2  Mike Sammarco, Joe Celia; Chris Bonni   
Description:STALINGRAD Deluxe, One table, two battles.
Date: 21 September 1942, 1300 hours;

THE NAIL FACTORY: Location: Central Stalingrad, east of Railroad Station #1
Lt. Dragan, and the shattered remnants of the 1st Battalion crossed the Station’s plaza to a block of buildings containing a nail factory. Organizing a defensive position, Dragan settled in to continue resisting the fascist’s advance.

UNIVERMAG: Location: Central Stalingrad, Red Square
Lt. Dragan’s 1st Battalion of the 42nd Regiment fought desperately to hold on to the Nail Factory. Not a block away across Red Square the Battalion’s Headquarters occupied the Univermag Department Store. The Germans pushed towards Red Square.

Both battles will be run using one card deck, players can chose which battle they want to fight in depended on the number of payers to sign up. Player are encouraged to join us of two gaming sessions and try each battle.
206 VSF: Clash of Flesh & Steel
 Damned Human Race 28mm Victorian Science Fiction Gabriel Landowski  
Description:The race to claim the various moons of Saturn is on! Join the battle to claim and hold the various natural and native resources of the moon Titan before your opponents steal it all! 
207 Moby-Dick; or, the Whale game
 John Rigley’s Moby-Dick 15mm 1840s Thomas Ballou  
Description:“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.” Cried Ahab, fouled in a running line vanishes beneath the waves. You my brave Nantucket whalers must avenge him! 
208 Valley ambush
 Sword and the flame 28 mm colonial Thomas Anderson  
Description:a patrol of french foreign legion and allied tribesmen are escorting an archeologist through a valley when they are ambushed by native tribes. The legion mist defend the archeologist at all costs. 
209 Kaliningrad Cobra
 Threat Micro-Armor 1:285 Very near future Tim Allen  
Description:Putin attacked Poland so Poland counter-attacked the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The Russian force, armed with T-80s and BMP-3s, goes against a Polish force, armed with USA M-1s and M-2s purchased via Foreign Military Sales. The Poles have prepared the battlefield for a rapid break-through, but the Russians have mobile reserves looking to stop the flow. Both forces have recon and target acquisition capabilities to peer into enemy camouflage and deception, but speed is needed because time is of the essence.
210 Advancing Thru The Fog Near Hill 325
 To The Last Man (modified) 28mm World War 1 Mark T.  
Description:Germany has invaded Belgium to attack France in 1914. It is the day after Lt. Irwin Rommel's 1st recon mission. The French are west of Hill 325 as Rommel's platoon advances on Bleid. Morning fog restricts a figure's visibility, and players have hidden placement as well. (Rules taught, 12 & under ok w/parent, sign up only 1 person.) 

Time Slot: Saturday, 2:00pm-6:00pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
301 An historical Seven Years War Battle.
 Cammand & Colors SYW Variant with Miniatures 15mm Horse and Musket William Greenwald  
Description:C&C is a hex map wargame played with miniatures, using a SYW varient the host wrote, but based off the C&C Napoleonics rules. Additions are; Reaction tests, Battalion Guns, CnC play actions with out cards (Unit activation & Rally), and Bounce through,  
302 Battle of Nancy - WWII
 D-Day to Berlin 12mm WWII Christopher Parker  
Description:Seventh Corps has begun its attempt to capture Nancy. It had only recently recovered from a severe fuel shortage which had caused it to halt on the Meuse River for five days. Kelly's Heroes is alleged to be the recon company from CCA of 4th Armored Armored Division :) 
303 From the Rhine (Confederation) to the Danube, 1809
 Battle Command 28 mm Napoleonic Peter Anderson  
Description:This fictional engagement imagines that, in the aftermath of the Battle of Eckmuhl, the Emperor creates an ad hoc Corps composed of troops from Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Baden, and Hessen-Darmstadt, and places his German speaking ADC, General Jean Rapp, in command, with orders to defeat Austrian General Hiller. Rules taught, can email me for advance copy of QRS Gonsalvo AT aol DOT com. 
304 Heavy Meeting Engagement – Wars of Ozz
 Wars of Ozz 28mm Black Powder Fantasy Mark A. Morin  
Description:Several allied brigades from the sides of good and evil are coming to blows of the open plains of the world of Ozz! Of course, who is good and who is evil is in the eye of the beholder! Both side’s forces are equal in strength, but are their commanders? That’s up to the players! This battle will be a fast-paced one using the easy-to-learn fun game of Wars of Ozz. Various factions, including Munchkins, Winkies, Gillikins, Impkins, Quadlings and others will fight for victory and glory. Beginners are very welcome. Rules will be taught. All miniatures/brigades will be provided for play. Players under 13 only with a playing adult. 
305 Get your hands off my cattle!
 Dead Man's Hand 25mm Old west James Harms  
Description:This town "isn't big enough for the two of us" declared Col. Barnes. His associates aim to drive out the homesteader association of New Jerusalem. Who will prevail.  
306 STALINGRAD Deluxe, One table, two battles.
 Fireball Forward 1/72,20mm  WW2  Mike Sammarco, Joe Celia; Chris Bonni   
Description:STALINGRAD Deluxe, One table, two battles.
Date: 21 September 1942, 1300 hours;

THE NAIL FACTORY: Location: Central Stalingrad, east of Railroad Station #1
Lt. Dragan, and the shattered remnants of the 1st Battalion crossed the Station’s plaza to a block of buildings containing a nail factory. Organizing a defensive position, Dragan settled in to continue resisting the fascist’s advance.

UNIVERMAG: Location: Central Stalingrad, Red Square
Lt. Dragan’s 1st Battalion of the 42nd Regiment fought desperately to hold on to the Nail Factory. Not a block away across Red Square the Battalion’s Headquarters occupied the Univermag Department Store. The Germans pushed towards Red Square.

Both battles will be run using one card deck, players can chose which battle they want to fight in depended on the number of payers to sign up. Player are encouraged to join us of two gaming sessions and try each battle.
307 The Great Swamp Fight 1675
 Wicked Modified Gaslight 28mm King Philip’s War 1675 David Soucy  
Description:It’s December 1675 and the United Colonies (Massachusetts, Connecticut and Plimouth have issued an ultimatum to the Narragansett’s: join us or you will be our enemy. Neutrality is no longer an option. The United Colonies along with some native allies trudge through snow and darkness to arrive at a fort the Narragansett had built in the midst of a cedar “swamp”. English colonist find the fort well constructed with a palisade, block houses and lots of traps. Lead the English as a militia captain or a professional like Captain Mosely or Benjamin Church. Or defend your homes and families as braves and sachems. Rules are a “wicked modified” version of the excellent Gaslight rules. Easy, quick and bloody.  
308 Trilaterum Multiplayer Game
 Trilaterum Miniatures 15mm SCIFI Timothy Colonna  
Description:Take command of a Trilaterum army to lay siege to the trenchworks and take control of the research lab.

A wide selection of painted 15mm armies from the Trilaterum range will be available for players to use. 
309 VSF: ConfedeRats on the Rise!
 Damned Human Race 28mm Victorian Science Fiction Gabriel Landowski  
Description:The Terran CSA Rebels have taken to the stars and made an unholy alliance with the rat men of Jupiter! Now both set out to take what they can by right of might! Can a fledgling alliance of Terran European powers and a motley collection of local natives turn the tide? 
310 Army Navy Game
 Check Your 6! 1:300 WWII Guadalcanal  Thomas Anderson  
Description:After delivering valuable maintenance personnel and equipment to the Cactus Air Force the USS William Ward Barrows runs aground off Tulagi. John Smith leads his F4Fs in a CAP mission to protect Barrows until it can be refloated. Until then it is a sitting duck. Pursuit Squadron 61 adds its P-400s to the mission. Then a large formation of Zeros screams in on a fighter sweep. 
311 Kaliningrad Cobra
 Threat Micro-Armor 1:285 Very near future Tim Allen  
Description:Putin attacked Poland so Poland counter-attacked the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The Russian force, armed with T-80s and BMP-3s, goes against a Polish force, armed with USA M-1s and M-2s purchased via Foreign Military Sales. The Poles have prepared the battlefield for a rapid break-through, but the Russians have mobile reserves looking to stop the flow. Both forces have recon and target acquisition capabilities to peer into enemy camouflage and deception, but speed is needed because time is of the essence.

Time Slot: Saturday, 7:30pm-11:30pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
401 Autodualing in Aakron
 20 Car Wars  Future Bob Yates  
Description:The Aakron autoduel arena is one of the most well-known locations for epic autodueling action. A large multi-level arena, it has something for every style of driver. Newly added turntables and rollers add to the excitement. Come and show off your driving and shooting skills!

The arena and cars were created by the late Jeff Lyczak, this event continues to be run in his honor. 
402 Galley Ho!
 Galleys and Galleons (modified) by Ganesha games 15 mm ships Renaissance Naval Peter Anderson  
Description:Two squadrons of Galleys, one Venetian and one Ottoman, clash in the Adriatic Sea circa 1500. Canon fire, small arms fire, boarding actions, and ramming all come into play. Rules are easily learned.  
403 Heavy Meeting Engagement – Wars of Ozz
 Wars of Ozz 28mm Black Powder Fantasy Mark A. Morin  
Description:Several allied brigades from the sides of good and evil are coming to blows of the open plains of the world of Ozz! Of course, who is good and who is evil is in the eye of the beholder! Both side’s forces are equal in strength, but are their commanders? That’s up to the players! This battle will be a fast-paced one using the easy-to-learn fun game of Wars of Ozz. Various factions, including Munchkins, Winkies, Gillikins, Impkins, Quadlings and others will fight for victory and glory. Beginners are very welcome. Rules will be taught. All miniatures/brigades will be provided for play. Players under 13 only with a playing adult. 
404 Arctic Convoy
 Axis & Allies - War at Sea 1:1800 WWII Daniel Eustace  
Description:1942 - the Allies attempt to push a convoy of Lend Lease materiel through the frigid waters of the Barents Sea to the northern Russian ports of Archangel & Murmansk. The convoy and their escorts are opposed by both the Luftwaffe and the U-boats and surface raiders of the Kriegsmarine. 
405 Battle of Cape Esperasnce
 Nimitz or Battle stations 1/2400 WW2 John Magnifico  
Description:October 11, 1942
Patrolling the entrance to iron Bottom sound. Rear Admiral Norman Scott unexpectedly found an Enemy fleet to the north east of his position.  
406 Horrifird
 Horrified board game 28mm classic movie monsters Rodney Fernald  
Description:Can you defeat Dracula, Frankenstein? )don/t even mention his Bride, gets him mad). Classic movie monsters run amok, players take spots of movie characters and co-operate to beat the monsters.  
407 Bare Bones Western
 High Noon 25mm American Wild West Leo A Walsh  
Description:A crazy un-natural Western game. A memorial game for Maurice Holmes, coauthor of High Noon. Easy to learn fast playing game. 
408 A Surprise At Mussey-La-Ville
 To The Last Man (modified) 28mm World War 1 Mark T.  
Description:Soon after pushing past Hill 325, Lt. Irwin Rommel rapidly advances with his scouting group, reaching Mussey-La-Ville ahead of his platoon. The fog limits vision, and the French are caught relaxing. Can the Germans attack fast enough, before the French stop them in their boots? (Rules taught, 12 & under ok with parent, sign up only 1 person.) 
409 Kaliningrad Reprise
 Threat Micro-Armor 1:285 Very near future Tim Allen  
Description:The day after Kaliningrad Cobra, the Russian forces throw everything they have at the Polish spearhead. It's the ultimate in a "target=rich environment."  

Time Slot: Sunday, 10:00am-4:00pm

Event #TableMax PlayersRules SystemScaleEraGM(s)Mask Required?
501 Battle of Tewkesbury, May the 4th, 1471
 Test of Resolve: Wars of the Roses 28 mm Wars of the Roses Peter Anderson  
Description:Yorkist King Edward IV faces a Lancastrian invasion spearheaded by Queen Margaret and her son, Prince Edward. Rules are very period specific, and easily learned. Game should conclude in 3 hours or less.  
502 The Battle for Toto (Wars of Ozz)
 Wars of Ozz 28mm Black Powder Fantasy Mark A. Morin  
Description:The 2 Wicked Witches know that Toto is in a town. Both witches believe that having Toto will bring power & leverage over their enemies. Each witch has 2 brigades each to attack the town & are converging. Will the witches put aside their differences & join forces, or will sibling & tribal rivalries win the day? Will Toto be safe? 
503 The Battle of Proctor's Creek/Drewry's Bluff/Fort Darling
 Altar of Freedom 6mm ACW David Susco  
Description:The beginning of the end of the Bermuda Hundred campaign. Can Butler and the Army of the James rewrite history and threaten Richmond from the east, or will Beauregard bottle him up with the help of the young and old of Richmond. 
504 The Greatest Tank Battle of All Time
 Axis & Allies Miniatures 15mm WWII Daniel Eustace  
Description:12 July 1943 - the Battle of Kursk rages on the eastern front. On the fields outside the Soviet village of Prokhorovka two massive armor forces meet head on. German Tigers & Panzers clash with T-34s of the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army in the largest tank battle in history.  
505 What is Narn for Payback?
 A Call to Arms Star ship Babylon 5 James Okeefe  
Description:The Narns join the fight at Coriana VI seeking payback for their defeat at Gorash. With the Army of Light at their back, they know the Shadows don't stand a chance. The Shadows have other plans. 
506 The Last Dogfight
 Fame or Flames 1/700 WW II Air Combat Gregg Belevick  
Description:September 2, 1945: The morning airstrike against airfields around Tokyo receives word of the Japanese surrender and are ordered to return to their carriers immediately. A group of Japanese die-hards who refuse to accept the surrender order attacks them on their way back. This was the final aerial combat of WW II. 


  1. Losing files from computer failure is a terrible result to endure. Hopefully, you have back-ups or some of the files can be restored. I may have a couple of the Rawkins pdfs if those cannot be replaced. Good luck returning life back to normal.

  2. A hard drive crash is never fun. I must remember to back mine up. That looks like quite good list of events, but I was a bit disappointed you highlighted yours in blue as I was preparing myself to have fun spotting them in the list (although your name next to them is also a giveaway). The renaissance galley battle would have been an easy starter. I'll look forward to more lovely AARs.

  3. Sorry to hear about your computer Peter, if you have not backed up your files it is somewhat of a disaster. I use Arconis backup to a dedicated hard drive but have never had to actually test it in an emergency so I hope it will work in an emergency.

    Have fun at Havoc!

    1. My work computers always had back up; that data was irreplaceable. Everything of importance on my personal computer is gaming related, so lots I will miss but nothing critical. We'll see!

  4. Ouch on the computer crashed drive. The problem may be reduced if you can collect some of the Rawkins files from others. Which were you using?
    Have fun at Havoc, always a personal favorite mine.

    1. HAVOC is a nice, small convention. Almost reminds me of the earliest MFCA wargames conventions I attended in PA; I think I attended the last one at the Armory, with Dick Bryant, Leo Cronin, and Arnold Hendricks all present!

  5. Computers woes are always annoying

  6. Peter, there are those who have suffered a hard disc failure and those who are about to. I hope that you have now purchased several back-up discs (or pad for some cloud service). I have at least four full back ups and a few partial ones so as to feel some sort of comfort, but they could all go up in a puff of smoke if we had a major fire...
    Regards, James

    1. Yeah, I took the MS cloud back up for $2/month. I hope to try the file recovery device tomorrow.

  7. Oh no, how annoying! Let me know if you need a hand with the Rawkins Peter.

    1. Thanks, Mark! We'll see if the file recovery works. If they were still available I'd just buy them again for the price!
